Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 4348: Soldiers defend the country with one heart

Xie Hui's beard moved lightly with the wind, and he said loudly: "You children of the great families, you officials and officials of the Great Jin Dynasty, we have all received the grace of the country, and it is our ancestors who stand here. At the time of crisis, just like today’s generals, they have worked hard for the country, shed blood, sweat, and died, and this is how our descendants have the glory and wealth.”

"Now, Dajin is facing danger again. This time we are no longer facing the Hulu cavalry, but those monsters who have been in trouble for many years. We have pardoned them and defeated them, but they don't want to repent or feel grateful. Instead, we took advantage of our Marshal Liu's Northern Expedition to the Hulu, and when we regained the lost land, we took advantage of the scum to attack, relying on some scum from our family's children, with ulterior motives, colluded with them, and succeeded for a while, now there are dozens of thieves Wan, the soldiers are coming to Jiankang, our Great Jin Dynasty, once again it is the time of life and death!"

"Just a few days ago, we didn't have the courage and hope to defend the city. The important ministers in the court and the leaders of the aristocratic families discussed in the court how to evacuate and where to evacuate. Madam resisted all opinions and stayed firmly, how can I wait at the gate of the Taimiao to witness the determination of the soldiers to kill the thieves and defend the city, and to see the feats of Marshal Liu and the generals?!"

Xie Hui said these words with righteousness and eloquence, coupled with his resolute and firm expression, and sonorous and forceful gestures, even Xie Hun and Xi Sengshi couldn't help but blushed in the audience. Although they had already stood up now, compared to When I was kneeling down to ask for resignation just now, I felt even more ashamed, wishing I could find a crack in the ground and sneak in.

Xie Hui glanced over Xie Hun and the others, and said calmly: "Today, I am waiting here, in front of the ancestors of the Great Jin Dynasty and our ancestors, not to investigate anyone's fault. Well said, even he, when crossing the great river, faced thunderstorms and turbulent waves, he was afraid, he also hesitated, and dared not cross the river."

"But in the end, Marshal Liu's courage overcame his fear of death, and he boarded the boat resolutely. Sure enough, the weather was calm and the thunder stopped. Desperate, our ancestors were able to defend Jiangnan when Shenzhou land was sinking, and our ancestors were able to win the battle of Feishui when the former Qin army was overwhelmed by millions of troops. Today, we can definitely unite as one and defend Jiankang!"

There was a burst of applause under the steps, followed by thunderous applause. Even Xie Hun and Xi Sengshi applauded along with them. Excited expressions were written on everyone's faces. He has already rolled up his sleeves, and tied the bottom of the wide skirt to his waist, revealing his trousers and calves that are easily concealed, which is extremely disrespectful to the children of the aristocratic family.

You know, in order to show that kind of demeanor that looks like a fairy, the children of these aristocratic families wear wide robes and big sleeves as standard equipment, and even affect their walking. When Liu Muzhi joined the army in Jingkou, he was dressed in short clothes. He was ridiculed for a long time by the children of the aristocratic families in Beijing, but now, they all wish to become Liu Muzhi when they joined the army.

Liu Yu looked calm, and when the cheers and cheers of the crowd gradually subsided, he slowly said: "Defending the city is not only a matter of the army, nor is it just a matter of the children of the aristocratic family, everyone in the city is needed. Every commoner, every soldier, and every son of aristocratic family work together to form a city. Today, at the gate of the Taimiao, due to the limited size of the site, I have no way to speak my heartfelt words to every commoner and every soldier in the city. Only here, for you."

"Now standing here, there are generals from the Jin Dynasty and children from aristocratic families. Each of you will command at least hundreds of soldiers, and at most tens of thousands of soldiers, and will mobilize hundreds of thousands of manpower, Controlling a large amount of food, grass, ordnance, without soldiers, unable to fight and kill thieves in the front, without children of aristocratic families, unable to maintain supplies in the rear, unable to record battle reports on the front line, unable to draft various military orders, and unable to use the savings in the city Materials for military use, only if we work together to protect our country can we win this battle."

Many people in the audience began to shout: "I am willing to join the army and serve the country now, and fight to the death with the demons!"

"That's right, bring the wine, I want everyone to see my blood."

"Including me, I want everyone to see that the blood of the children of our aristocratic family is also hot and red, even if they hold a halberd and a spear, they will not hesitate."

Liu Yu smiled slightly, pressed his hands down, and made a comforting gesture, which eased the atmosphere like a volcanic eruption, and the audience began to become silent, but everyone's eyes were shining with eagerness, and they concentrated on Liu Yu Yu's body.

Liu Yu said solemnly: "To be honest, we can be said to be benevolent to the demons and thieves. When they raised troops and made troubles, there were still many people among us who sympathized with them, including me. Lu Xun, Xu Dao and I They once fought side by side, once defended Luoyang together, before I went to the Land of Three Wus, I thought they were forcing the people to rebel against the government, and I still wanted to recruit them until I saw the Land of Three Wus with my own eyes, UU reading www .uukanshu.com Thousands of miles of uninhabited, ten rooms and nine faces, the corpses of the children of the aristocratic families and the peasants who were tortured and killed, hung all over the branches, and when the soldiers of the Jin army who died in battle were made into a Beijing temple, I was shocked. I realized my mistake."

"But I still had illusions at that time. I thought that these people who had been oppressed by the tyrants of the family for many years had to rebel. They broke out the anger of oppression for a long time. Although it was cruel, it was also a coincidence. Until When I went to the Qiantang River with the army, I found the swaddling babies floating all over the river, and saw those drowned babies. They were all thrown into the river by their own mothers. That's it. Only then did I truly understand that what we are facing is no longer human beings, but a group of demons walking in the world, no matter what method we use to deal with them, it is right."

"From now on, I will never show mercy when dealing with demons and thieves on the battlefield, because I know that they will never show mercy when dealing with me, my brothers, and the people who refuse to follow them. The children of the family used to oppress Common people, illegal acts rampant in the countryside should only be strictly investigated and punished through national laws, and must not be resisted through this way of destroying everything and massacring the city and clearing the countryside. I can let the rebellious people who can be saved, but for those The leader of the thieves who have caused chaos in the world, I will definitely smash him into pieces!"

(end of this chapter)

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