Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 4889: The legend of hungry wolf named Turk

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The black robe's eyes flashed coldly: "Where did you learn how to build these armored cavalry? You never told me about this."

Luo Longsheng curled up his lips: "When I was in Yongzhou these years, I spent a lot of money to recruit more than a dozen knights and their servant craftsmen from the Murong clan of Nanyan. I also fully understand how they made these armors. , but some of the key fire-purifying methods require the use of drowning of three animals. Yongzhou does not have a large number of cattle and sheep, so it is not easy to gather these materials. In addition, if I take the initiative to build these armored cavalry, The equipment will arouse the vigilance of the Lu family and his son, so I used the trade with Rouran to go to the grassland to conduct this secret transaction with them."

"In the west of the Rouran Khanate that Datan guards, there is a large mountain called Altai Mountain, also called Jinshan. It is more than a thousand miles north of the Wusun Kingdom in the Western Region. In this mountain, there is a tribe that specializes in forging weapons for Rouran. , called the Ashina tribe, also known as the Turks, because the shape of this golden mountain is a bit like the helmets worn by soldiers, also known as Doujue, so it was named after the mountain, and called the Ashina tribe, also called the Turks."

The black robe murmured: "Doujue, Tujue, I seem to have heard of this tribe. It is said that they used to be a Zahu tribe on the West Sea, near Pingliang, and provoked the ferocious Tiefu Xiongnu in Hexi. All the men, women, and children in the tribe were slaughtered by him, leaving only the leader's son, a little boy who was only a few years old. The brutal enemy did not kill the child, but cut off all his limbs and turned him into a stick. Use the human stick to humiliate him, and then leave.”

"There was a female wolf who couldn't bear the tragic death of her child, so she took food in her mouth every day to feed the child. Later, the child had an affair with the female wolf and made the female wolf pregnant. A few years later , the enemy tribe back then came back to visit their hometown, and unexpectedly found that the child was still alive, so they killed the little boy with a stick, and the she-wolf escaped with the child's offspring, all the way to Jinshan, where Ten wolf children were born, and these ten children are the ancestors of the Ashina tribe."

Luo Longsheng curled up his lips: "These are just myths and legends. You know, the barbarians on the grassland like to put real things in the colors of these gods and ghosts. The so-called she-wolf may be a tribe with the wolf as its totem. , as far as I know, this little prince was originally married to this wolf tribe. Later, the tribe was destroyed and suffered a catastrophe, but the princess of this wolf tribe still took over the crippled little prince and married him as promised. , and became pregnant with his child. Later, the enemy tribe turned to attack the Wolf Totem tribe. The Wolf Totem tribe could not resist, so they could only let more than 500 soldiers and civilians **** the princess to escape, while he fled in another direction. Finally, The fate of this Wolf Totem tribe is unknown, but the princess took more than 500 families of herdsmen and fled to Jinshan."

"In Jinshan, the princess gave birth to ten boys. Of course, not all of these ten boys were the original little prince. Maybe some were born to the tribesmen. So among the ten Turks with surnames, Ashina, There is also the distinction of Astide, used to distinguish the difference between fathers, but in any case, they are half brothers. Moreover, after experiencing such a catastrophe, it can be regarded as a legend on the grassland. This Ashina tribe They have unique forging skills. After Jinshan was discovered and conquered by Rouran, they became Rouran's forging slave tribe, specializing in forging iron tools for Rouran. The method of purifying fire by drowning three animals, I am still in Jinshan. I only really mastered it after meeting this tribe.”

The black robe softly said "Oh": "But the Murong tribe and the Turkic Ashina tribe are thousands of miles apart, so how can they master the same technology?"

Luo Longsheng shook his head: "I don't know about that. Maybe, the original wolf totem or the tribe of the exterminated little boy also used to be a herder in the Hehuang area, and had some contact with Murong Tuyuhun, so I understand I must have learned Murong's method of forging pure fire. I'm not too clear on the specific reasons. I only know that thousands of pairs of complete sets of vests have indeed been produced in this golden mountain."

The black robe said thoughtfully: "If this Turkic Ashina tribe masters the technology of making such sophisticated equipment, then it may be possible to replace Rouran and become the overlord of the grassland in the future. I think you can Deal with this Ashina tribe more privately, instead of going through Rouran for everything."

Luo Longsheng sighed: "The Rouran people are not fools, especially this Datan. They value the Ashina tribe very much. This tribe has only secretly made armored weapons for Datan and his brothers' tribes, while other servants The tribe does not have this kind of treatment. This is the secret of the sharp armored soldiers of Datan, who can defeat the Great Khan Bulu Zhen. Now that Datan has become the Great Khan, UU Reading www.uukanshu.net has even blocked Ah Tan tightly. The secret of the existence of the Ashina tribe. If it weren't for the fact that I can trade some iron ore from the Western Regions here, and there are many Han families who have the technology to make armor and fine steel, he would not have allowed me to interact with this Ashina in Jinshan. Tribal cooperation.”

Heipao said coldly: "If Da Tan's goal is to compete with the Northern Wei Dynasty, then he can't defeat it just by relying on the backward equipment of the Mobei tribe. Only those with tens of thousands of armored cavalry like the Murong clan can do it." Only heavy cavalry can have an advantage in frontal battles. However, these steppe wolves are extremely difficult to control, just like Datan. It stands to reason that Shelun and Hulu were his benefactors and his masters back then, but when he became After the Great Khan, he killed Shelun's son without thinking of welcoming Hulu back, which shows that this man is also ambitious. Cooperation with him should not be too in-depth, and each can get what he needs."

Luo Longsheng nodded: "Yes, I want war horses, he wants armor, everyone gets what he needs, and the Turks are actually not honest. In addition to providing Rouran with armor and cavalry, they also secretly hide some vests. , the Rouran people are very discriminatory towards the Turkic tribe, beating, insulting and robbing the women of the tribe, treating them as slaves. I think the Turks are quietly gathering strength now, and maybe many years later, they will rise up together. It is possible to replace Rouran."

The black robe smiled slightly: "So, you are also secretly cooperating with the Turks now?"

Luo Longsheng sighed: "There is no grassland in Jinshan. Rouran does not provide war horses, cattle and sheep to the Turkic tribes. Their food, clothing, and clothing are completely dependent on Rouran. Therefore, for the time being, they have no way to resist Rouran. However, if there is a problem in the future, If there is a chance, the Turks can not only serve as slaves, but also as a normal servant tribe, qualified to go out to fight, that is their opportunity." (End of this chapter)

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