Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 4227: Talk about Yin Huanyuan in detail

Liu Yu's eyes flashed coldly: "Tao Yuanming, do you know why I have to talk to you alone? You know, just relying on your relationship with the black hand Qiankun who has been wanted for a long time, I can arrest you now." Give it to Wei Ting, and let you explain it in another place.

Tao Yuanming smiled slightly: "When did I join the Black Hand Universe? Yes, Emperor Xiaowu issued an order to announce that the Black Hand Universe is an anti-thief organization, and all members need to be arrested, but I am not, I am just guarding with the Black Hand Universe Well, Bai Hu Wang Po has some personal friends, or he can be regarded as half of my teacher.

I also didn't know his identity until about a month before he was killed by Yin Zhongkan. He asked me to take over the position of guardian of the black hand universe and revive the organization with him. I didn't agree, but he was After Yin Zhongkan was killed, out of my friendship with him, I avenged him!"

"Before he died, Yin Zhongkan gave me the guard token of the mafia in order to save his life, and I gave it to Liu Yi. That's how it happened. You don't need to find Ting Wei, I can tell you straight , If these are guilty, you can punish me according to the law of the country.

Liu Yu said coldly: "Isn't it a crime to know that there are illegal organizations clearly defined by the state and not report them?

Tao Yuanming said calmly: "If it is said that you have violated the national law and you have to report if you are charged with a crime, then when you were defined as living in a foreign country by the national law at that time, when you treasoned and surrendered to the enemy, was it your fellow countrymen, the old man in the Beifu army? Brother should also report you, and tie you up and send you to the police?

Liu Yu laughed: "Tao Yuanming, you are very good at exonerating me. I have to say that your eloquence is really good, and you are also smart enough in matters related to the Mafia, so you can do it well. Well, I can't take this Let me punish you, otherwise I will say that I have two sets of standards and laws for people and people. However, I am still very interested to know why you didn't listen to Wang Xun and join the mafia?

You know, even the fallen black hand Qiankun is still very attractive, like Meng Chang, Xu Xianzhi, and even Yu Yue are all available at the beck and call, don't you be tempted?

Tao Yuanming shook his head: "Of course I don't care about my heart, because what the mafia wants is power, and what it wants is power over the imperial power. In essence, it still wants to be superior by oppressing and enslaving the people, but I want The ideal world that I live in is that there is no official government, no imperial court, everyone works consciously, and every family can support themselves with dignity without bowing to anyone. I am against not only the emperor, but also aristocratic families. How can I possibly organize such an organization? Will you actively join?

Liu Yu hooked the corners of his mouth: "But you just scolded me for breaking thousands of years of rules and affecting the interests of noble families, but what you said is even more outrageous than what I am doing now. Let the country and the government disappear. How do you explain this? If you want to be the governor of Jingzhou, it’s not just because you want to re-live the official addiction of your ancestors, right?

Tao Yuanming smiled slightly: "You can use the power in your hands to experiment with crazy and unrealistic things, can't I? Anyway, Jingzhou is also the former residence of my Tao family for generations, and I have lived here for thousands of years. The relatives and relatives of the tribe are all over the land of Jingxiang. If there is no forcible oppression of them by the government, it may not be impossible to realize a beautiful world like Taohuayuan.

Having said that, Tao Yuanming paused for a moment: "As for foreign countries, the Hulu invasion and the like, isn't there Yongzhou in the north blocking it? After the south is pacified, Jingzhou can be considered as the hinterland. You can try such an ideal heaven. Of course. , I can start with my clansmen, let them return to the mountains without occupying the good land outside, and build up farmland, reclaim wasteland and self-government. Is it true that the government and the court want to pay this little tax?

Liu Yu said coldly: "What you said sounds good, but I wouldn't believe it even if I beat him to death. You want to be the governor of a place like Jingzhou just to keep your people from paying taxes. You single-handedly reorganized the Mafia Such large-scale writings have a relationship with the Later Qin Dynasty. These are large-scale writings that can determine the fate of the family and the country, and they are far from the work of a celebrity poet who does not care about world affairs. Tao Yuanming, you deceived Yin Zhongkan at that time, causing this country to be almost destroyed. The great villain who has conquered the underworld is desperate, how did he do it?

"This is actually not surprising. Tao Yuanming said calmly: It's strange. Yin Zhongkan is Yin Hao's nephew, and Yin Hao and Huan Wen were childhood friends. Later, they turned against each other and became enemies in order to fight for the power of the Jin Dynasty.

My mortal enemy, Yin Hao was still defeated in the end, and he was so mad at Huan Wen that he left a secret message before his death, asking Yin's nephews to try their best to avenge Huan Wen's descendants and seize Jingzhou.

Liu Yu nodded: "I've heard of this, but Yin Hao was the guard of the mafia back then?

Tao Yuanming shook his head: "No, Yin Hao has always been a pure literati, not very good at strategizing, and doesn't understand military affairs. Originally, he wanted to cooperate with Huan Wen. One person will be in charge of power in the court, and the other will be in charge of the army outside. In other words, it is a bit Like the relationship between you and Liu Muzhi, it's just that Yin Hao wants to use him as the main body and Huan Wen as the auxiliary, so as to completely change the relationship between you and Liu Muzhi, so Huan Wen refuses, and the two finally turn against each other.

"Later, Yin Hao took in Yao Xiang, a Qiang man, in order to make up for his military inadequacy. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com wanted to use Yao Xiang's troops as a vanguard for the Northern Expedition, but he was jealous of Yao Xiang's meritorious service and sent people to persecute Yao Xiang. This kind of operation People have nothing to say, in the end Yao Xiang rebelled, which led to the failure of the Northern Expedition before it was launched. It can be seen that the Yin family can only do some things to find chapters, extract names and copy the original text. It is impossible for them to manage the army and govern the government. count on.

Liu Yu laughed: "But for such a pure literati to sit on the throne of a country, if it weren't for the aristocratic family monopolizing the power of the high-level, how could it be like this? Such a system, I don't want to overthrow it, at least change it, How long will the reincarnation and failure continue?

Tao Yuanming laughed: "That's the problem of the underworld. There will be no talents for a long time. If there are people who surpass them, or if Huan Wen doesn't leave the underworld, it will not be Yin Hao's turn to take power. I and You have a common view on one thing, and that is that the underworld should not kill each other, and fight among themselves in vain.

It is because their family has a big business, and the people who are guarding must use the power of guarding to seek personal gain for their own family overtly and covertly, so there will be internal fighting. Like the first generation of guards when they crossed the river, why did they make such great achievements? Not because of how noble they were, but because everyone was in distress at the time, and the family had no foundation in the south. Survival is the first priority. One, so we can only give up a small family for a big country.

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