Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 4223: open daylight

Xu Xianzhi was a little surprised, and looked at Xie Daoyun: "Ma'am, what do you mean, that the underhand Qiankun went to the front of the stage and made it public to the world?

Xie Daoyun said indifferently: "Yes, I thought that such an organization could be set up to represent the interests of noble families or gentry, just like the Beijing Eighth Party. In fact, I have been paying attention to this organization. I have to say that in recent years, the Beijing The Big Three model of the eight parties, as well as the military leader model, the ordinary soldiers directly elect the military leader, and then the major military leaders elect the Big Three. Wouldn't it be better to discuss matters in a dignified manner?

Meng Chang frowned slightly: "However, things in the military don't need too much balance of interests, and they don't involve too much national policy. It can be done like this. After all, the leader of the army needs to gain the morale and prestige of the army, but normal governance is very difficult. It’s hard to do this, especially the aristocratic family organization, if such an organization appears openly, and everything is put on the surface, I’m afraid many things cannot be discussed.”

Xie Daowen smiled slightly: "The things you said can't be discussed are nothing more than the distribution of power by these organizations, the arrangement of official positions by this organization, and even marriages and information exchanges. Isn't it just trying to turn the power of the country into Do you have dozens or hundreds of families, and then privately hand it over to control the power of the world?"

Meng Chang's face blushed slightly, and he stopped talking. Xie Daoyun said seriously: "I think that the general trend in the future will make it impossible for aristocratic families to continue to divide up power in private. When encountering a tyrannical tyrant who harms the country and the people, and the normal family organization and the Beijing Eighth Party cannot be controlled, then consider going underground to fight against it.”

Liu Yu breathed a sigh of relief, and said: "Madam understands righteousness deeply, and Xiao Yu deeply admires it. If the leaders of the world's aristocratic families have your kindness, why do you need to do these things and force changes?

Xie Daozou nodded: "You have lofty ideals, and what you have done has indeed benefited all people, giving people a way out and hope, but what they said before was not bad, and it may not be a day or night for your ideas to be deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. It may take several generations of subtle influence before people can accept such a change in rules. Just like metaphysics, it was not mainstream in the time of Cao Wei, but because of Cao Cao's heavy punishment of names, he slaughtered scholars at will, causing people Only when people are in danger, there will be the kind of seclusion that does not cooperate with the emperor, and the emergence of sages, and their unrestrained and straightforward personalities are the beginning of metaphysics.

Meng Chang said sternly: "Yes, it's a pity that those people in the past were truly free by nature, but now many people pretend to be astonishing, but they are just deliberately showing that they are different. Compared with their predecessors, they are completely different. cloud mud!

Xie Daoyun smiled and said: "Isn't this mainly because of their lack of ability? There is nothing in their stomachs. If they really want to do it for him, they can't fulfill their duties. Think about Mikang in the Seven Shows of the Bamboo Forest, Ruan Ji Once they accept the imperial edict, they will be able to write beautiful articles and formal imperial edicts immediately, but how many of our descendants of aristocratic families who pretend to be weird have this ability?

Xu Xianzhi laughed: "The fat man ran to the side of the official road every day when he was young, lay down under the tree showing his big belly, and said that he was out to dry books, ma'am, do you think this kind of behavior is pretending to be weird?

Xie Daoyun smiled slightly: "Mu Zhi's behavior is indeed weird, but he is really talented, but he hasn't made it for a long time. If he didn't do this, he probably wouldn't be attracted by Mr. Jiang and accepted as his quick son-in-law. In fact, It's not like no one has used this trick before. Wang Xizhi once exposed his belly when choosing a son-in-law, and finally became the quick son-in-law of the Du family. Mu Zhi's move was nothing more than imitating his predecessors.

Liu Yu hooked the corners of his mouth: "I think, if everyone has the opportunity to receive education, there will be a fair system to select talents, and there will be a chance to stand out by their own talents, then there is no need to do such weird things. Show your own reputation. In the final analysis, this kind of thing is still because the upper-level official positions and opportunities to get ahead are monopolized by the aristocratic family, so the overall system needs to be reformed. Even if the aristocratic family is to be retained, it is impossible to just let Relying on the merits of their predecessors, their descendants occupied most of the official positions and titles, and did not give talents like Fatty the chance to stand out.

Speaking of this, Liu Yu looked at Meng Tan: "Yan Da, you know that if it wasn't because of the former Qin Nan invasion,

If it wasn't for the battle between fat and water, if it wasn't for the national crisis, even the Xie family would not have given us a chance to stand out. This kind of rule must be reversed.

Meng Chang nodded: "Okay, we've talked so much, I've already told you all about the underworld, what Madam said, we can make our organization public in the future, and become an organization like Jingba. An organization like the Brotherhood that can be put on the table to discuss matters. But these are things for the future. Our priority now is to repel the possible attacks of the demons and Qiang thieves. It's just the two of us here, just doing our job.

Liu Yu looked at Xu Xianzhi: "Xianzhi~www.wuxiaspot.com~ During this time, if I only entrust Tao Yuanming to you to take care of him, and don't allow him to contact anyone, nor allow him to have any chance to go out, Can you do it?"

Xu Xianzhi frowned slightly: "Isn't that equivalent to imprisoning him in disguise? What's the reason?

"Just because of his secret relationship, Qin Liuyu said coldly: National Teacher, passing on the request of the enemy who insulted my Great Jin Empress is enough to send him to prison. Since he is also a famous person in the world, I will not make this matter public. Instead, he was taken into custody secretly, and a decision on how to deal with him was made after the war. What do you think?

Xu Xianzhi nodded: "There is no problem with this. There is indeed a big suspicion on Tao Yuanming, and it will take a lot of time to find out slowly, especially his relationship with Xi Le. When Xi Le can come back, maybe Provides many additional clues.

Liu Yu said sternly: "Well, before you take him into custody, I want to have a private chat with this person. Time is running out. Please perform your duties and do your job well. If there are any resources in the underworld , can be used in this war, please don't hesitate to make a contribution to the country first, I promise, after winning, the compensation will be doubled. Moreover, I promise, I will never ban the black hand after the victory, but everyone Let's think of a formal organization where the aristocratic family can speak out and defend their interests.

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