Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 4137: 6 Paths of Reincarnation

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The black robe smiled slightly: "To decipher the equality of everyone, we must use the equality of all living beings, and this is the core law of Buddhism."

A look of inconceivable surprise flashed across Yu Yue's face: "All beings are equal? ​​What is this?"

The black robe said calmly: "All living beings are equal, that is, all living things in the world, whether it is gods, Buddhas, demons, ghosts, birds, fish, flowers, trees, all have life, as long as they are alive, That is, all are equal, which is the so-called reincarnation of the six realms.

Yu Yue nodded thoughtfully and said, "I've heard of this before. The Six Paths not only have the ways of gods and immortals, but also the ways of humans and ghosts, as well as the ways of animals. Buddhists pay attention to reincarnation. They may be humans in this life, and animals in the next life. The so-called six realms of reincarnation, right?

The black robe smiled slightly: "It seems that Yugong still has some research on the six realms of reincarnation, but Buddhism talks about the six realms of sentient beings, all beings are equal, this is a level higher than everyone's equality, or in other words, there are secret tricks behind it .”

Yu Yue laughed: "Yes, it is said that all living beings are equal, but everyone wants to become a **** and Buddha, and if they can't, they also want to become ghosts and demons. They have powerful power. If they can't, they can only be human. The way of the beast is the cattle, sheep and ants that are slaughtered by others. If it is not good enough, it will end up as flowers and plants, that is, it will be eaten by the beasts and they will not even be able to scream. It is so miserable."

The black robe nodded: "Yes, so if after reincarnation, the sins are serious and cannot be washed away, then you can't become a god, you can't become a demon, you can't even be a human anymore, you can only be a beast or a flower. This is Buddhism is used to frighten the world and persuade them not to do evil, but to accumulate virtue and do good. After all, no one knows what will happen after death, and they cannot deny it, but everyone is afraid of doing too much evil and going to **** after death. Not to mention suffering, but also to reincarnate into animals and flowers and plants. This is the equality of all beings. It is not so much equality as it is a hierarchy to the extreme. Evil is rewarded for evil, and good is rewarded for good.

Before the time comes, when the time comes, everything will be reported. "

Yu Yue raised the corners of her lips disapprovingly: "It's just some deceptive words. The Buddhists say that they can't prove that there is no after death, but I can also let him prove that there is hell, reincarnation, and reincarnation after death. Is there such a thing, he can't get it out, it's just using people, especially those ordinary people, the fear of the ignorant people, to make up something to punish the good and punish the evil, if the Buddha is really so merciful , is really so capable, why are there so many wicked people running rampant and domineering in this world, while honest and good people are often as humble as ants?"

The black robe smiled slightly: "Yugong is considering the problem from the standpoint of your Taoists. You only see one, but not the other. Let me continue with your last sentence. The wicked are rampant and domineering, isn't it?" It is because of retribution in this life, but because of doing good deeds in the previous life and getting blessings, so we can enjoy blessings in this life. Go to **** and suffer torture to redeem your sins, and then reincarnate as animals or flowers and plants to be slaughtered, and then go to cultivate blessings."

Yu Yue hooked the corners of her lips in disdain: "Hmph, according to this, if you are bullied and slaughtered by others in this life, that is to accumulate virtue and practice? It means that you can enjoy blessings in the next life? Then what kind of person is it? Grass, if you feed it to the sheep, wouldn't it mean that you will be rewarded in the next life?

The black robe smiled and waved his hands: "That's not good, the cultivation level is not enough, and the food is too little, that's not enough for the blessings of being a human being, so sometimes it takes several lifetimes to cultivate the fate of being a human being and being a rich person." Just like you, Yu Gong, according to the theory of Buddhism, you are born with good fortune, and you are still the head of a high-ranking family. I am afraid that you have to practice the animal way and the flower way for dozens of generations before you can practice in this life. fate."

Yu Yue sneered and said: "I believe in him as a ghost. He has practiced for dozens of lives and suffered for dozens of lives. He is eaten by people and eaten by animals. Then I still say that being a talent in this life is suffering. I have to suffer all day long." Calculating this and guarding against that, and now I have to squat in the grass with you to discuss mysteries for the survival of the family and the inheritance of the organization, then can I cultivate a fairy way, stay away from the world, and stop worrying!"

The black robe said calmly: "So, this is the power of Buddhism. All living beings in the world have troubles. Ordinary people work hard for their livelihood.

People who are rich and honored, like you, Yugong, also have your sufferings

Therefore, it is said that all living beings are suffering. In this secular world, it is necessary to accumulate virtue and cultivate karma, so that you can achieve positive results in the future and escape from the sea of ​​suffering. What is this? This is hope. In Buddhism, all living beings are equal, and the theory of the Six Paths of Reincarnation, in fact, what really attracts people behind it is this, hope. "

Yu Yue murmured to herself: "Hope, hope? Is it that suffering in this life is a blessing, that is, accumulating virtue and doing good deeds, and then there is hope to escape from the sea of ​​suffering?"

The black robe nodded: "Yes~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I told you just now, if you become an animal way or a flower way, you will be killed or eaten by animals as soon as you come out. Small, suffering and misery, and not much good fortune, but as a human being, it is different. Human life is very long. If you have power, you can do a lot of meritorious deeds, such as resuscitating those who are about to die. Constructing water conservancy projects will benefit all the people, stopping wars and truces will benefit the common people, that is a great blessing. Of course, the greatest blessings must be worshiping the Buddha and spreading the Dharma, respecting the Buddha, and building temples. This is boundless merit. Even in this life, you can get good rewards.”

Speaking of this, the black robe laughed: "Just like Yao Xing, the leader of the Qin Dynasty, his father Yao Chang was a vile tyrant who committed all kinds of crimes. It stands to reason that he should have died 10,000 times, but he can be regarded as the founding father of the country." My lord, according to Buddhism, these barbarian countries in the north were built by ferocious tigers and wolves, and they have karma, so they should perish in a few lifetimes to pay for their karma.”

"However, the Hou Qin survived because Yao Xing was a benevolent person who accumulated good deeds, and the most important thing was to respect Buddhism. He invited Kumarajiva to preach the Dharma, so the Buddha would also bless him to turn defeat into victory and fight against the Buddha. Retire Hu Xia's tiger and wolf. Conversely, before He Lianbo was able to defeat Hou Qin several times and kill soldiers and civilians, it was Hou Qin's repayment for Yao Chang's crimes when he seized the throne. You see, almost everyone in Hou Qin now believes this statement. Doubt, otherwise, why would Hou Qin send troops to help Da Jin this time?"

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