Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 3808: Liu Yi's comrades are destined

Liu Yu sighed: "Miaoyin, to be honest, I know Xile's ambitions, and I know that he has always wanted to take the upper-level route, make friends with aristocratic families, and even the Sima clan you said is not impossible to join forces with him. However, I am now I don't want to take the initiative to attack him just because of this possibility, this is against morality, and it is not my Liu Yu's principle of life."

Wang Miaoyin's face flashed a hint of urgency, but she still tried to control her tone and said, "Brother Yu, I know that you are a noble person, and you also pay attention to morality and brotherhood, but you must know that not all People are like you, and they are grateful."

"Liu Yi, thanks to these people, you have given enough favors, but they still see your position and power. They want to seize the opportunity whenever they have a chance. As for the Sima clan, not to mention, even Dajin's Jiangshan is a You have helped them recover, and it is said that they are the ones who should be most grateful, even if you take the initiative to cede to you now, but what did Sima Dewen do?"

Having said that, Wang Miaoyin took a deep breath: "The Sima Clan in the Central Plains and the Murong Clan in Guanwai are the most typical white-eyed wolves who only have incomparable greed and desire for power, no matter how high or low their ability is, no matter what the situation is. , will not forget to fight for power and profit, this is probably the mark flowing in their blood, the curse that Murong Lan said is the most suitable for the two families."

"Now Sima Dewen's possibility of regaining power by relying on his own clan has almost disappeared, so he will definitely look for help from outside, and Liu Yi and Xie Hun are the only help. One can be in the Beifu army. Partially confronting you, a person who is also considered the number one person in the aristocratic family, and is full of the desire for power, who wants to soar into the sky and dominate the power alone, it is inevitable that they will come together."

"Brother Yu, you have to know that Sima Dewen has a name, and Xie Cun is popular, but they have been crushing us all the time, because they lack the most important thing in this era, that is military power. No With the support of the army, these princes and nobles can't make a big wave. Even my mother and I can always make the Xie family become the leader of the family and become your ally. In the final analysis, it is because you restore the position of the first person after the Jin Dynasty. If you can't hold back Liu Yi, then Xie Bun and Sima Dewen will climb on my mother's head. All the systems you have established and all the ideals you carry can only be abandoned halfway."

Having said that, Wang Miaoyin's expression was extremely serious, and she stepped forward and looked Liu Yu directly in the eyes: "If you feel that it is against the morality to attack Liu Yi, then find a way to seize his military power and prevent him from making contributions. opportunity, but never attempt to give him the position of prime minister."

"I have said this just now, and I will let them open the first layer of our chain of suppression, that is, let Xie Hun break out of the aristocratic family first. My mother can only be forced to give the head of the Xie family to Xie Hun and follow up. A large number of aristocratic families will fall to Xie Hun, and the post-war measures we discussed just now will not be implemented."

"Conversely, these noble families will provide Liu Yi with a lot of manpower and material resources to help him build his career. At that time, you may not be able to suppress Liu Yi."

"Once Liu Yi is in charge of the army, or can be said to be able to divide the Beifu equally with you, Sima Dewen will definitely take back the jade seal here, and then the final power of the central government will no longer exist. Ji slave, at that point, I don't think they will be merciful to our subordinates, thinking of brotherhood."

Liu Muzhi also said: "Ji Nu, what Miao Yin said is very correct, think about it, Liu Yi was ordered by Liu Laozhi to kill you, if it wasn't for your luck, he would have died long ago. Wuzhuang, every time I persuade you to guard against Liu Yi over the years, you blame me for provoking your brotherhood, and what kind of brotherhood do you want to talk about for those who want your life?"

"When you were first in Jingkou, you and him couldn't talk about a brother. They were always just competing heroes. When you joined the Beifu army, you fought more than cooperated. He robbed you of military merit and plotted to take your life. I don't understand, why do you keep taking him as a brother?"

Liu Yu sighed: "Mu Zhi, Miao Yin, over the years, we have quarreled countless times over this matter, but we just couldn't reach an agreement. We can even temporarily reconcile this fundamental difference between the family and the world. Yi's attitude is not good. I thought that you are smart people, but now I know that you are not like Liu Yi, after all, you did not live and die with me and fight side by side, so the feeling of both competition and support, that kind of The meaning of fellow robes is incomprehensible."

Liu Muzhi shook his head: "I have also been in the army, and I also eat in a pot with you, and even now, Miaoyin is a comrade-in-arms who has killed thieves by your side, why do you only take Liu Yi as a life and death brother, but not us As your kind? Just because he joined the army with you? Just because he fought more battles with you than us? The kind given to comrades-in-arms, but in Wuzhuang, how did Liu Yi do it?"

Liu Yu sighed and said calmly, "Mu Zhi, that's why my understanding is different from yours. What happened in Wuzhuang was done by Liu Yi under Liu Laozhi's order. In the army, the superior's order should be stronger than that. Pure comrades-in-arms feelings, if he lets me go or reports to me, that would be against the order, and that would be the greatest betrayal of the love of his comrades. Do you understand?"

Liu Muzhi's eyes widened: "What? You actually think this way? Ji Nu, aren't you too pedantic? Liu Laozhi is not worthy of being your coach, and he also knows this, he did it out of jealousy. If you want to hurt you, what kind of military order are you saying?"

Liu Yu shook his head: "Liu Lao's harm to me is another matter. Whether this order is correct or not is up to the coach, but as a soldier who executes it, there is no room for questioning, and it is impossible to refuse to execute it. He is a smart person. He has always known to protect himself and to doubt whether what others ask him to do is worth it. However, this does not work in the military. There is only one thing in the military, and that is military orders. Gotta do it right!"

Speaking of this, Liu Yu stood up, pointed to the battlefield and the city wall in the darkness ahead, and said, "Just like today's battle, in order to win, I knew that I would kill many soldiers, but I still let them charge. , Going to siege the city, and even many times, it is to test the reality of the enemy's formation, deliberately exchanging the lives of the brothers, putting themselves in the shoes, can these soldiers say that these orders let us go to death, and I refuse to implement them?!"

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