Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 4238: Where do the 2 roads go?

Liu Yuzhong said in a loud voice: "When the country is in crisis, there is no need to mention any responsibility or irresponsibility. It doesn't matter whether the Hulu invasion of Nanyan, the Tianshidao or the demons and thieves of the Tiandao League make trouble, is it my Liu Yu's responsibility? ?They raised troops or invaded for only one reason, that is to deceive me that the Jin Dynasty is not strong enough. As the saying goes, if you fall behind, you will be beaten!"

Tao Yuanming's face changed. He didn't expect Liu Yu to have such a response, which was a bit beyond his cognition. Soon, he sneered and said, "Why do you get beaten when you fall behind? I haven't heard of it. I only know that you If you don't cultivate benevolence, you will send troops everywhere to conquer the world with force, so whether it is internal troubles or external enemies, everyone will follow suit and be your enemy!

Liu Yu sneered and said: "The barbarians of Nanyan have taken over my country for a hundred years. This can be dealt with by cultivating benevolence and virtue? Fu Jian is a famous benevolent king in the world. Although he is also a barbarian, he It can be said that the Murong family has shown great benevolence and righteousness, but what is the result? Didn’t they take the opportunity to cause chaos and die and the country was destroyed?! Benevolence is for the people with human nature, not for these white-eyed wolves who will never be familiar with it !

"Let's talk about the Tao of Heavenly Master. Could it be that I, Liu Yu, forced them to rebel? Before Sun En's rebellion, they had been planning for rebellion for many years. The earliest can even be traced back to the time of the demon thief Lu Ji. Now we understand, The reason why Tianshi Dao is in chaos is because of the control and instigation of the Tiandao League. No matter whether the ruler cultivates benevolence or not, they will rebel. As a ruler, what I can do is not to cultivate benevolence or let go of weapons, but It is necessary to use the military power of the Jin Dynasty to eliminate these tigers and wolves. Only when all these internal thieves and external houses are wiped out will the world be peaceful.

Speaking of this, Liu Yu paused: "Didn't you just keep talking about Buddhism, about compassion, about merit.

You also said that the Hou Qin sent an army of 100,000 to crusade against the celestial masters and demons who did all kinds of evil. You want to blame me for not being kind and righteous, for not cultivating benevolence?"

Tao Yuanming gritted his teeth, and said in a deep voice: "This is different, because the Lord of Qin, Yao Xingyan, cultivated culture and ruled the country with benevolence and righteousness, so he was blessed by the Buddha, and Hu Xia's tiger and wolf division retreated without a fight, so he was able to prosper the king. Master, according to the will of the Buddha, kill demons and eliminate demons.

And you, for your personal ambition and achievements, have continued to conquer, so that the domestic people's livelihood is difficult, and the foreign captives and internal thieves are fighting each other. Now you are exhausted, and even Jiankang is in danger. The situation in Qin is completely opposite. .

Liu Yu said coldly: "You like to talk about the theory of cause and effect in Buddhism, so I would like to ask that an ungrateful female gangster like Yao Chang is the most evil in the world, who stole the country of his benefactor Fu Jian, how could he not be punished like this? ?

Tao Yuanming sneered and said: "Of course he received retribution, and he killed Fu Jian's wronged soul. This is known all over the world, and for his country, a devil like Hu Xia also came to harm his country. If it weren't for Yao Xing's good deeds , would have long since died of internal strife and foreign aggression like Murong’s Yan State. Liu Yu, these are lessons learned from the past. You must learn from them. , are all in vain.

Liu Yu smiled slightly: "It turns out that I still have meritorious virtues. I thought that I was just like what you said just now. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, , , , , , , , easier, and I'm moving.

Tao Yuanming laughed: "Attacking others is a lot of evil, but defending the country, protecting the people, and restoring the Great Jin Dynasty are indeed merits, and I have never denied it. Liu Yu, you are now going to send troops to Nanyan for you. At the beginning of the war, and indulgence of demons and thieves, these crimes that have caused today's catastrophe must not be obsessed with atonement.

Liu Yu looked at Tao Yuanming calmly: "Look, haven't I come back now, am I going to defend the city with the whole city's soldiers and civilians? According to you, isn't it accumulating virtue and atoning for sins?

Tao Ming curled his lips, shook his head and said, "The problem is that you don't have the ability to defend the city. If you come back with a large army to conquer Nanyan, you may be able to defend Jiankang, but because of your sins, you have been punished by heaven. Punishment, the army has been hit by the plague and is still recuperating in Qingzhou. The distant water cannot save the nearby fire. If you want to save Dajin, you can only rely on sincere repentance and atonement, so that you can move the heavens and let the Buddha save us.

Liu Yu laughed: "So, you have to agree to the conditions of the Hou Qin according to the letter of credence you handed down, and according to your shady secret clause, we have to send our dignified Queen of the Great Jin Dynasty to the Queen of the Great Jin Dynasty. To be sent to Houqin to be a nun is actually to be a hostage. Only in this way can it be called sincere repentance and redemption?

Tao Yuanming smiled slightly: "There is nothing you can do about it. You can't defend the city by blowing your breath. If Jiankang is lost, everyone will die with you. So, you actually have only two choices, either bring the emperor and civil and military Baiguan, flee to Jiangbei and Qingzhou now, join your army, and abandon Jiankang.

"However, just like what you just discussed, abandoning Jiankang without fighting is tantamount to telling the people of the world that you, Liu Yu, are no longer able to support the world of Jin, just like the Guixuan back then. It’s impossible to go back again. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com And the family members of your Zhengyan soldiers are all in Jiankang and Jingkou. Even if you can take the emperor and all the civil and military officials with you, it’s impossible to take away dozens of them. Wan Jun, if you allow the demons to control them, I'm afraid that the day you meet with Zheng Yan's army, you will tie up or kill your subordinates, and pass on the first demons!

Liu Yu was expressionless, looked at Tao Yuanming, and said calmly, "You can continue talking, I'm listening.

"This Tao Yuanming became more and more complacent, and started to walk in the hall: The second choice is to ask for help from the Hou Qin like the letter of credence I passed on. Now you leave Jiankang and hand over power to the underworld. Even if you can't trust me, Meng You can always trust Chang and Xu Xianzhi, or let Mrs. Xie come out to make the decision. She is the mother of the Queen. If she decides that the Queen becomes a nun, there will not be too many people who object to it. It's not like they didn't become rich before, because of their parents' orders.

Having said that, Tao Yuanming stopped and looked at Liu Yu, "Only if you leave and hand over power, this method will work. If the Queen is not in the palace and does not control Yuxi, then Mrs. Xie or the black hand Qiankun ordered that for Sima Kingdom and Sima Chu's leader, allow them to come back, so that everyone can get what they need, and you can continue to occupy the land of Jiangbei and Qingzhou. Even if you want to attack the Northern Wei Dynasty in the future, it is not impossible. Let me manage it, and I promise to eliminate the demons and thieves, and stabilize the Jin Dynasty, and Yangzhou, the land of Wu, will be governed by the underhand Qiankun and the aristocratic family. In this way, the balance of power and the stability of the world will benefit all people?

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