Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 4251: blood inheritance is also order

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Liu Yu frowned, and said: "Miaoyin, do you think you are crazy for your own ideals? Is it crazy to give all people in the world a chance to be successful and an environment where they can live and work in peace?

Wang Miaoyin shook her head: "About this point, I have always wanted to tell you, that is, for thousands of years, the world has formed such an order, just like you hate the power inherited by blood, hate the emperor system, But no matter what, everyone in the world believes that the king's power is bestowed by heaven, especially ordinary people. Although we all know what Sima is, unless someone can follow the people's hearts and follow the destiny to replace him, otherwise the people all over the world will think that Sima is the right one. Back, if Jin Zuo really ends, then I don’t know how many people will come out and fight for each other. In the end, isn’t it the common people who suffer?

Liu Yu gritted his teeth: "I promised that when necessary, I would inherit the throne and replace Sima, just to conform to the world's cognition, isn't that okay?

Wang Miaoyin shook her head: "You just sit in that position because you want to have great power in your hands, but brother Yu, since ancient times, the change of dynasty has never been a matter of one person, but with an interest group, if there is no large number of powerful and powerful How can you stand firm when your fundamental family supports you?

"Just like the Sima clan, and the Cao clan earlier, when they took over the world, almost all the officials in the court agreed with it, and almost no one objected.

As for the earlier Han Dynasty, this is even more so. When Liu Bang founded the country, he didn't think about all the people in the world. He only needed to appease Fengpei Yuancong, and then slowly entrusted the Liu family kings. Without the power of the powerful families in Hebei, the system after the founding of the country is also dependent on mergers and acquisitions, because these people are their foundation.

"Even our Great Jin Dynasty is the same. Those heroes and aristocratic families when they crossed the south are often at peace with the country, and they are still high-ranking families today. Why did the Tianshidao raise troops to slaughter the aristocratic families of the three Wus, but they did not fight with the soldiers of the Wu land?" It is because of this reason that the powerful clans colluded. What Tianshidao wants is to destroy the Jin Dynasty, the Sima family, and at the same time destroy the major families. This is their fundamental purpose.

Liu Yu nodded and said: "So, you want me not only to sit on the throne, but also to pass on to my sons and grandchildren, and to entrust meritorious officials, relying on aristocratic families, in order to attract a large number of forces with common interests to join us. Keep the world together?

Wang Miaoyin said sternly: "I know you don't like this hereditary system of blood inheritance, but this system has been spread for two or three thousand years since the Xia Dynasty. It is too difficult to change the world's views at once. Inheritance, there is a righteous name of filial piety, not just because you say you don't have it.

If a person doesn't even take care of his close relatives but says that he only has people in his heart, then others will not think how noble you are, and they may think that you are a bullying giant like Wang Mang who did it.

Liu Yu gritted his teeth: "Wang Mang is reorganizing the old system and pursuing his own self-interest in the name of righteousness, which is unrealistic, but I want to end this troubled world and give real benefits to all people. How is it the same thing?

Wang Miaoyin sighed: "This kind of inheritance of the family, this kind of hereditary power, although there are many disadvantages, but one thing is worth affirming, that is order and stability. At the beginning of each dynasty, it is When the world is initially settled and people feel at ease, it is like when you restore the Great Jin Dynasty and drive back the barbarians. Everyone in the world believes in you and is willing to abide by your rules and obey your orders.

But you are not a god, and you cannot create thousands of avatars, so you can only rely on your subordinates, rely on a system of officials level by level to manage the world, and rely on the entire management system from the prime minister to the village officials to manage the world. Let your will be done.

Liu Yu nodded: "Yes, all governments and regimes are classified in this way, and I am no exception. I understand what you mean now. You want to say that hereditary power can make this kind of management Once the system is stabilized, the people can adapt to or be willing to be ruled like this. Over time, the hierarchy will be strict and subdivided from top to bottom. This is the so-called Confucian system of etiquette and law, right?

Wang Miaoyin nodded: "Yes, the advantage of this system is stability, but the disadvantage is that if it goes on for a long time, there will be no descendants, and there will be no survival of the fittest.

The more unworthy children and grandchildren become vampires riding on the heads of the people, the country cannot collect taxes and cannot produce talents, and the people at the bottom are exploited and squeezed, life will become more and more bitter, and at a certain time, there will inevitably be internal and external troubles, even It is the combination of internal and external troubles, just like the end of the Western Han Dynasty, just like the end of the Western Jin Dynasty.

"So, I have to use generational elimination to rejuvenate this decadent and declining system, so that talented people or brave men can have the opportunity to replace those incompetent idiots." This is my newly established system of honoring military merits and using nobles as officials. Hasn’t it found a way that everyone can accept?

Wang Miaoyin sighed: "Only earning titles with military merits, and then assigning official positions, the biggest problem is that these soldiers who have done meritorious service on the battlefield, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com don't have the ability to govern the local area, and they don't even know a single word. Bravery on the battlefield and governance skills after returning are two different things.

Another problem is corruption. It doesn’t mean that the rich must be evil, and the poor must be kind. Many poor people don’t go to corruption, not because they are noble, but because they have never had this opportunity and never had it. over power.

Conversely, once the court has power and lacks constraints, it is likely to be more greedy than the original corrupt officials. This has been proved by many old brothers in Beifu.

Liu Yu gritted his teeth: "So if I want to popularize education, at least let the sons and nephews of the meritorious soldiers be cultivated in terms of literary talents, and then find a way to build a team of supervisory officials such as Yushi and Tingwei, who can do Going to monitor all local officials, only when the cost of corruption of corrupt officials is unacceptably high, can all this be eliminated from the source.

Of course, these are things for later, the immediate priority is to repel the attack of the monsters, only by surviving first can there be a future.

Wang Miaoyin's expression was solemn: "If you still cling to that lofty ideal and still want to offend the aristocratic family, I'm afraid Liu Tingyun or Tao Yuanming may not be able to make us survive this time.

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