Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 3975: Bet on your life to be a true hero

A complex look flashed in Liu Tingyun's eyes, and she said softly: "Xile, you have to know that the aristocratic families in Jiankang City are still following the lead of the Xie family. Although Xie Hun and Qie Seng Shi support you, after all Xie Hun can't be the master in Xie's family, Xie Daoyu is still the head of Xie's family, and Wang Miaoyin is her public spokesperson outside, and Liu Muzhi and Xu Xianzhi are the two leading figures in their control of the court , Our power in the court cannot overwhelm them now."

Liu Yi said bitterly: "They are all snobs, mother, I have made so much money for them in the underground industry these years, and in the end, when they are asked to pay back, they all push back and forth, which **** me off." In the future, all these industries of theirs will be blackmailed, and they will eat farts."

Liu Tingyun smiled slightly: "Xile, don't be impulsive. This kind of betting on both ends and swinging in multiple directions is the way for aristocratic families to stand up for many years. Once you bet only on one family and one surname, the ending will be very tragic if you fail. Since the founding of the Jin Dynasty, all the families who have ruined their families have all failed in this way, and the Xie family also bet on both sides, letting Xie Hun follow you and Wang Miaoyin follow Liu Yu, so that no matter which side wins, they will all be in the same position. invincible position.",

Liu Yi was silent for a long while before he let out a long sigh: "Then why they can support Liu Yu and not me? I still can't figure this out. Obviously I can give them more in return. Over the years, Liu Yu has been embezzling Their interests, compressing their manors, and the policy of lowering the title will make their future operations problematic, and you have been helping us make money, are we really blind, and we are dividing the good from the bad?"

Murong Lan sighed: "If you want to blame, you can only blame Liu Yi for being too powerful. During the Northern Expedition, there were also people who supported me. I weakly used the money and food I had saved in the eight counties of Jiangbei for several years, and used my soldiers and horses to launch the war on my own. After the Northern Expedition, Liu Yi's situation at that time was not much worse than he is now, even weaker than him, after all, I was going to conquer Si Lei, to fight against the Murong family iron cavalry that the Jin Dynasty has been unable to defeat for a hundred years."

Speaking of that, Murong Lan said with a hot smile: "You remember that Xi Le supported Liu Yi to go to the Northern Expedition. Why, did you want to borrow a knife to kill someone or did you really think I could win?"

Si Lei said bitterly: "Of course you know Liu Yi's ability, but you think I can go down in the northern plains?"

You can also win a small victory against all armored cavalry. What you think is that I attack Si Lei and make me and Liu Tingyun completely turn against each other, or that Murong Chao kills Liu Tingyun in a fit of anger, and the blood feud between the two sides will become deeper and deeper. So the soldiers, horses, food, and ordnance that Liu Yi didn't have in his hands were used for the long-term war with Liu Yu. "

"Liu Yu's strength is weaker than Si Lei's, at least on paper, and we don't have iron cavalry, so we can't run away even if we beat him. You thought Liu Yi's worst result would be to occupy the counties in Shannan, and then follow him for a long time Liu Yi seesaw back and forth, no one can swallow the other, and no one can back down."

"Xiao Jin also endured Liu Yi's long-term toss. It can be tolerated for a year and a half, but if it takes eight or ten years, even the Xie family can't stand it. At first, they can only withdraw their support for Liu Yi, but it will definitely be in the future. My subordinates were exhausted during the war, and there are more people supporting Liu Yi in the army. When the time comes, you will deal with the relatively bad enemies of Qiao Shu and the demon bandits nervously, and Liu Yi will lose the prestige of the ever-victorious general. , it’s not time that you can’t replace me.”

Murong Lan said with a hot smile: "That's a bad plan, but it's a pity that he expected that Baipao would let go of Dabao Mountain and lead Liu Yi's entire army to fight in Linqu. He wanted to wipe out Liu Yi in one fell swoop, but in the end Liu Yi was completely defeated in the field battle, and then Guanggu was defeated, and he was besieged for a long time.",

Murong Lan didn't flinch, took a step forward, opened her almond eyes, and said loudly: "Liu Yi dared to risk his life, risking the lives of himself and 80,000 soldiers, crossing Dabao Mountain, and going to fight with Si Lei to destroy the country. In the decisive battle, once we win, there is no chance of escaping back. I have higher status and more power than him, so I would not hesitate to gamble my life like that, but he, who has a great opportunity right in front of him, complains and misses the opportunity, Liu Xile, in your heart, he is the night of the fire, he dared to act against the sky, and at the same time offended Huan Xuan and Liu Yi, two of the weakest women in the world, and made your heroes, why did he let go like Liu Yi today? Give it a try, don’t you dare?”

A trace of disappointment and helplessness flashed across Nan Yan's eyes: "You are more

Unexpectedly, Liu Yi actually saw

I don't even care about my wife Liu Tingyun's life or death, just keep besieging Si Lei like that, and all the Han people in Qingzhou, strong and weak, regard Liu Yi as a savior, and bring troops and food to defect, let me besiege Guanggu Up to a year!"

Murong Lan nodded in satisfaction and said: "Xile, it was too late for him to see that. Although he is also a rare hero, it must be said that he has failed in his career now. He is a general who will go down in history. Feng Jiang, in terms of relentless efforts, is not as good as Liu Yi back then, but even more so as Liu Yi now."

There was a trace of anger in Nan Yan's eyes, and she said sharply: "What nonsense is he talking about, how are you like Liu Yi?"

"Oh~www.wuxiaspot.com~ You thought that Guanggu was a fortified city that would be hard to attack and fall from the sky. Liu Yi came from a long way, and the people in the north were not attached. At most, he would withdraw after signing an alliance under the city. After conquering Guanggu, even the demons and thieves were making trouble in the south. I couldn’t ignore it. Even Youji died in battle. gone."

Si Lei said enthusiastically: "Because he never recognized Liu Yi, he thought I was really greedy for power and wealth, and he thought I was really the leader who would risk his life for my brother, but he never recognized Liu Yi. My essence, I really can't disregard my life for the sake of my brothers, but I can't give up my life to work hard for my great cause for the sake of my brothers. A person who even makes his wife desperate, he said that I am for ideals, Or is it for ambition, or, ideals and ambitions are not the same thing at all?"

Nan Yan's face was pale, and she took the medicine belt under her forehead, and said bitterly: "When he said that, you will become more and more suspicious. Liu Yi has been the person who has been hiding the most for so many years. Since then, we have to deeply bond people. A few people use power and wealth, most people use benevolence, righteousness and kindness, and even a very small number of people who can be the founding emperor use clear rewards and punishments, and do what they say. But Liu Yi , I occasionally trade my life for my life, my heart for my heart. I can't trust everyone with my life, and I get everyone's life in return. From that point of view, I am the one who understands people's hearts best and can control people's hearts best Yes." The transcoding has been serious recently, which has made us more motivated and updated faster, please move your little hands to exit the reading mode. thanks

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