Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 4316: Talking about the past in front of the Taimiao Gate

At dawn, Jiankang City, at the gate of Taimiao.

Since Liu Yi's defeat in Sangluozhou, there have been many dignitaries from aristocratic families coming in and out here every day. When everyone entered the temple, they had a face full of sorrow, and when they came out, their faces were full of tears. The head of the big family or the nephews went to the temple to pray, hoping that the ancestors of the Sima family, as well as the queens and concubines of the past generations of their own family, could show their power and help Dajin survive this catastrophe.

Two young soldiers standing guard at the gate of the temple were holding spears in their arms, yawning and whispering to each other. Although it was May, they were going to be on duty at Yin time before dawn. It was still the complaints that filled the stomachs of these two little soldiers, and they were also venting at the moment when there was no one around.

On the left, a skinny man with a dark face, about eighteen or nine years old, yawned, looked at the wide open temple door and the bright lights inside, and said, "This temple doesn't open at night on weekdays. With the enemy at hand, the twelve o'clock hours are fully open, so let the late emperors rest."

A white-faced middle-aged man on the right, his eyebrows and eyes are somewhat similar to this black-faced thin man. After hearing this, his face sank, and he said: "Er Gouzi, why are you chewing your tongue, don't you want a head?" ?”

The black-faced boy named Er Gouzi said unconvinced: "Hmph, others have gone to bed long ago, you see, we can only stand at this side door and pretend, the one guarding the door is a private As for the soldiers, they have to prepare to protect the patriarch of their family, and they have no time to take care of us. Uncle Shugen, don't care too much about these things. No one cares about us little soldiers."

Uncle Shugen sighed: "That's because the Imperial Army retreated to Miyagi, not only the Imperial Army, but also the households in the Taimiao area have been evacuated a lot. I have two relatives who originally lived in this area, and they have already left." I was persuaded to leave, it seems that defending the city this time is no small matter, the Taimiao is open, and the dignitaries come to worship every day, this is a rare event in ten years in Dajin."

A look of excitement flashed in Er Gouzi's eyes: "I heard that the last time the Taimiao was opened so wide was when Liu Yu built righteousness. The false emperor Huanxuan gathered all the Taoist monks in the city to curse Liu Yu in this Taimiao. What about them. Hmph, what's the use, it's not that the army is defeated and the country is destroyed, and even their lives are lost in the end."

Uncle Shu Gen laughed: "You kid actually knows about this, who told you?"

Er Gouzi said proudly: "That rogue Zhu Sanhei who is across from my house, you still remember, at that time he shaved his head temporarily, pretended to be a monk, and followed him in to chant scriptures. It was said that there was a hundred yuan of incense money Well, it turned out that Huanxuan was defeated in one day, and the monks and Taoists inside were all scattered, and he didn’t get a single son. He has been talking about this for several years. I said Uncle Tree Root, this kind of thing even I Knowing it is useless, why do these nobles still believe it?"

Uncle Shu Gen shook his head: "You only know one thing, you don't know the other. A few years ago, during the Sun En Rebellion, the most vicious one was landing at Jingkou, and was driven down the river by Marshal Liu, but the fleet Still, those monsters can still attack Jiankang directly from the waterway. Although Marshal Liu won the land battle, he can't change the boat no matter how capable he is, he can only watch helplessly as the monster fleet goes straight to Jiankang Kang came."

Er Gouzi became a little nervous: "Hey, what should we do? I heard that demon thieves kill people without blinking an eye, and they can even eat people. If they let them enter the capital, wouldn't they be miserable?"

Uncle Shu Gen laughed: "If they really let them enter the city, you kid can still stand here today to stand guard? Let me tell you, Sima Daozi, the king of Kuaiji at that time, burned incense and prayed in the temple all day long, begging his ancestors to bless him. It was him, and all the leaders of the aristocratic families in the city at that time, including those from the Xie family, the Wang family, and the Yu family, all took turns to go in to accompany him."

Er Gouzi laughed: "Isn't this Sima Daozi the one who always likes to pretend to be a ghost? During the Battle of Feishui, I heard that this guy also made straw people everywhere on Bagong Mountain, and used that kind of talisman to curse. Qin Jun, as a result, Qin Lord Fu Jian looked at it and thought that these sloppy people were soldiers of our Great Jin Dynasty. In the end, he was so scared that he retreated before the battle, and we were defeated. He also left behind a famous story of all grass and trees. "

Uncle Shu Gen nodded: "You know quite a lot, kid. However, after Sima Daozi entered the Taimiao, something miraculous happened. There was no wind on the river for three consecutive days. , This is really crazy, on weekdays, at that time of year, there will be a strong east wind on the river, and boats coming from the estuary of the big river on the other side of Hudu can reach Jiankang City in two days with the help of the wind."

Er Gouzi echoed: "Yes, my family has been fishing on the river~www.wuxiaspot.com~ At that time, you can go out in the morning, and you can go to the quarry and Xinting in an hour with the wind. It's fast. Three days No wind? I have never seen such a thing since I was born, could it be that God really helped?"

Uncle Shugen smiled and said: "I don't know if God will help or not. In short, it is a big ship of demons. Because there is no wind, it can't move forward quickly. It only advanced less than fifty miles in two days. With this little time, Liu Laozhi's Beifu The army finally came back from the land of Wu, and the monsters had no chance of attacking Jiankang, so from this time, entering the Taimiao to pray has become the practice when Jiankang City is in danger, and the defenders are counting on coming again One such miracle."

Er Gouzi said disdainfully: "Cut, if it is useful to enter this Taimiao, then Huanxuan called monks and Taoists to come in to practice the method last time, why is it not so useful?"

Uncle Shugen waved his hand: "That's because of Huanxuan's usurpation. He threw out all the tablets of Sima's ancestors in the Taimiao and replaced them with those of his Huan family. Probably because he angered Sima." That's why he summoned Liu Yu to destroy him. Besides, Huanxuan's ancestral temple only lasted for three generations, unlike the temple of the Son of Heaven, which enshrined seven generations of ancestors. I'm afraid it was because of this I offended his ancestors of the Huan clan, so they no longer bless him. Moreover, during that battle, Huan Xuan himself did not come to the Taimiao, but only let monks and Taoists perform rituals in it. If I were his ancestor, I would not bless him. "M..

Er Gouzi blinked his eyes: "I heard that Huan Xuan originally wanted to come to Taimiao, and the righteous men of Jianyi, such as Wang Yuande, Xin Huxing and others set up an ambush here to assassinate Huan Xuan. In the end, they were not killed. Huan Xuan did not enter the temple, but ordered the whole city to search and arrest. In the end, almost all the righteous men in the city died, but Liu Yu and the others rose up in the morning and succeeded in building righteousness. It seems that this Taimiao is really There are some powers of ghosts and gods, we still have to be in awe."

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