Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 4697: Bow and arrow vs. halberd strike

Latest website: As soon as Zhu Xiuzhi finished speaking, he saw a black cloud-like rain of arrows rising from the sky, striking from a distance of sixty or seventy steps, and a small part of it fell on the halberdiers in the front row. Most of them came towards these archers. Obviously, after being attacked by five rounds of arrow rain, the archers in the Tianshi Taoist Army also began to fight back.

The shield-bearers of the Jin army who had been squatting on the ground stood up one after another and rushed to the side of the archers. They raised their shields high and blocked the heads of the archers. Suddenly, A roof was propped up.

The sounds of "du" and "du" are endless. They are the sounds of arrows hitting the shield. Occasionally, there are also the sound of some arrows passing through the gaps in the shield and hitting the human body with the sound of flesh penetration and the muffled sound. These dedicated people Shield bearers often prefer to be hit by arrows themselves, but also protect the heads and shoulders of archers. Their upper bodies are wearing hard leather armor. Some people still wear fine steel armor and steel helmets, even if they are hit by arrows. Even if they are hit by a branch, they often do not cause much damage. Some people even have two or three arrows stuck in their bodies and are still waving their shields vigorously.

In this round of arrow rain attacks, there were only about ten people who fell to the ground after being hit by arrows. The civilians and auxiliary soldiers in the back row quickly stepped forward, picked up these people who could not be hit by arrows, and ran backwards.

The archers of the Jin army, under the leadership of Zhu Xiuzhi, once again drew the bows and loaded the arrows. When the bow strings were fully drawn, the shields above their heads suddenly pulled away, and as their fingers loosened the strings, there was another round of arrow rain. It shot out of the air, but this time, the shooting distance was almost exactly where the arrow came from. With the ability of these archers, based on the strength of the arrow when they were attacked just now, they can calculate the approximate distance of the arrow. This round of arrow rain was directed at the opponent's archers.

There was a burst of screams and muffled groans outside the formation, and a shower of arrows followed, but the noise was smaller than the first round. Obviously, this round of bow and arrow counterattack, As a result, the opponent also had at least thirty or fifty archers who fell to the ground after being hit by arrows.

Fu Hongzhi stood about ten steps in front of Zhu Xiuzhi, which was the center of the phalanx. His expression was calm, and he didn't even pay attention to the bows and arrows flying above his head. This fierce general who had experienced hundreds of battles was facing He has long been accustomed to this, but his eyes are on the battle on the front line of the shield formation.

I saw the Jin army's front row of halberd bearers and halberd soldiers, who were constantly striking and stabbing. The large shields were in front of them, and the halberds and long halberds mounted behind the shields or on the shields were lined up in front. Under their shouts, they stabbed rhythmically and regularly. With each thrust, there would be several screams, and even more sounds of weapons intersecting to block.

And across the shield, sharp spear points or spearheads penetrated from time to time. Obviously, the opponent's sergeants were not fools. The same sergeants with long weapons in their hands were in front, a few steps away from the Jin army. This line of defense attacks each other.

However, these attacks on the Jin army's camp were not so uniform, and there was not even a unified rhythm. From time to time, we could only see spears trying to stab the soldiers in the front row of the Jin army, but they were often killed by the second row or even the soldiers in the front row. It is the sergeants in the third row who have quick eyes and quick hands. They hold the halberds and spears raised diagonally in their hands to push away these weapons of the Taoist Master that are stabbing across the shield. Even if there are occasional halberds and a few strikes, they can hit the shield. Later Jin soldiers were often unable to cause fatal damage due to the good protection of their armored steel helmets.

Half a quarter of an hour later, the Jin army's halberdiers took a rotation, but they still maintained a good line and did not retreat at all. Instead, the spears and spears in each sergeant's hand were stained with blood and stained red. Obviously, everyone was Something has been achieved, and at the feet of the soldiers in front, you can vaguely see blood flowing continuously, and from time to time, figures outside the shield formation fall down. Obviously, the Tianshi Taoist army has been in this round. In the impact, we did not gain any advantage, but suffered considerable losses.

Tan Shihuai smiled and pointed at the battle situation ahead, and said: "Brother Hongzhi, I thought the demon thieves would have some new tactics and powerful back-up moves, but I didn't expect that they would just keep coming to die. This time they Even those red-clad swordsmen from the general altar are not used, do you just want to rely on the large number of people to charge us head-on?"

Captain Asiba sneered: "This is a daydream. Even if they come with ten thousand people, they can't break through our defense line. I think Li Nanfeng has lost his mind and just wants to kill him with his life."

Liu Zhendao waved his hand and pointed to his side. Behind the square formation, the more than 20 sergeants were divided into six groups, with big trees in front of them. He said, "Don't be careless. You didn't notice, the demon thief." Are the wooden armored machine men already within a hundred steps?"

Everyone's expressions changed slightly at the same time. In an instant, a burst of arrows rose into the sky, accompanied by the sound of the trigger of a repeating crossbow. In front of them, seven wooden armored robots that had been approaching within a hundred steps suddenly moved. After opening the shield in his hand, the crossbows on his shoulders and chest began to fire continuously. At a distance of about two feet above the shield, they directly faced the Jin soldiers behind the shield in front, forming a shower of arrows. Woolen cloth.

The halberd warriors behind the shields of the Jin army all wore heavy armor and steel helmets, but they did not have shields in their hands. The long and heavy halberds and rifles became the only things they could count on. Many people tried to wave them. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com tried to deflect the incoming arrows and crossbow bolts, but it was in vain. In just one salvo, more than ten sergeants were hit by arrows in the face or on the top of their heads. It penetrated directly through the head, and he died without even a cry. The damage caused by this round of attacks by the wooden armored machine man was actually greater than the previous rounds of bow and arrow shooting.

However, the Jin army's phalanx was well-trained. The fallen soldiers were quickly dragged away by their companions in the back row, and the gap left by him was filled by other sergeants. The Jin army's defense line , it was still airtight, and even the thrusts of the soldiers in the first row were not affected at all.

Fu Hongzhi turned his head back and said sternly: "Quick, shoot these wooden armored robots to destroy them!"

Zhu Xiuzhi gritted his teeth and said in a deep voice: "Everyone get on the rockets, form a group of five, aim at a wooden armor machine man, and burn them for me!"

As he spoke, he pulled out a special rocket from his quiver, wiped the flint in his hand, and passed the arrow covered with kerosene. Immediately, the arrow burned into a palm-sized rocket, and the firelight illuminated Zhu's eyes. Xiu Zhi's face was just like the hundreds of archer subordinates around him. A spark of fire was pointed at the wooden armor machine outside the formation, ready to explode! (End of chapter)


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