Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 3821: Shocking 1 kneeling and resentment clear

Speaking of this, she raised her head, her eyes were calm and determined, as if she was a Bodhisattva who had seen all the disputes in the world and was fully enlightened, and in her eyes, she was so determined that she had already done it. In the face of everything, whether it was honor or preparation for death, he just stared straight at two miles away, standing high on the handsome platform.

After the power separation, Wang Miaoyin's eyes shone brightly, and she was unpredictable. Her hands were sometimes clenched into pink fists, and sometimes they were spread out, which also indicated the change of his mood. The people who planned it all stared with bated breath, and even the soldiers on both sides, holding the arms of the weapon, sweated from the palms of their palms. Listening to this style, it seems that everything has variables, and this variable depends entirely on Wang Miaoyin's thoughts.

Wang Miaoyin's red lips parted lightly, and her beautiful voice sounded in everyone's ears again: "Princess Murong, since you are here to invite sins to surrender, then seeing this palace is like seeing the emperor of Dajin, why not? How about kneeling?"

Under the handsome stage, Xiang Mi couldn't help but say: "What, what is this? Forcing the sister-in-law to kneel and give in?"

Liu Jingxuan frowned slightly, and said in a low voice, "Tie Niu, keep your voice down, be careful to ask Queen Wang to trouble you."

Xiang Mi gritted his teeth and lowered his voice: "Isn't it obvious that you want to overwhelm someone, the surrender ceremony is not over yet, these are the people of Yan country, not the people of Jin Dynasty, if it is Murong Chao who came out to surrender with the jade seal of Yan country , it doesn't matter if you kneel, but Princess Lan is here to plead guilty and ask for peace, and asking her to kneel as a woman has nothing to do with state affairs, it's purely to bow her head to Queen Wang and her own."

Sun Chu's brows were furrowed, and he said softly, "Sister-in-law is such a strong and proud person. It's too much to humiliate her so blatantly. Is Queen Wang trying to break the ceremony and start another war?"

Liu Jingxuan's expression was serious, he unconsciously clenched the vajra in his hand, and said in a low voice, "Brothers, get ready.

Xiang Mi sighed: "How to fight? If you are the first to fight, don't you have to hurt the sister-in-law?! It's absolutely impossible. When the time comes, I will rush to protect the sister-in-law. You must restrain the brothers, or you will even kill me!"

Liu Jingxuan couldn't help being moved, and patted Xiang Mi on the shoulder: "Brother Tie Niu, you really care about love and righteousness. If it really comes to this time, we have to protect Alan and **** her back to the city, as for other things. , I can't handle that much, let the slaves handle it."

Amidst the private discussions of people like Liu Jingxuan, Xiang Mi, and Sun Chu, Murong Lan raised her head, looked at the three people with different expressions on the stage, and said, "Master Liu, may I ask this is your order? , or what the Queen means?"

Liu Yu's expression was solemn, he stood up, and said, "This commander has made it very clear just now that this ceremony is a matter between the two countries. As a general, I lead the troops to fight, but the defense of the battle and the ceremony are not the same. It is the arrangement of the emperor of Dajin. If the emperor is not here today, the queen will go to war with the seal, it will represent the emperor of Dajin, and what she said is the order of the emperor of Dajin. Princess Murong, please think about it before you accept it. ."

Murong Lan nodded: "I understand, if you don't accept these demands from Queen Wang, all the agreements we made before will not be able to be implemented. This peace agreement will also be broken, and the war will start again, right?"

Liu Yu frowned deeply and did not speak, while Wang Miaoyin, who was in front of him, said calmly, "Princess Murong, please understand that this ceremony is for the sake of tearing up the peace treaty for you, robbing you, and finally killing it cruelly. It was held by more than 2,000 Jin people."

"Now you are indeed not the people of Dajin, you only count after you submit to your submission. According to the etiquette, you don't need to kneel to the emperor of Dajin. However, since the same number of people of the Yan Kingdom have been selected to go out of the city to hand over people, it is atonement. Let the hair fall, if you don’t even accept my order, what is it called to let the hair fall? And let me be a great Jin soldier, how can you trust the sincerity of your country’s surrender?”

Murong Lan's voice was not too high, but it showed a strong sense: "We, the Xianbei people of the Murong clan, are the favored sons of the heavens, our heads can be cut off, and our integrity cannot be insulted. We would rather die standing than live on our knees. It’s not that you can’t kneel and worship others, but kneeling on the ancestors in the sky, kneeling down on the mountains and rivers, and kneeling on the monarchs and leaders in the middle, there is absolutely no reason to kneel down to powerful enemies, please understand this point.”

Behind Murong Lan, the more than 2,000 people in prison uniforms, as well as the tens of thousands of Nanyan soldiers and civilians behind them shouted in unison, "Don't kneel, don't kneel, don't kneel!"

The corner of Wang Miaoyin's mouth twitched lightly, and was about to speak, but she saw Murong Lan suddenly lifted the skirt of her prisoner uniform, and took the initiative to kneel on her knees, even more so, she kowtowed three times in a row, and she was shocked. In the sound of shouting and uproar~www.wuxiaspot.com~ When she got up again, her beautiful face had become disgraced, and even on her forehead, her skin was rubbed, and blood stains were rubbed out, like a piece of Perfect artwork, such as the wall of Heshi, has some flaws, which makes people feel sad.

Even Wang Miaoyin's eyes widened. She did not expect that Murong Lan would act like this. There was a surprise in her voice: "Princess Murong, you are..."

Murong Lan said loudly: "Our descendants of the Murong Clan have clear grievances and grievances. We will repay our kindness and revenge, and vice versa. This kneeling is not to kneel down on you, the Emperor of Jin, or to kneel on behalf of the Emperor of Jin. Empress, but kneeling down on those innocent people of Jin who died. In any case, it was we Yan who killed their lives and caused the war, killing countless soldiers of the two countries, and ruining the lives of the two countries. Here, I Murong Lan, kneel down on them, worship them, represent Dayan, apologize to them, and be willing to pay any price to apologise to them!"

Following Murong Lan, the two thousand old and weak women and children in prison uniforms also knelt down in unison. Then, nearly 100,000 Xianbei people in this outer city knelt down silently. Even those Nanyan sergeants who were maintaining order with weapons in their hands knelt down one after another. Even the armored cavalry riding on the horses, from Murong Town and below, all had tears in their eyes. Pressing their chests and bowing their heads in salute, at this moment, everyone thought of their tragic fate over the past year, as well as their relatives and friends lost in this war.

Amidst the cries, Murong Lan's voice sounded: "Empress Wang, what else do you want us to do?"

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