Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 3858: Soul control and magic

Liu Yu sighed softly and said, "Murong Chui, it is precisely because you have been high above the world for too long, and you have such thoughts as you treat the people and your officials like dogs and sheep. There is an old saying in the Central Plains, if you want to If everyone treats me, I will treat them like everyone else. If you treat me like a countryman, I will repay them with a countryman! Human hearts are full of flesh, and you usually just treat the people as cattle, sheep, dogs and horses, except that you want them to pay taxes. How can they expect their allegiance at a critical time when they go to war?"

Murong Chui sneered and said, "I have treated many people as state officials. Those Han people in Qingzhou are powerful and powerful. Which of them didn't I give high-ranking officials a lot of money, but how did they treat me? Seeing that Dayan's situation was not good, he immediately I surrendered to you. Liu Yu, don’t be too complacent, even if you give them high-ranking officials, they will also betray you if the situation is unfavorable. Isn’t that what they did last time on the Northern Expedition?”

Liu Yu shook his head: "I said it was only good for these powerful clans? What I said was to be kind to all the people. The powerful clans could not depend on the state, and they could still live well if they changed their masters, but what about ordinary people? ? Those who leave the protection of the state and give your army any slaughter, and their lives are at risk, do they have such a choice to rebel against impermanence?"

Murong Chui's expression changed slightly, unable to respond.

Liu Yu sternly said: "The existence of the state is to protect everyone, so that everyone has the opportunity and hope of development, not a few people who rule and enslave the people forever. Most people have no hope from generation to generation. Able to be a cow or a horse. Humans are the spirit of all things in the world. No matter how humble a person is, once they have the opportunity to learn and master the culture and martial arts, they can make a career and contribute to the development of the country. No matter how strong the elite is , the number is also limited, no matter how inconspicuous the commoners are, the number is huge, and the power and wealth created by a huge number of ordinary people must be far more than a few elites, you should understand this truth."

Murong Chui's eyes glittered, and he fell into deep thought again.

Liu Yu looked at Murong Chui, and his voice became more and more high: "Just like you and I are both leaders of troops, you should also know that if you want to attack the land and plunder the land, the more troops, the better. Abandoning hundreds of thousands of ordinary infantrymen and civilians, they can also make contributions that armored and cavalry cannot. Serve the country wholeheartedly, then such a country will decline and perish sooner or later, and your own failure is the best proof of this truth.”

Murong Chui gritted his teeth: "I just lost to you. If it is an ordinary Jin person, if I change the coach, I ask myself that I can easily defeat them."

Liu Yudan said: "You didn't lose to me, but to more and stronger Han people in Jin. Maybe in your eyes, they are vulnerable and not worth mentioning, but I tell you, Accumulated, the number of our Han people is far more than your Xianbei people. As long as we can unite everyone and twist them into a single rope, this Central Plains is not something you Xianbei people can run rampant. Anyone who wants to sit on the throne wants to be in power, so even fathers, sons and brothers will kill each other, and the country will only become weaker and weaker. , this is the way to subjugate the country, not the curse of the holy tree."

Murong Chui froze on the spot and muttered to himself, "Could it be that I always thought wrong? Could it be that what you said was right?"

Liu Yu breathed a sigh of relief, and said coldly: "What's the use of right and wrong now? Even if you are willing to wake up, I can't forgive you. Your country, together with your ambitions, are all over. , Alan also killed you, if you still have any sense of guilt, just commit suicide to atone for your sins, and I can keep the last bit of dignity for you."

Murong Chui smiled miserably: "You don't have to worry about this, I have no intention of living, but, let me say again, Alan was definitely not killed by me, as I said just now, I understand the conversation between you and me yesterday. You are a person from the later generations who came through, there is absolutely no way to think about hurting you with an ordinary crossbow gun, and there is someone else who does this!"

Liu Yu frowned: "Don't argue, even Alan knows that you have a soul-controlling method to control Murong Chao. You did it!"

Murong Chui sighed, "Does Alan know that you are a descendant of the future, that you are a demigod, and that ordinary weapons can't hurt you?"

Liu Yu's heart moved, he really ignored this, remembering that when Murong Lan was dying, he only revealed this secret for many years, and at this time, Murong Lan stopped talking about Murong Chui's death, just He insisted on ascending the throne himself, establishing a dynasty, and even accepting He Lanmin as his wife and concubine.

Liu Yu looked at Murong Chui and said solemnly, "Who else could it be if you weren't? Could there be someone else who can control Murong Chao? I see how you can deal with this!"

Murong Chui looked at Liu Yu motionless: "What do you think I can do to control Murong Chao?"

Liu Yu sneered: "You have countless sorcerers that can make people work for you~www.wuxiaspot.com~ For example, Gongsun Fifth Floor, you have brain tricks on him, such as Mingyue, the same is true, as for the fifth floor of Gongsun. For ordinary subordinates and soldiers, you probably don't want to use brain tricks, but control their family members, give some sweetness after winning battles, and engage in military law after losing. As for Alan and Helanmin, you also have these evil tricks in your body."

Murong Chui sighed: "Most of you are right, for ordinary subordinates, I really don't need to use the method to control me, I just need to use the trick of power, but these people you mentioned, they are my actions. The direct subordinates of the God Venerable of the Tiandao Alliance, that is, the apostles, according to the rules of the Tiandao Alliance, must be controlled by taking Gu since childhood, but don't think about it, why Mingyue has Gu on her body, but I can't control her, Gongsun Fifth Floor, more Is it in this hall, openly wanting to betray me and assassinate me?"

Liu Yu frowned: "What, Gongsun Fifth Floor dared to betray you? You mean, in this hall, you executed him?"

Murong Chui nodded: "About this, you can go back and ask He Lanmin for confirmation. She witnessed the whole incident. However, just like the Gu worm in He Lanmin's body, I can't control it either. The Gu in their body is only a threat to them. Don't betray, or else you will urge Gu worms to break their bodies and send them to die, if you want to control people, you have to use the method of controlling the soul, not the technique of Gu worms!"


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