Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 4345: Tombstone in front of Taimiao

Behind Liu Yu, several people were carrying something, which was covered by a white robe, and one could only vaguely see that it was a big and square thing, about one foot high, square, with some curvature on the top of the head, and eight strong men Lifting it and walking slowly, the weight should be around a thousand catties.

Many people began to whisper, and Wang Hong and the other three also started discussing. Wang Hong said, "Marshal Liu has finally appeared. What is this he brought?"

Wang Hua smiled slightly: "It must be a sacrifice tribute to the Taimiao, for the blessing of the ancestors."

Zhang Shao shook his head: "Marshal Liu never believed in such ghosts and gods. He only respected General Zuti all his life. I think he may have moved the **** statue from the Zuti Temple in Jingkou."

Wang Hong waved his hand: "It's unlikely, that thing doesn't look like a **** statue, besides, it's not appropriate to move a **** statue into this Taimiao where Sima's past emperors are enshrined, no matter what, Zu Ti is just a courtier. He also didn't get the qualification to honor the Taimiao, because his younger brother became a traitor later, which also dragged him down. Although Marshal Liu is in charge of the power alone, he is still a courtier of the Jin Dynasty after all, so he wouldn't make such a mistake."

Zhang Shao nodded: "I was negligent and forgot about this, so what exactly will he bring?"

Amidst the discussion among the three, Liu Yu had already stood on the steps of the Taimiao, and the thing covered in white cloth was placed beside him. A group of generals, Zhu Lingshi, Wang Zhongde, Wang Zhen'e, Shen Tianzi, Shen Linzi, Shen Qingzhi, Hu Fan, Liu Zhong, Xu Chite, etc., lined up on the left and right, all of them are heroic and masculine, and they can be felt at a distance of more than ten feet.

Everyone's eyes were all focused on Liu Yu, who pressed his hands on his chest to the children of many aristocratic families under the steps, bowed slightly, gave a military salute, and then said loudly: "Everyone, the country is unfortunate. It's a difficult time, there are demons and thieves outside, the army invaded the capital, and Xiaoxiao rebelled inside, and wanted to start trouble inside. Just now, everyone saw a conspiracy in the vegetable market. Someone wanted to use the name of the late Kuaiji king and grandson, Defrauding riches and honors, and even conspiring against others, fortunately Mr. Xie Hui, who was in charge of the spy affairs in the capital, cracked this conspiracy in time. And those spies were also decisively executed by us, and this crisis became invisible."

Xie Hun took the lead in saluting, and said: "Thanks to the blessings of our ancestors, ancestors, loyal ministers and good generals, the spirit guards in the sky have cracked this case. With Marshal Liu here, we will surely lead us to turn danger into safety. Get over this difficulty."

All the people said in unison: "When disasters are turned into good fortunes, and dangers are turned into disasters, our Dajin Kingdom will last forever!"

Liu Yu's eyes narrowed slightly: "Today, I, Liu Yu, called everyone here to let everyone see my determination. Before I came back this time, almost no one could hope to keep the Jiankang City Newspaper. Whether it is Meng Pushe or other officials, they all want to support Shengjia and go to other places to temporarily avoid the edge of demons."

Xie Hun's complexion changed slightly, he stood up, took off the official hat on his head, and knelt down on the ground: "The proposal to take refuge in Wu land was made by me at the time when I was confused and lost confidence. My crime of shaking the hearts of the soldiers."

Xi Sengshi also came out and took off his official hat and knelt down: "The lower official also seconded the proposal at that time, please punish the commander."

More than a dozen members of Xie Hun and Xi Sengshi's henchmen followed suit, and for a while, many people knelt down on the steps in front of the Taimiao.

Liu Yu said calmly: "Xie Shangshu, Xi Shilang, you don't have to do this. It's not your fault. At that time, our army was newly defeated, the monsters were approaching, and the reports of defeat kept coming from the front line. , going down the river, not to mention you guys, even when I saw such a scene when I was crossing the river, I was terrified, plus the thunder was rolling at that time, I even wondered if the heavens were going to kill me Now, is it because I killed too much in Guanggu and angered the heavens, which is why such a catastrophe has happened, and we have to pay for it by destroying the country?"

Liu Yu's voice was like a bell, echoing all around. He didn't use an iron horn, but everyone within a few miles around could hear it clearly, and all the voices of discussion fell silent until Wang Hua's A voice came from under the big elm tree behind: "Then dare to ask Marshal Liu, how did he cross the river?"

Liu Yu smiled slightly: "That's a good question. In fact, I only had one thought at the time, that is, if I, Liu Yu, were guilty, the crime would be on me alone. Drowning, use my life to atone for the crime of destroying the country and army and killing countless people for so many years. In exchange for the safety of my great Jin and the peace of the people."

"In this kind of thought, I crossed the river, but when I jumped on the boat, the wind was calm, the thunder stopped and the rain disappeared, and everything became better, so I understood this God's will, it hoped that I Going back to Jiankang gave me confidence, and I didn’t hesitate any longer, and I rushed to the capital while you were discussing moving the capital!”

Xie Hun raised his head and said in disbelief: "It's really amazing, really, really, God is protecting our Dajin."

Liu Yu sighed softly: "But now, I feel that it may be God's will for me to come back this time, but this will may not be so beautiful. As soon as I come back, I want to take refuge with everyone for a while." Conflicts, contradictions, and then the army of demons and thieves came, and then my brother Meng Chang disagreed with me for many years, so that he committed suicide by taking poison, and then there were traitors who made trouble and brought about such a big case as Kuaiji Wangsun. UU reading book www.uukanshu.com”

"I, Liu Yu, have only acted according to my personal preferences since Jianyi, and I even disagreed with the opinions of the aristocratic family. Today, I encountered such a disaster in Dajin. Maybe it is really a punishment from heaven. The so-called induction between heaven and man, the alternation of the five elements, God sent me Liu Yu back to Beijing, maybe it is to punish me. In the end, it still wants to take my life."

"So, at the gate of the Taimiao today, I, Liu Yu, brought this thing here to show my determination. Please take a look!"

He said, took a step forward, and tore off the white cloth on the thing. Amidst the exclamation of everyone, a bluestone tombstone more than ten feet high was displayed in front of everyone, and there was a line of big characters written on it. : "The tomb of Liu Yu, the chariot and cavalry general of Jin Dynasty!"

Now even Wang Hong lost his voice and said: "This, this is the tombstone. Could it be that Marshal Liu has given up hope of surviving?"

Zhang Shao shook his head: "No, Xiuyuan, on the contrary, this is Marshal Liu's determination to put his life to death and survive. He will not hesitate to risk his life to defend Jiankang City!"

(end of this chapter)

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