Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 4240: Borrow your head to fix your heart

Remember [New] in a second! Tao Yuanming gritted his teeth, and his hair, which was originally neatly combed, began to be a little disheveled. He stared at him, pretending to be fearless, and laughed: Ah, whatever way you want to kill , since I have accepted the task of passing on the post Qin Guoshu, I am ready to spend a lot of money on myself. Hmph, I am utterly loyal, in order to protect the people, the sun will be a lesson! Even if I die in your hands, the people of the world will definitely You will know who is truly loyal and patriotic and protects the people.

Liu Yu smiled slightly: "But Tao Gong, you were so proud just now that you expressed your true thoughts and expelled me. You can go to Jingzhou to be the governor and realize your Tao family's dream of controlling Jingzhou again for many years. Yes. wrong?"

Tao Yuanming's face flushed slightly, and he swallowed his saliva: "Well, it's mainly because you left Jiankang. After you became a general, it's not appropriate for Jingzhou to be handed over to Liu Daogui. You also know that for a hundred years, Jingzhou people and Yangzhou Even if an official was sent from Jiankang, it would be difficult for him to do the job. If Liu Daogui hadn't relied on tens of thousands of soldiers to protect him, he would have killed 10,000 people from Jingzhou long ago. That's it. And I can appease the Jingzhou scholars and people there, and then slowly resolve the hatred between Jingzhou and Yang.

Liu Yu put away his smile, and said coldly: "Jingyang hatred? We are also a citizen of the Jin Dynasty, where did the hatred come from? Hu Fan, my personal guard, is from Jingzhou. Will I worry about him harming me? When Dao Gui was in Jingzhou, he took care of the people of Jingzhou as his own children, and did not allow the troops he brought into the city at all. They have been stationed in the barracks for several years.

"When the demons attacked last time, Jiangling's hearts were unstable, but this instability was not because he wanted to take the opportunity to cause chaos and harm the Taoist rules, but because he was afraid that the demons would be vicious and vicious. After breaking the city, they would slaughter and loot the city. Therefore, the Taoist rules opened the gates of the city. , Let the people of Jingzhou leave for their own lives, or go to the demons, he will not stop them and listen to their will.

"As a result, none of the people in the city left, and they all stayed with him. Together, they guarded Jiangling and also protected the people of Jingzhou. Tao Yuanming, if you, a Jingzhou person, were in the situation at that time, you could do it. Are these?"

Tao Yuanming took out a handkerchief and kept wiping his sweat. He really wanted to say that Liu Daogui was just pretending, but seeing Liu Yu's sharp eyes, he swallowed the words forcefully, and could only shake his head and say: " I, I should have taken the people to escape in the mountains. At that time, the demon bandits were in full swing and unstoppable.

Liu Yu said in a deep voice: Either surrender, you "run away when you meet the enemy, is that the only way? As a guard, as a general, shouldn't you think about defeating the enemy and protecting the people? As a commoner, you shouldn't be facing foreign enemies , Actively join the army to serve the country, protect your homeland, your wife and children? Tao Yuanming, think about what you said, and you have the nerve to be a guard, the governor of Jingzhou? If the people of Jingzhou are in your hands, can you let them survive?

Tao Yuanming gritted his teeth: "Hmph, isn't it because you insisted on the Northern Expedition that you gave the demons a chance to attack? To govern the world, virtue is not prestige, and you usually cultivate benevolence and righteousness. Naturally, people will be kind. It is not imperceptible.

Liu Yu said coldly: "Well, if you tie up those monsters who killed your sister and your people in front of you now, will you let go of your hatred and influence them?

Tao Yuanming's eyes were almost straightened, tears rolled in his eye sockets, this time it was really not acting, the figure of Mingyue appeared repeatedly in his heart, his lips were trembling slightly, and his hands were unconsciously squeezed Fist, of course, the object of hatred is not the people of the Heavenly Master, but Liu Yu, the big enemy who is right in front of us!

Liu Yu also sensed the anger in Tao Yuanming's eyes, but he thought it was Tao Yuanming who was gnashing his teeth against a demon from the Heavenly Master! Liu Yu hooked the corners of his mouth and said, "Okay, Tao Yuanming, it seems that you also realize that Being in charge of a large state is not the kind of domineering and domineering that drives the people to do good. It is the responsibility to guard the land and benefit the people. If it is a peaceful time, you should be an idle official, dismiss an official, and go to write a history book. It should be possible, but in this troubled world, to be the guardian of one side requires more military capabilities and government affairs. Unfortunately, you can neither fight wars nor collect taxes. You should forget about this kind of guardianship Bar.

Tao Yuanming came back to his senses, gritted his teeth and said, "Don't talk about me and yourself, you have accused me a lot, but what about yourself?

Cities live and die together, yes, it sounds nice, and it makes people's blood boil when they hear it, I almost believed you. It’s just that Liu Daogui still had 20,000 to 30,000 soldiers and horses under his command at the time. Unlike you, he ran back alone now. Could it be that you have to rely on the monks and nuns in Jiankang City to defend the city? Can this technique scare away the hundreds of thousands of demons and thieves?

Speaking of this, Tao Yuanming suddenly became complacent, and said with a sneer, "This time, the demon thief is desperate. The whole army is mobilized, and they don't even want the back road and their hometown. Let Liu Daogui of Jingzhou behind him not fight, and go straight to Jiankang. Desperately, no matter what tricks you use to cover your eyes, it is impossible to scare them away. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com If you don't have the strength, don't make such a big deal. When the time comes, you will die and the country will be destroyed, and you will only become the laughing stock of the ages!

Liu Yu smiled slightly: "As a general, you don't think about winning, you think about losing first. In your eyes, I am gambling, but here, I have calculated all the possibilities. I am not coming back to save face. , but there are already millions of soldiers in his chest. The last time the demon thief Sun En landed for the third time, he did not leave any retreat when he went straight to Jiankang. ? This time even with Qin Jun, I will naturally have a way to break it!

Tao Yuanming couldn't help but took a step forward and looked at Liu Yu: "What can I do? Tell me quickly, if you can really keep Jiankang, I can help you do what I can!

Liu Yu laughed: "Tao Gong, Tao Gong, you said that you are a pure literati, and you can't lift your shoulders or hands. What can you do at this time? Write military official documents. I also have experienced military clerks here. They Know how to write so that the soldiers can understand. Are you sure that the illiterate soldiers can understand your wonderful poems?

Tao Yuanming gritted his teeth: "I can manage the granary, manage the armory, and even, I can even learn to cook! As long as I can do things that can defend the city, I am willing to do it.

Liu Yu put away his smile, and murderous intent flashed in his eyes: "Then what if I say that your greatest contribution now is to lend your head to me, so as to secure the hearts of the army and the people?

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