Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 4133: Confucianism, Taoism and Metaphysics come from the same root

Latest website: Speaking of this, the black robe laughed triumphantly, and continued: "It is because the monk said that he killed too many people in this life, and after committing bad deeds, he will go to Abi Hell. Human slaughter, as long as you can use illusion to give these savages a few such dreams, everyone will believe this, and then you will gradually know that killing people is not good, and there will be retribution!" Yu Yue frowned slightly: "There are no gods and ghosts in this world. All kinds of so-called visions and miracles are just created by pretending to be ghosts. The barbarians on the grassland are simple-minded and easy to deceive. If they are done like this, they will almost certainly want to I was fooled. But Buddhism was very popular in the former Hou Zhao and the present Hou Qin, including the former Qin, so why? Ordinarily, these barbarians didn’t believe in Buddhism before they entered the Central Plains.”

The black robe said calmly: "Hu people rule the roost by force on the grassland, and the strong are kings. They can openly attack, plunder, and kill. Firstly, they have no fixed place to live on the grassland. Secondly, the living conditions are harsh. There is no way to survive in war, and the only way to survive is to fight. Therefore, on the grassland, they believe in primitive religions, worshiping the sun, moon, stars, or ancestor gods. On the grasslands, in those battles in the deep mountains and old forests, once you lose, it may be irreversible, and the tribe will perish." Yu Yue laughed: "So they are like wild beasts, biting each other, their killing skills, The skills of fighting are developed in this way. We Han people in the Central Plains pay attention to benevolence, harmony, and etiquette, not like beasts like them.

The black robe nodded: "Yes, because in the Central Plains Kyushu is mainly farming and settling down, it's not like living on the grasslands with no fixed place, wandering around, killing and setting fires without knowing who did it, so you must consider the consequences, since the Central Plains was unified. , If there are conflicts in normal production, we should try our best to resolve them through negotiation instead of fighting. After all, even if we win the battle, but if we make enemies, it may leave disasters for future generations.”

"Why did the Duke of Zhou establish rituals and laws after the establishment of the Zhou Dynasty, and later Confucius promoted Confucianism as the basic values ​​and moral principles and constraints? It is because thousands of years ago, from the Three Emperors and Five Emperors to the Xia and Shang Dynasties, it was still like the grassland. Tribal melee and endless conquests, the final result is that like the Shang Dynasty, it relied on horrible human sacrifices to establish its prestige, went to other countries to plunder people as sacrifices, and used **** human sacrifices to intimidate other tribes and states. This point, see You can see what Tianshidao is doing now."

Yu Yue nodded: "Yes, so the Zhou Dynasty won the world with benevolence and righteousness, and Zhou Li also abandoned these **** and cruel large-scale human sacrifices. It is also because Zhou people are good at farming, so that everyone can grow five grains for a living. Just wander around and eat as before, so everyone settled down and became neighbors from generation to generation. In this case, harmony is the most important thing to get along with. This is the reason for the appearance of benevolence, righteousness and etiquette. It is also the origin of Confucianism in our Central Plains. It’s just that during the Spring and Autumn Period, a hundred schools of thought contended, and besides Confucianism, there was also Taoism, which emphasizes that Taoism follows nature, and that monarchy and imperial power should not interfere too much with grassroots villages. It is also the origin of our metaphysics.”

The black robe said with a smile: "But whether it is Confucianism or metaphysics, it does not pay attention to the equality of all living beings, but emphasizes the hierarchy. Confucianism Zhouli is to divide the country into different classes, from the king to the slave, and to rule at each level. People are satisfied with their identities, perform their duties, and accept the management and rule of people of a higher class than themselves. The so-called scholars, farmers, businessmen, and businessmen are divided in this way." The gentry became the top rulers, but they emptied the king. Therefore, in fact, your metaphysics and Confucianism are consistent in terms of the gentry having power and ruling the people of the world dominated by peasants. The only difference is that the aristocratic families rule together. It is still centralized and unified rule by the emperor.”

Yu Yue raised her brows: "The basis of our Taoist theory is to go back to the ancient times, when there were many ministries and their own destiny. At that time, there were no emperors. The so-called Three Emperors and Five Emperors were only recognized by everyone. If anyone wants to start a war and harm the world, all the ministries of the world will fight it together. In this way, there will be no army, and there will be no war. Isn’t it the state of the Utopia? It’s just that later People's hearts are not ancient, greed is insatiable, and there are all kinds of disputes and conflicts, big and small, which makes power more and more concentrated

In the hands of the military leader, he became the head of a tribe, unlike before, relying on virtuous people to rule by virtue instead of rule. "

The black robe said coldly: "This is the deceitfulness of your sophistry. It is true that a virtuous person can convince the public. But the question is, is the son of a virtuous person necessarily virtuous? Do you have the same ability to convince everyone like your father and grandfather? What you want ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is that power can be hereditary and can be passed on to your children and grandchildren. On the one hand, you don’t need the monarchy to manage and rule you, but on the other hand, you want your own children and grandchildren to be hereditary Don’t you think this kind of power among the tribe is too hypocritical?”

Yu Yue sighed. He knew that he could not challenge the black robe on this issue, so he said: "We will discuss this matter later. In fact, Confucianism was only respecting the co-lord in name like Zhou Tianzi at the beginning, but after the establishment of the Han Dynasty, Qin Shihuang The great unification invented the emperor system, and truly ruled the world with a single husband. Only then did we have the right to kill and kill everyone in the world. Slowly formed and established, although it was officially established in the Jin Dynasty, some predecessor organizations already existed before.”

The black robe laughed: "I know better than you how the Black Hand Universe came to be, so you don't need to tell me these things, you and Confucianism are actually the same thing in essence, you both want to invent a theory so that you can use it from generation to generation." In a dominant position, it’s just that the ruler is an emperor or a family, whether this power is concentrated in the central government, concentrated in the court, or divided and ruled by your gentry in various places, with villages and townships as units. Your views are different. Essentially, It’s all just the model of the gentry ruling the farmers, industry, and merchants. Oh, yes, there are slaves besides these four types of people, and there are a lot of them. The so-called harsh punishments and forcing people into slavery, that’s it. .”


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