Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 4695: Keep the troops stationary and the military order is strict

Latest website: Before Hu Longshi could answer, Tan Daoji continued: "If Xu Daofu had deployed this kind of fire attack strategy, why didn't he attack the army from the front and run to the flanks? After seeing the fire attack, he didn't Opportunity, go to the direction of the Chinese army again? Xiao Hu No. 1, can you use your father's military tactics again and analyze it?"

Hu Longshi's face turned slightly red, and he whispered: "This, I really don't know about this. Maybe, maybe Xu Daofu has a bigger conspiracy."

Tan Daoji looked at Zhu Lingxiu: "Lingxiu, can you tell me?"

Zhu Lingxiu pondered for a moment and said: "Well, I am afraid that Xu Daofu's goal is not only to repel or severely damage our front army, but also to directly take advantage of the chaos of our front army to counterattack the central army, and then he Attacking from the north side of the Central Army can defeat our entire army in one fell swoop."

Tan Daoji nodded: "Yes, this should be Xu Daofu's idea. Even if our front army is unfavorable, the Chinese army can send reinforcements or have a unit go to respond. I expect Brother Daogui has shrunk now." Our southern flank troops asked us to send two thousand troops to the central army just to do this. The strength of the central army cannot be too small, otherwise if it cannot withstand the strong attack of the monster thieves, once there is a flaw in the formation, Xu Daofu probably pressed the main force and broke the formation in one fell swoop."

Hu Longshi suddenly said: "Brother Daoji, since Xu Daofu has such a treacherous plot, why don't we take the initiative to defeat his troops who are attacking the Chinese army, so that all his plans and arrangements will be useless. You can also take the initiative to break the situation."

Tan Daoji shook his head: "What we see now is just the arrangement Xu Daofu wanted us to see. Before the front army attacked, they were surrounded and divided by the enemy. It was very dangerous for a time. If they hadn't divided and interspersed the troops, If we are smart enough to attack the front army's main position, we are afraid that our attacking troops will not be able to come back. Our rear army has a solid defensive camp here. It will be difficult for the enemy to attack by force. But if we take the initiative to attack, we will reach the enemy's If you fight on a preset battlefield, you may be ambushed by the enemy, which is what the demon thief is good at."

"Our rear army plays the role of the reserve force for the entire battle. We must also ensure the entire army's rear route. We must not make any mistakes. Otherwise, if the rear army is lost, we will be divided and surrounded by the enemy at the least, or the entire army will be destroyed at worst. The morale of the soldiers collapsed and they were defeated without a fight, so Brother Daogui gave us a clear order, that is, to hold firm."

"Xu Daofu's use of troops is very cunning, luring the enemy to attack, and making sudden attacks are his specialties, and he can use them in everything from heaven to earth, just like the Kongming Lantern. He has already used it. If we attack, their backup Troops and horses are also dispatched. They will first divide and surround our attacking troops, and then attack our rear positions with an integrated air and ground strike. What good strategies do you have to resist?"

Everyone broke out in cold sweat after hearing this. After hearing this, they, who had been so arrogant just now, suddenly secretly rejoiced that they did not attack rashly, otherwise they might have become corpses by now.

Zhu Lingxiu gritted his teeth and said: "I understand, then the best thing to do is to stay here and not move. If Brother Daogui feels that it is time to attack, then we will attack again, right?"

Tan Daoji sighed: "Actually, the demon thief's move was very clever. The whole army turned around and pressed on our flank. Now our north side has become the front. The middle army turned to the middle army, and the front army turned to As the right wing, our rear army became the left wing. The solid defense originally arranged on the front suddenly lost its effect, and the thickness of the formation was also much weaker. It can be said that Brother Daogui's original clever arrangement in front of the Crane Wing Formation Xu Daofu has cracked the idea of ​​using a wide front to neutralize the enemy's strength advantage, and using the rear to gradually add troops to support."

Hu Longshi said bitterly: "This big demon thief leader really has something. Can Brother Daogui support us with hundreds of cavalry, and attack at the right time from the flanks, even if it is a limited attack, to test the enemy's reaction?" Okay?"

Tan Daoji smiled and waved his hand: "We don't need to worry about this. Just as the Chinese army needs to take action now to strengthen its defense, it will dispatch our troops to support. In other words, Brother Daogui judged that our four thousand troops It is enough to hold this direction, and if we need to attack, he will also mobilize troops with high mobility and powerful assault capabilities, whether they are tanks or iron cavalry, they can be used."

At this point, his expression became serious: "However, until the enemy's trump card is exhausted, we still have to stand still. With our four thousand troops, we can hold back Xu Daofu's main force of more than ten thousand people. We still make a profit, the attack of the demon thieves on the front and middle armies will not continue like this, I am afraid that changes are about to happen."

Before he finished speaking, a distant sound of gongs and drums suddenly sounded from the front army in the distance, four or five miles away. Even from such a distance, you could still hear the sound of killing soaring into the sky and shaking the earth. Come, even over the noise of the battle in the central army, Tan Daoji frowned slightly: "Could it be that the decisive battle is coming in the front army?"

Tan Daoji's eyes swept across the crowd and said in a deep voice: "Generals, please return to your respective departments now. The decisive battle of this battle is probably coming. Everyone is waiting for my order to act. Do not act rashly. Anyone who disobeys the order will be subject to military law." Engage!”

All the generals looked stern, and they saluted and said in unison: "I obey the order!"

Tan Daoji watched everyone bow and retreat. UU Kanshu www.uukanshu.com Only he and several military officials and soldiers were left in the tent. Hu Longshi also went out to arrange the formation of the general's guards. Tan Daoji's eyes fell on the tent. On the sand table map in the center, where the front army was, the chess pieces of both sides were intertwined, but Tan Zhi's general flag was still missing. He murmured to himself: "Third brother, you must resist."

Jin army, front army, central front.

Fu Hongzhi stood in the front line of the front army. In the three central square formations, in front of him were three rows of halberdiers and spearmen holding each other, and more than fifty Dongman warriors and lightly-armed Chinese troops. The guards, led by Captain Axiba and Tan Shihuai, were concentrated in the formation in small teams, and about five steps behind them, there were more than a hundred archers. Under the leadership, the bow is raised diagonally upward, ready to be fired at any time.

A rush of footsteps sounded from behind. Fu Hongzhi looked back and saw Liu Zhendao and Pei Fangming, each with three to four hundred people, hurried over. Liu Zhendao's more than a hundred subordinates, in groups of two to three, hugged each other. They were holding the big wood, while Pei Fangming's men were holding big wooden hammers with both hands. The faces of these people were full of excitement and confidence, and the two voices came down the wind: "Haha, Brother Hongzhi, let's help!" (End of Chapter) )


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