Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 3801: Why is virtue important in the world

Liu Yu sighed softly: "This means, do you think the great family will abide by the so-called virtue, which is the set of rules that have been passed down for thousands of years, so it is best to keep it unchanged?"

Wang Miaoyin raised her eyebrows lightly: "It's not called change either, Lord Xiang and I, and my mother all think that change will become decadent and must be changed, but it's not your kind of indiscriminate, suddenly Just change a group of low-level civilians and completely replace these noble families, royal family members and nobles. This will only cause great turmoil. Without the aristocratic family to stabilize the situation above, the world will inevitably be in chaos. You are the Sun Enluxun who does not fight. The change of style is purely a power grab at the bottom, and you didn’t even make a rule for this sort of power grab at the bottom.”

Liu Yu said solemnly: "Because of merit, you will be awarded a title, and you will be awarded an official position by virtue of the title. There are national laws that restrict the behavior of someone who has gained wealth and honor. If someone becomes an official and brings disaster to the world, then they should be dealt with according to the national law. Isn't this a rule?"

Wang Miaoyin shook her head: "This rule of yours is nothing but your own naive ideal, in fact you can't do it, just like what Mu Zhi said just now, most people join the army and become officials for the sake of wealth and for themselves. Gaining profits. It is not easy to be able to benefit the country and the people while benefiting from our own interests. What we can do is to make some changes to the existing system and mobilize those who are willing to make progress. The enthusiasm of people gives them hope, so that they can be beneficial to the country and the people when they are fighting for wealth."

"Brother Yu, you must understand that it doesn't mean that if you engage in education, martial arts, and even land distribution that benefit the whole world, they will be grateful to you and the country, and they will be willing to be as noble as you, and their life is only for the Northern Expedition. Great cause of service. They will be grateful for a few days when they first get the benefits, but soon they will want more. When they have nothing, they just want to be fed and clothed. You can't change basic human nature."

Having said that, Wang Miaoyin's eyes flashed coldly, she stepped forward and looked directly into Liu Yu's eyes: "You asked me what virtue is, then I'll say it again, the so-called virtue means respect has been proven to work. The rules that are effective and can make the world stable are generally accepted behaviors in the world. It doesn't mean that you are noble and can use your set to ask everyone. If you can't guarantee that your set will replace the original set, If it won't cause chaos in the world, then these ideals of yours should not be carried out by excessive means, you can only pursue them slowly."

Liu Yu sighed. From the bottom of his heart, he was reluctant to accept Wang Miaoyin's statement, but he also understood that even the great man of later generations should instill the idea of ​​everyone being equal and turning over to be the master into everyone in the country. It also requires a lifetime of struggle.

Even after the country was established and the power was in his hands, the great man had to constantly launch all kinds of large-scale social unrest to implement these ideas, realize re-revolution, etc. It can be seen that this is not an easy task.

As great as that person, he also made some mistakes because of it, and there are still criticisms to this day. It can be seen that this kind of change of customs and habits is not an overnight thing. If it is really used by some careerists in the process, they carry the banner against the big ones. Flags, only for their own self-interest, to seize the power of the world, that is terrible.

Thinking of this, Liu Yu said: "So, you think, you should still maintain the model of the aristocratic family, but first let the aristocratic family exchange blood, and let the self-motivated people hold the power of the aristocratic family or become a new family. At the same time, popularize education, open up people's wisdom, and let more civilians have hope and room for improvement, right?"

Wang Miaoyin and Liu Muzhi looked at each other, nodded, and said, "Yes, this is Lord Xianggong, and that's what my mother has always wanted to do. Keep the aristocratic family still in power, at most the original Jiangnan family and the emerging Beijing family. The eight brothers are united to become a new family, and according to the standard you mentioned, they will occupy the main rank, land, and population, that is, they will hold the power of the country."

"National affairs are gradually discussed by these noble people, and they are slowly expanded. In the future, more territory will be recovered, and more and more scholars at the bottom and civilians who join the army will be awarded honors because of their merits. Come, it not only guarantees the basic interests of the existing family and the Jingba brothers, but also enables you to realize your ideals and buy time and opportunities."

"Brother Yu, you have to understand that Mu Zhi and I are by no means the opposite of you, but we also don't want to be the opposite of the children of the aristocratic family, the children of the aristocratic family who wait to die and don't want to make progress, we also think we should be eliminated, but you If you want to eliminate all the aristocratic families soon, it will only push the forces that could have been united against you, and Dajin will definitely split again."

"By that time, all your ideas will be impossible to realize. Because in the eyes of the world, you will only become a person like Wang Mang, even if you are on your side, someone who can help you win an apparent victory, It must also be imagined that you have seized power. When you grow old or die, you will definitely die, and it will never be possible to realize your ideal kingdom of heaven.”

Wang Miaoyin spoke with sincerity, her eyes shone with light, and tears were almost shed. It could be seen that these words came from her heart and sincerity. Liu Yu's heart was touched for a while, and he said: "Miaoyin~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Fatty, I know that you are doing it for my own good. In fact, you may not agree with my thoughts for so many years. After all, you are already children of an aristocratic family. Those who benefit from this system, I want revolution, reform, to put it bluntly, it will hurt you the most. But even so, you have always supported me. "

Liu Muzhi sighed: "Miaoyin and I, as well as my wife, Lord Xianggong, Xuanshuai and these people, although we are children of aristocratic families, we are also most aware of the weaknesses of the aristocratic family. In fact, we can't be like ordinary nobles from aristocratic families. In that way, thinking of forever monopolizing the power of the world for the sake of our descendants, and harming the country and the people, we, like you, also think that when the power is in hand, it can benefit the common people."

"But Jiu, don't be too hasty about everything, what Miaoyin just said is good, the word "virtue" represents the inherent rules and the general understanding of the world. interests, and even allow them to benefit, so that they can support you.”

"On the one hand, you can't do without their support now, and on the other hand, you can't guarantee the new people you support. Whether the new forces can abide by the rules you set, it is not appropriate to make big moves for the time being, and it is better to proceed gradually. The interests of Wu Di's aristocratic family , you can't move, even in the six counties in Jiangbei, you have to give enough benefits, so that the heart of the family can be settled."

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