Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 4907: Tao Gong is the one who adapts to the wind

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Yu Yue frowned, a little surprised: "How could this happen? A pure scholar was forced to do so? After Huan Xuan was overthrown, many evil deeds were made public to the world, but why haven't you heard of this? "

Tao Yuanming gritted his teeth, with an angry expression on his face: "Because I offended Liu Yu and the Beifu Army later, how could they rehabilitate me? They would like to beat me to Huan Xuan's party. Especially especially Liu Yi wanted to invite me to serve as his staff, but I refused, so he held a grudge and made trouble in front of Liu Yu, drove me away, and even tried to punish me."

Yu Yue laughed: "But we all know that you once joined Liu Yu's general shogunate, and you also served for him, went to the Later Qin Dynasty as an envoy for the Jin Dynasty, and claimed back the land of the twelve counties of Nanyang. These are also You have achieved your good reputation. To be honest, you are still a role model that many children of aristocratic families and scholars want to learn from. From then on, we learned that you are not only a great poet and famous scholar, but also a person who can Here are the great men of the country who have made great contributions to the country."

At this point, Yu Yue curled up her lips with a look of surprise. She looked at Tao Yuanming and asked, "But what I don't understand is that when you are famous all over the world, everyone thinks you will be in Liu Yu's house." Why did you choose to resign when you were promoted to a nobility in the military? Especially when I heard that you resigned in public at a wedding banquet of Liu Muzhi. This was completely unacceptable to Liu Yu and Liu Muzhi. It’s face.”

Tao Yuanming said calmly: "I have said that our Tao family is loyal to the Jin Dynasty and has always served the Jin Dynasty, because it was the Jin Dynasty that gave our ancestor Kan the official position and promoted us Xi people to become officials. This is a national favor. Even though our family fell into decline later, we still retained some of the property that the Jin Dynasty awarded to our Tao family a hundred years ago. This has provided our family with food for hundreds of years. Therefore, learning martial arts and repaying it to the emperor's family is What we have to do, I have studied hard since I was a child and learned a lot of talents, just to repay the Jin Dynasty and the country."

"And the foundation of our Jin Dynasty is the world of aristocratic families. In the Western Dynasties, there were many clans and vassals, which eventually led to the tragic disaster of eight kings. The north is still under the rule of the Hulu. Since Emperor Yuan Since crossing to the south and establishing the Eastern Jin Dynasty, the founding aristocratic families have established the world of aristocratic families. The great aristocratic families and noble families, together with the royal family of the Sima family, rule together with the emperor and ministers, appointing capable and meritorious noble families to use their merits to seal the borders and divide the borders. Tu, the ancestor of our Tao family, Kan Gong, was under such circumstances that he started from a small official in a county and finally embarked on the road of becoming a great governor and a large feudal town, and he also gained a good reputation in the world."

Yu Yue nodded: "Our ancestors of the Yu family also started their fortunes at about the same time. However, we are in the central government and are officials in the court, while you are herding and guarding Jingzhou, all contributing to the Jin Dynasty."

Tao Yuanming nodded: "But no matter what, our ancestors were nobles, scholars, educated, able to govern the country, and manage politics, not those rough military men who couldn't read a single word and could only lick blood with the tip of a knife. If If a person has no culture, he does not know etiquette and does not practice swordsmanship. Even if he can fight, he is just leading a group of wild beasts to roam the world, just like those barbarians in the north. Their fighting skills are no better than those of Qiu Ba's army leaders. How powerful? Even Huan Wen was invincible in the south and in the Jin Dynasty. But when he came to the north and encountered the Hu cavalry, he was completely defeated. If he had to find these warriors as commanders, then why not surrender to the Hu barbarians in the north? Are you going to let your own thugs ride on your head?"

Yu Yue nodded: "Yes, in the past, these warriors were just generals and healthy servants who looked after the homes and courtyards of our wealthy families. If it were in a peaceful period, they would never be able to get ahead, but because of the chaos in the world Only strong soldiers and horses can guarantee peace. However, many of our descendants from aristocratic families hate military service, and are even afraid of retribution for killing people, and refuse to serve in the army. As a result, military power gradually fell into the hands of these warriors. Now that I think about it, we still The big mistake was made, this matter of turning against the guest as the leader and the slave cavalry as the leader, that is, it started from Huan Wen, it broke out by Liu Laozhi, and by Liu Yu, the trend was irreversible."

Tao Yuanming sighed: "Actually, although Huan Xuan is an enemy of our Tao family, when I forced him to leave the mountain, I had some hope for him, because Huan Xuan himself is also arty, likes poetry, calligraphy and painting, and puts himself as much as possible. Dressing up as a son of a noble family, a scholar and literati, rather than a martial artist, I thought that if Huan Xuan could control the government, he could safely be a powerful minister like Huo Guang and Kong Ming, and then dispatch his troops to the northern expedition, he might have a chance to take advantage of the chaos in the north. , there is no chance for the Hu people to end this hundred years of troubled times, so for a while, I really wanted to do something for him ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ But I was quickly disappointed, Huan Xuan just wanted to He just wanted to plunder the money and land of the Wudi family for his own occupation, and by the way, he gave some of it to his ministers from Conglong. He didn't even think about how to enrich the country and strengthen the army and regain the lost land. When he was in Wudi, he indulged his subordinates everywhere. He went to loot the property of the Wu family and the local tycoons, and took it as his own, causing anger and resentment. He also completely ignored the people's livelihood and collected heavy taxes to maintain the large military supplies he brought from Jingzhou to Jiankang, and then relied on the army to provide supplies. In the name of the imperial court, they are robbing everywhere!”

"How can such a person be the ambitious new leader of the world? He is simply the leader of a group of bandits and robbers. Moreover, in the end, he actually did not even make superficial remarks and forced the emperor of the Sima clan to abdicate to him. He became the leader himself. How could an emperor, who was both greedy and stupid, and ascended the throne without serving the country and the people, gain popularity, last for a long time? I thought at that time that he, like Yin Zhongkan, would soon be defeated. So I once again made an excuse to travel around and leave Huanxuan. Facts have proved that I was right again this time."

Yu Yue nodded: "I heard that you convinced Liu Tingyun not to follow Huan Xuan at that time, and that's how Liu Tingyun was rescued by Liu Yi and ended up becoming Liu Yi's wife. But is it true?"

Tao Yuanming nodded: "There is indeed something going on. Huan Xuan was defeated by Liu Yu and had too much time to take care of himself. But I was controlled by him at the time and wanted to kidnap me and escape together. I knew that he had failed and following him would be a dead end, so I volunteered I went to ask for orders to help him bring back Liu Tingyun, the queen. At that time, I thought that Liu Tingyun was a noble daughter of the Wudi family after all. If I could leave some connections with her, it might help me stay in Jiankang and achieve my career in the future. But , and later I realized that it was me who was being used, and her true identity was the apostle of the Tiandao Alliance!" (End of Chapter)

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