Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 4278: Authorize pardon Xile

Remember [New] in a second! Liu Yu sighed, shook his head and said: "You lost the last chance to withdraw part of the army, since the demons can dispatch thousands of long-lived monsters to seize the highlands on the two wings, how can they not take precautions against the central front?

Our advantage lies in the large shield and heavy armor, and defensive formation. If we take the initiative to attack, then the thieves can use long-range weapons and wooden armor mechanisms to kill us. When our line is shaken and the casualties are heavy, their swordsmen Then you can enter from the gaps in the formation and start killing!"

Liu Yi shook his head numbly and said: "Yes, just like what you said, I was red-eyed at the time and desperately wanted to overthrow the demon's handsome flag. Judging from our previous battles, this kind of middle lane It is very difficult for the enemy to stop the advance, and even the battle against Huan Xuan was won in this way.

Liu Yu said coldly: "Huanxuan was afraid of death, so he ran away before fighting, so he was defeated at the first touch, but the demon on the opposite side, especially Xu Daofu, is a ruthless person, he would rather die in battle than retreat, we Playing against them for so long, you shouldn't make such a mistake.

Liu Yi sighed: "I admit it, I am Li Lingzhi fainted, I just want to compete with you, I can't lose to you, if I retreat from this battle, I will have nothing, until later, after the defeat, I am on the run these days On the way, I didn't think of these things. I finally understood why Wuji was able to retreat by himself, but he was also killed on the ship. His mentality at that time should be the same as mine.

"Wu Liuyu's pupils shrank suddenly, and he murmured: Ji, Wuji, you are so confused, you are all your own brothers, what are you going to do, for the sake of not wanting to be left behind, give your life to me." pay, is it worth it?

It's not that we haven't lost before, it's not that we haven't retreated, and we will fight again when we come back, but you are dead, I, how can I see you again and take revenge with me?

Speaking of this, Liu Yu's eyes were also full of tears, and his voice began to choke. Liu Yi gritted his teeth: "At the last moment, when my subordinates were divided and surrounded by the enemy, they shot at them from a long distance like shooting targets. When they were bitten and torn apart by those terrifying longevity monsters like sheep waiting to be slaughtered, and then fell down one by one, and stood up again to become new monsters, my heart was broken. I even drew my sword and wanted to kill myself, if Yang Sui hadn't stopped me desperately and advised me to put the overall situation first and evacuate first, I'm afraid you and I would never see each other again.

"Also Liu Yu wiped his eyes, forced a smile: well, God bless, we still meet again, this way through the Dabie Mountains, where there are many Qiang tribes, and it has long been the lair of thieves and horse bandits, but I'm sorry for you.

Liu Yi nodded: "When I broke through, there were only less than a hundred brothers around me. We didn't dare to wear the armor of the Jin army. When we retreated from the battlefield, we abandoned all our armor except our weapons. We went all the way into the mountains. We even dressed up as Clan people for a time, fooling around, and fighting along the way to eliminate many stragglers. After our army was defeated, bandits and bandits from all walks of life were dispatched one after another. Some joined the demon bandits, and some took the opportunity to occupy the mountain and become king , robbed the pedestrians and people nearby, after half a month, most of our brothers died in battle, and less than twenty people came back with me.

There was a flash of color in Liu Yu's eyes: "It's all my fault that I didn't bring the army back to join you sooner. If our brothers joined forces, why would this be the case, but it's a blessing in misfortune that you can come back alive. Next, Let's work together, just like before, to survive this crisis together.

A trace of surprise flashed in Liu Yi's eyes: "I am the general of the defeated army. It can be said that if I hadn't been greedy for meritorious deeds and led to a big defeat, the whole Yuzhou would not have been lost, and the monsters would not have marched into Jiankang. Since you have military law After dealing with Wei Shunzhi, why did you let me go?

Liu Yu shook his head: "As I said just now, Shunzi abandoned his allies and fled without fighting, which is different from your situation. And Mu, you are the general of Beifu after all. If I use military law to deal with you at this time, others will Saying that I took the opportunity to kill my colleagues and want to monopolize power will lose the morale of the army and the people. At least the thousands of your subordinates in Jiankang City will no longer be loyal to the Great Jin.

Liu Yi nodded excitedly: "Jinu, I really want to thank you, thank you for giving me another chance to lead my troops to take revenge again. I have operated dozens of underground industries in Jiankang City. Years, thousands of men, men, women and children

Yes, they may not be able to kill thieves in battle, but they can definitely play their role in this battle of defending the city. I will organize the men who can fight into an army, and the old, weak, women and children who cannot fight, I will also Let them transmit information, build fortifications to save lives, serve soup and medicine, boil water for cooking, and never let this power be lost in vain.

Liu Yu nodded in satisfaction: "Very well, as long as Xi Le is willing to contribute, then I will get thousands out of thin air, no, it should be said to be tens of thousands of elite soldiers. I will personally allocate the military supplies and armor you need to you~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ The two large granaries in the south of the city, and the arsenal in the direction of Stone City in the south of the city, are all yours to use, and you don't need to report to me.

Liu Yi's eyes widened, and he shook his head in disbelief: "Isn't Huaiyu defending the stone city in the south of the city? Those granaries and arsenals should belong to Huaiyu.

Liu Yu said solemnly: "After all, Huaiyu came from a foreign army, and he is not familiar with Jiankang's terrain. Although your troops are not as many as his, but you are defending the south of the city. I am more at ease. Huaiyu's troops have already taken the lead. No need for new supplies within two months, and the rest of the granary and arsenal are completely allocated by you, including your subordinates. If you can recruit new fighters in Jiankang City, you can also Arm them directly and form an army without being limited by the number of troops!

Liu Yi gritted his teeth, and said in a deep voice: "Ji Nu, I am already very grateful that you spared my crime, and now you directly give me such a great power, I can't believe it is true.

Liu Yuya said quietly: "Because I know that you have the ability to inspire people's hearts, especially the part of the aristocratic family, and the ability to let the servants go to you. My subordinates are rewarded with military achievements and cannot be preyed upon. At this time, if you need to recruit people who are willing People who work hard in the face of national crisis may find it difficult to win by adhering to the usual legal principles. Therefore, I allow you to form an army according to your rules, fight, and the spoils after victory are completely distributed by you. You can do everything you want There is only one condition for what I want to do, keep the **** south of the city, Stone City and the mouth of the Qinhuai River, for me!"

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