Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 3864: Facing the Dark Warriors

Liu Yu's face changed: "Fatty, what do you mean, you mean that the real murderer is someone else, and is also related to the Tiandao Alliance?"

Liu Muzhi said sternly: "Yes, Gongsun Ling is at most only out of love and hatred, but driving a woman to destroy a hero like Murong Chui's lifelong struggle, I don't think she has the ability, this skill is too big, too powerful, almost It is designed step by step, killing Murong Chui is only the last step we see, and destroying Murong Chui's entire empire before, let him turn his dream of establishing the Yan Kingdom into pursuing that ten thousand years of peace. There are countless darkness that we can't imagine. This is not something Gongsun Ling can do, and even she is just a **** for others."

Liu Yu's heart sank more and more, and he suddenly realized that Liu Muzhi's analysis might be the closest to the truth. Murong Chui's death meant that he failed to challenge the Tiandao Alliance. Use the plan of Wannian Taiping to overthrow the Tiandao Alliance, or in other words, replace the Tiandao Alliance by yourself, become the unique ruler of the heavens and the world, gain supreme power and eternal life, but never expected it, but it was destroyed. On top of his own frontal attack and the backstab of a small character like Gongsun Ling who he despised.

Wang Miaoyin's voice also became extremely serious: "In this way, if it is really planned by the Tiandao Alliance or some other mysterious organization, it will become a more terrifying enemy than Murong Chui and Hei Pao in the future. The Nian Taiping plan is so important to this faction that it does not hesitate to expose Gongsun Ling, and even if he kills Murong Chui, he must continue to hide it, maybe it will be the key to our defeat of them in the future."

Liu Yu shook his head and said, "Poor Alan, what a wonderful girl, she was ruined by the calculations and battles of these conspirators, I just want to build a world where everyone is equal and there is no more slavery and oppression. , isn't that how they are not tolerated?"

Liu Muzhi sighed: "Slave, the world you want to build must be built on destroying the world that these people want to keep, without oppression and slavery, without thousands of thousands of people treating them as cattle and sheep. The same people who are driven by the same people, how do they become this person?"

Liu Yu's eyes shone brightly. At this moment, he was more certain of the greatness of his career, and he also realized how difficult it is to break an old world and create an ideal new world. There are countless exploitations in the world. Those who hide in the darkness, but control and dominate the world, will become their undead enemies, and then keep those good thoughts, and hope that these irredeemable evil forces will influence and fear on their own. Self-deception, just as the great man of later generations said, all reactionaries, before withdrawing from the stage of history, will frantically hinder the development of new forces and ensure that they will not be replaced. The force of their counterattack is powerful and crazy.

Liu Yu took a deep breath, nodded and said, "I believe more and more that clans like Murong Clan, Hu people like Liu Yuan Xiongnu may have shadows of these mysterious forces behind them, who buy and control these Hu people. The nobles or the upper classes of the Han family use things such as cultivation of immortals and power that surpass human power to lure these people into darkness, and become the servants of these dark forces like Murong Chui, and then lead thousands of people. Ordinary people set off all kinds of disputes and turmoil in this world to achieve their ulterior motives."

"I used to think that the fundamental problem of the world lies in the conflict between Hu and Han, and the chaos since Yongjia lies in the racial vendetta between Han and Hu people. Now, after so many things, my view has changed. The rebellion of the king, this **** battle among the Han people, is probably the work of these conspiracy groups, and even aristocratic organizations like the Mafia are probably manipulated and used by them without knowing it. As for those careerists among the barbarians, such as Liu Yuan, Shi Hu, Murong Chui, and even Fu Jian, who wanted to rule the world and end the war, may have been tempted by these evil organizations. From now on, we must declare war on these invisible enemies until Eliminate them completely and there will be lasting peace."

Having said that, he looked at Wang Miaoyin: "Miaoyin, are you willing to stand on my side this time? This war is cruel and long-lasting, and even our enemies will include your family and close relatives in the future. , will you support me too?"

Wang Miaoyin's eyes gleamed, and finally, she gritted her teeth: "You are right, Brother Yu, these invisible dark forces are also the most terrifying enemies of our aristocratic family, recalling the death of Lord Xianggong, Xuanshuai The death of my father, the death of my father, they are all people who hold the power of the state and the world, and they can be killed like this. In front of them, our Wang family Xie family is like a mustard, we can't even save our own lives. A generation of emperors like Murong Chui are not their opponents, and our aristocratic families in the south of the Yangtze River cannot be alone. I will help you and do my best until the day when you defeat the Tiandao League, or defeat this evil force~www .wuxiaspot.com~ Liu Yu nodded and said secretly: "Miaoyin, in order to achieve this, you can't step down from the queen's position for the time being, Alan's death is not an accident, but a well-planned thing, forcing you to Abdicating and weakening my power and authority is what this organization will do next. We cannot let Alan sacrifice in vain. You will continue to be your queen, and I will marry a new lady to stop the outside world from gossip. "

Wang Miaoyin sighed softly: "Did you decide to go the way of the emperor of the world? This is the right choice. To fight against this evil force, you must first master the power of the world. This is also Alan's dying wish. So, you can't just marry one He Lanmin, you have to marry many women, and give birth to many children for you, the road to the emperor must be like this!"

Liu Yu gritted his teeth: "Since we have decided on this path, we have to do it this way, but this way, you will be wronged, and I am afraid that you will be the queen for a long time, continue to control the emperor in the palace, stop the It was manipulated and controlled by the dark forces, and the terrifying degree of this kind of thing happened, from Murong Chao's perspective this time, I can see it."

Wang Miaoyin nodded: "No matter what, I will hold on to this queen's position until the day you ascend to the throne of Ninety-five. Brother Yu, her sacrifice gave me an epiphany, you are in this world and this era, It belongs to hundreds of millions of people in the world, and should not belong to any woman, I, Wang Miaoyin, will become your lifelong comrade-in-arms and comrade, not just your woman!"

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