Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 4005: 1 person 3 traitors


A strange look flashed in Heipao's eyes, and he murmured to himself: "Meihuizhou, Meihuizhou, such a familiar name, oh, I remembered, the place where Huanxuan escaped from Jiangling and died , it seems to be this Meihuizhou.”

Zhu Chaoshi was slightly taken aback, then nodded and said: "Yes, he was met by Mao Xiuzhi in Meihuizhou who happened to be going back to Jiankang, and he was beheaded immediately. It's a pity that a generation of false emperors of Huanchu actually behaved like this ending."

The black robe hooked the corners of his mouth: "There seems to be God's will in the dark. I came back, but I didn't come back. It was really a deadly place for a generation of emperors. And this Mao Xiuzhi was escorting his father's coffin back to Jiankang for burial. The old master Huanxuan killed him perfidiously. He thought that he could gain glory and wealth, but he didn't expect that soon, he would suffer retribution. His father, brothers and uncles in Xishu were also defeated by Qiao Zong's rebellion. , Kill them all, it can be said that the retribution is not good, the way of heaven is clear."

Zhu Chaoshi's heart sank more and more. He felt that the black robe seemed to be pointing something. At this time, he couldn't answer.

The black robe looked at Zhu Chaoshi, and said calmly: "General Zhu, you were once a general of Huan Chu, and Huan Xuan also treated you very highly. If you had met Huan Xuan in Meihui Prefecture, how would you choose? "

Zhu Chaoshi gritted his teeth: "I think, if it were me, I wouldn't kill Huan Xuan like Xiuzhi, but would let him go, and go back to my master to confess the crime."

The black robe smiled slightly: "Oh, General Zhu, this is a great disloyalty. Since you have surrendered to Jin and surrendered to your master, then Huan Xuan is your number one enemy. If you let him go, you will be disloyal to the country. Xuanqiong is at the end of the road, even if you let him go, he will inevitably die, so what good will it do you?"

Zhu Chaoshi shook his head: "Although Huan Xuan is the eldest daughter who usurped the country and did great evil, and was abandoned by the people of the world, but he was kind to my Huan family and my Zhu family after all. People know that Huan Xuan is a usurper and traitor, and that's the reason why he works for him. Everyone in the world can kill Huan Xuan, but only our brothers can't do it. When loyalty and righteousness can't have both, this time I choose righteousness, rather than loyalty."

Hei Pao smiled and nodded, "That's really good. Loyalty and righteousness can't be both. Then, General Zhu, I'd like to ask, this time you joined the God Sect, how did you get involved with loyalty?"

Tears glistened in Zhu Chaoshi's eyes, thinking of how he endured the humiliation, risked the world's reputation, and stooped to curry favor with the demons. The experience of more than half a year almost made him feel worse than death. He gritted his teeth and said, "Until I face the death At that moment, I realized that my longing for life and my hope of surviving were more important than my loyalty and integrity. Bearing the infamy of a traitor, I have no other choice but to stay in the God Sect and stay steadfast."

The black robe nodded in satisfaction: "The one who knows the current affairs is Junjie. You are a smart person who knows how to choose. He Wuji died in your hands. You can't have a chance to look back. Liu Daogui is not Huanxuan. He didn't treat you that much." Great kindness, you are not worth sacrificing your bright future in God’s Cult to save a mortal man.”

Zhu Chaoshi's expression froze, and he said in a deep voice, "How could I have any old feelings for Liu Daogui? I even killed He Wuji with my own hands, so I still can't prove my loyalty to the divine religion?"

The smile in the black robe slowly disappeared from his eyes, and his voice was icy cold: "General Zhu, as the special envoy of Lord Lu, I need to remind you that you and I know very well that you have nothing to say about the God religion. It’s not about loyalty, it’s just that there is no way out, and you had no choice at the time. Now that you are in the position of general, and no one around you can restrain you, at this time, I advise you not to have any illusions. Whether or not you can help Liu Daogui in the war will not change the fate of Liu Yi's defeat and the demise of the Jin Kingdom. Just at noon today, the decisive battle between Vice-Chairman Xu and Liu Yi has begun, and the result, you understand."

Zhu Chaoshi's heart sank suddenly, but he beamed with joy on his face: "What, did we win? Have Liu Yi been captured?"

The black robe smiled slightly: "I only received preliminary news. Our army won a big victory, and the Jin army was almost wiped out. With Liu Yi's defeat, no matter whether he is dead or alive, the gateway to Jiankang

It has been opened wide, and Liu Yu's army has not rushed back, and there is no power to stop it.


Zhishenjiao took Jiankang and established a new dynasty. General Zhu, at this time, don't make a choice that you will regret. "

Zhu Chaoshi smiled slightly: "My lord, as you know, I don't have the right to choose. If I really want to talk about choice, I just choose how to fight the war better and be more beautiful. Just like the place name Meihuizhou, I don't have the right to choose either. There is no turning back. Therefore, please help me to wipe out the Huanglong fleet of the Jin army. If Liu Daogui loses the navy, he will no longer have the power to fight back. Whether he can take Jiangling or not is the next thing, Jingzhou It is no longer possible for the Jin army to harass the supplies and waterways at the front of our army.”

The black robe nodded: "Very well, before I leave, I would like to send you another word. When Liu Laozhi was deprived of his official position by Huan Xuan and transferred from the army, he once wanted to make a last-ditch effort and called his subordinates to discuss his plans. He rebelled against Huan, but his closest subordinates told him that the biggest crime in this world, the worst mistake a person should make, is betrayal. Betray Huanxuan again~www.wuxiaspot.com~ One person treacherous three times, why stand between heaven and earth, please forgive us for not being able to follow.”

Zhu Chaoshi gritted his teeth, stared at the black robe, and said, "Your envoy wants to say that I rebelled against Huanchu first, and then Jin. The great rebellious person, even if he dies, he will not be able to atone for his sin, right?"

The black robe said with satisfaction: "You are a smart person, so I don't need to remind you. Liu Laozhi was forced to turn back when he had nowhere to go, but you, unlike him, this time you behaved well, and I will give you all your brilliance. Report all the plans to Leader Lu, and you will also gain the trust of him and fellow brothers. It is no problem to make a success in the Divine Cult in the future. But if you make a wrong step and go to the side of failure, no matter what you have The reason is that there will never be redemption, and even if He Wuji was killed on you, your master is the most loving person, and he will definitely dig out your heart with his own hands to pay homage to He Wuji."

Zhu Chaoshi nodded sternly and said: "Honorable Envoy, thank you for reminding me, I will never let you down, and the leader will never let you down. I made an oath when I joined the God Cult. I will repeat it here. If I, Zhu Chaoshi, betray the God Cult, Teach me to die with my brother, and my soul will not return to my hometown."

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