Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 4264: Xile's whereabouts are gradually disappearing

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Liu Yu's expression was serious, and he nodded: "It depends on the tactics of the demons and thieves. If they arrive, abandon their boats and go ashore, and attack the city with all their strength, they will be irresistible. If we fight against them in the outer city Entanglement will undoubtedly lead to defeat. Because the city wall is too long, if you divide your troops everywhere, you will not be able to defend everywhere. Instead of concentrating the enemy's forces to destroy one place, it is better to shrink the battle line and try to protect the key areas.

Wang Miaoyin's expression calmed down a little, and she nodded, "You mean, just like defending Jiankang City with reduced troops this time, instead of defending Liyang and other key points along the way, we should concentrate our forces to ensure the safety of Jiankang City Is that right? It's just..." At this point, Wang Miaoyin's beautiful eyebrows were slightly darkened, "It's just that, what will happen to the more than 100,000 people in this city?

Liu Yu said calmly: "From now on, the people in the city must be evacuated, especially the old and weak, women and children, this is for their own good, and it is also for the good of defending the city.

Too many civilians who are incapable of fighting will not only consume food, but also easily cause instability in the army and civilians defending the city. I really need the help of the aristocratic family on this point. I need these big families to come forward to help evacuate the people in the city.

Wang Miaoyin blinked her eyes, and lightly opened her lips: "You don't have to worry about this, my mother will contact the heads of the major families and dispatch secret guards to complete these evacuations. Citizens and traders, but at this time, when they can play a role, they can organize together from their own family to the homes of relatives and friends around them, go out of the city in time and order, and then go to the manors of major families in Wudi to resettle.

Liu Yu hooked the corner of his mouth: "It's good to have you, otherwise I really don't know how to evacuate the people in the city, oh, by the way, didn't Liu Xile run a lot of businesses in the city and controlled many shops and restaurants and the like? , He also has a lot of men.

Wang Miaoyin laughed: "How could you even think of this, taking advantage of Liu Xile's absence, and wanting to take advantage of the opportunity to take advantage of these old books of his?

Liu Yu said angrily: "What are you talking about, since when did I, Liu Yu, take advantage of others' dangers and take away people's property? I just think it would be a pity if those hundreds of elite brothers were not here at this time .

Wang Miaoyin shook her head: "Brother Yu, you are wrong, Liu Yi's subordinates in this city are not just a few hundred, but at least thousands.

And it doesn't have to be Jingqian's brother, it may be a beggar, it may be a woman with children, or it may even be those old men who are in their seventies and eighties, basking in the sun at the door all day and looking like a dead dog.

Liu Yu's eyes widened: "What, doesn't he want a killer organization, Jiangyang bandits? How can there still be old men and women?:

Wang Miaoyin sighed: "You can tell from his face that he is a strong man. He is suitable for serving as a soldier, not an underground killer for intelligence officers. Liu Xile runs and manages a huge underground industrial organization in Jiankang City , controlling the restaurants, gambling houses, brothels, and teahouses in the city, all the three religions and nine schools are somewhat related to him, and many industries are also jointly operated with major families. There are no foreign enemies in Jiankang City, and there are no barbarians. Soldiers and horses do not need how capable the people here are to fight, but need the transmission of information, and the acquisition of information is the first priority.

Liu Yu said thoughtfully: "Understood, what you mean is that in order to spy on these information, those spies who have taken root here for a long time, it is best to really look like ordinary people, and even set up a family here. Ordinary citizens who marry wives and have children.

Speaking of this, Liu Yu shook his head: "It's understandable to say that some old men are such people, but what about women? These people have never been in the army, and they are not the secret guards of your family. , how could it be used by Liu Yi, who had determined his destiny from birth?

Wang Miaoyin smiled slightly: "Who told you that Liu Yi's subordinates are only veterans? When you were still serving as Lizheng in Jingkou, before joining the Beifu Army, there were women in Liu Yi's gang organization.

Some are the female slaves or prostitutes who redeemed him, some harmed the whole family. In the end, he helped revenge and served him in order to repay the kindness. Some are the female relatives of some of Liu Yi's brothers. After the man died, Liu Yi Keep feeding these women and children, and then some people are grateful for them and willing to serve Liu Yi. at least

In Jiankang City, as far as I know, there are as many as seventeen Liu Yi spies in this situation.

Liu Yu laughed: "On this point, Xi Le is really very loyal. If someone under his command dies in battle or becomes disabled, he will support his family for the rest of his life. It seems that if he becomes a big family~www .wuxiaspot.com~ After a few years, he can also organize his own intelligence organization.

Wang Miaoyin put away her smile and said seriously: "Yes, I'm not kidding, he has this ability. Back then when our aristocratic families fled from the north and came to the south, they also lost their roots. Later, they also slowly grew up in the chaos of war. She took in and took care of some refugees from the north, and then established her own power, which was later passed down from generation to generation and became an intelligence spy for generations.

This is what Liu Yi wanted. At least 20 years ago, he had the heart to become a new generation of Wang family and Xie family.

Liu Yu nodded: "Do you have a way to get Liu Xile's subordinates to be used by us this time? They are also a help in defending the city. It would be a pity to give up like this.

Wang Miaoyin shook her head: "When engaging in intelligence, the most fearful thing is to expose your identity. Once the secret of identity is gone, people will find out soon, and your life will be handed over to others. In the past, if there were spies who were exposed Generally, they will change their surnames in disguise and go away, instead of staying here. Therefore, I think the spies left behind by Liu Yi would rather die in the city than stand up to serve you. However, From what I know about them, they will not leave Jiankang City at this time, because they will wait for Liu Yi to come back.

Speaking of this, Wang Miaoyin sighed softly: Actually, before you came back today, I heard the latest news about Liu Yi, Brother Yu, you want to know where your old comrade-in-arms is now? ?

"He is still alive, Liu Yu's eyes lit up, and he said quickly: Are you there, where is he?

Wang Miaoyin said solemnly: "At most half a day, he will appear in Jiankang City, this time, he suffered a lot, crossing thousands of miles of Dabie Mountains, narrowly escaped death.


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