Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 4565: Daogui comes to Qingpingyuan

Captain Asiba curled his lips and said: "It's almost dark. If we march, will we be ambushed by demon thieves? Besides, after General Fu and the others attacked, no news has come back."

Tan Zhi smiled slightly: "They reported that they are safe, but they also asked us not to move forward. I am afraid that the reconnaissance has been completed and we are on the way back now. Wait until..."

While he was talking, he saw a sound of horse hoofs in front of him. A group of cavalry galloped over from east to west from the direction of Qingping Plain. They were carrying a banner with the word "Fu". The sound of horse hoofs shook the heaven and the earth. The leader of the group, With a white horse and a silver gun, wearing a face mask, the figure galloping on the horse looks extremely vigorous and elegant.

Hu Daquan said in surprise: "Come back, General Fu and the others are back." As he said this, he was about to step forward to greet them.

Tan Zhi waved his hand and stopped Hu Daquan's actions: "Be careful, everything is possible. To prevent the enemy from pretending to make a surprise attack, it is better to act in accordance with military orders."

Hu Daquan looked stern and stopped. At this moment, in the military formation in front, the shield bearers stepped forward one after another, the long spear bearers were at the back, and the crossbowmen were drawing their bows and ready to fire. A front soldier The general stood on the large baggage cart in front of the shield formation and said loudly: "Come and stop, sign up, Jingzhou is mighty!"

Lai Qi stopped running. Under the afterglow of the setting sun at dusk, Fu Hongzhi came to a place about a hundred paces in front of the car, took off his face mask, and said in a deep voice: "We must defeat the evil thief. I am General Ning Yuan. The cavalry general Fu Hongzhi, following the orders of General Ningshan and General Tan, went out to reconnoiter the enemy's situation, and now he is back to answer the order!"

Having said this, he grinned: "Brother, your vigilance is really good. You are worthy of being the subordinate brought out by General Tan. Now, take me to see him quickly. I have been running for a long time and I am starving to death."

Half a quarter of an hour later, Tan Zhi sat on the bed, looked at Fu Hongzhi, who was sitting cross-legged in front of him and wolfing down a Guokui meat pie, and said, "I'm sorry, Hongzhi, I asked you to set off." I don't even bother to let you eat at all times. I have really worked **** you this day. If we really fight with the demon thief, how can we do without food? "

Fu Hongzhi waved his hand: "When we came out, we all brought some dried meat and cheese. This is the standard mix for our cavalry. Even if we don't have supplies, we can fight for a few days. We also ate some along the way. You can’t go into battle hungry, but these pot cakes of yours are really good, so I’ll give some more to my brothers later.”

Tan Zhi smiled slightly: "Don't worry, these cake tubes are enough. Are you sure that the monster thieves you saw only have 20,000 or 30,000 troops? And is it really Xu Daofu who is leading the troops?"

Fu Hongzhi finished eating the last piece of pancake, wiped his mouth, and jumped up from the ground: "Yes, this is what I saw with my own eyes. They have about four to five hundred Qianlong warships, covering the harbor. , However, after we left, the brothers who were watching behind sent a message saying that the demon thieves were already burning the ships, those..."

As he spoke, he pointed in the direction of Wulindu, and saw black smoke pillars rising into the sky. The firelight reflected the sky dozens of miles away, which was all red. It seemed that there was also a hint of fireworks in the air. Qi, obviously, this proves that what he said is true.

Tan Zhi frowned: "The demon thief is cutting off his own retreat. He is going to fight us tomorrow. If Xu Daofu really only has 20,000 or 30,000 troops, how can he have the confidence to fight like this? "

A steady and quiet voice came from under the high hill: "This is Xu Daofu. This is called meeting on a narrow road, the brave wins. He thinks he is the brave."

Tan Zhi and Fu Hongzhi's expressions both changed, and they looked at the post. A look of surprise appeared on their faces. They saw Liu Daogui jumped off his horse and walked up to the post slowly, while Tan Daoji and Dao Yanzhi lined up on the left and right, and Dao Yanzhi walked on. Said: "Aji, you are moving too fast. We finally arrived at Ma Tou Camp and wanted to have a good meal, but we heard that you had set off first and didn't even bother to drink water. We arrived all the way. Here, fortunately, it’s too late.”

Fu Hongzhi smiled and said: "Brother Yanzhi, I told Ah Zhi when I went to the Matou camp. Brother Daogui, we attacked first without asking you for instructions. When we get here, please forgive me." .”

Liu Daogui sat down on the bed where Tan Zhi had just been sitting, took off his white tassel helmet, and breathed a long sigh of relief: "I gave Ah Zhi the right to act expediently, just to allow him to attack on his own. It seems that , the demon thieves are burning boats and destroying camps, and are ready to fight to the death. It is very necessary for us to get out here."

Tan Daoji frowned slightly: "Brother Daogui, the enemy is burning ships and destroying camps like this in order to fight quickly. Shouldn't we retreat to the Matou camp, hold on without fighting, and weaken the enemy's spirit? Would it be better? !”

Liu Daogui sighed softly and looked at Tan Zhi: "Ah Zhi, your fourth brother has a different view. If you are asked to make a decision now, will you retreat to the Matou camp?"

Tan Zhi shook his head: "We must not retreat at this time. If we retreat without fighting, the people of dozens of villages in the east of Han Dynasty will fall into the hands of monsters and thieves. What we want is Defend the camp and weaken the enemy, but when the time comes, the demon thieves will rob thousands of people, especially the families of our soldiers, and drive them to attack our camp. Should we fight or not? Do you want to watch the enemy troops break through our camp like this?"

Tan Daoji frowned: "Is there really such a result? If the demon thieves divide their forces, UU Reading www.uukknshu.com we attack directly, can't we defeat them in one fell swoop?"

Tan Zhi sighed: "It is easy for demon thieves to fight this kind of momentum battle. We have lost Wulindu, and we dare not fight them east of the Han River. They only need to send a small number of soldiers to various places. They will publicize their victory and extort military rations from each village and hand over their heads. If anyone refuses to comply, just select one or two villages for massacre, and then take these heads to the next village to intimidate them. , then it’s hard for anyone to disobey, this is a common tactic of demon thieves, we must resist them here in order to buy time for the people in each village and township to evacuate.”

Tan Daoji gritted his teeth: "What Third Brother said makes sense. When we were in Wudi, they often did this kind of thing of driving people to attack the city. We were under Brother Jinu at that time, guarding Juzhang and Haiyan. At that time, I saw it with my own eyes. This time, the demon thieves came too quickly. The people here in Jingzhou didn’t know what was going on. If they saw that the army had withdrawn and did not dare to fight the demon thieves, they would probably collapse out of fear and disappointment. Xiang Yao Thief, let’s put it this way, our battle must be fought here.”

(End of chapter)

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