Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 4909: Levels up and down are the way of heaven

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Yu Yue gritted his teeth: "I heard Liu Yi mention that his position of guard was given to someone else, and he took the lead in reorganizing the Black Hand Universe. However, I didn't expect that it was you who gave it to me. So, Do you also know the other two guards of our Black Hand Universe?"

Tao Yuanming said calmly: "Zhuque Xu Xianzhi, Xuanwu Meng Chang, how could I not know? Huh, these candidates were decided after I discussed with Liu Yi. In fact, he knows a lot about me, but he has never been with you He mentioned it here because of his thoughts. I just hate this kind of internal fighting, so I don't want to wade into this muddy water."

Yu Yue sighed: "It turns out that you are the most hidden master. We underestimated you, Mr. Tao. That's all. At this point, you might as well talk about your true purpose and what you want. I don't think you know how. Just out of loyalty to Jin Dynasty."

Tao Yuanming smiled slightly: "What I want has always been simple and clear, which is to restore the honor of our Tao family and restore the glory of Kan Gong. What do you think is the most glorious thing about my Kan Gong?"

Yu Yue's expression changed: "Do you want Jingzhou? Like the Huan family who ruled Jingzhou for a long time?"

Tao Yuanming said calmly: "Even a trash like Yin Zhongkan can be the governor of Jingzhou. Why can't we, the Tao family, be the governor? I am a famous celebrity in the world, and I am also a person who can rebuild the world of Black Hand in secret. My ability, It’s not just about writing a few poems. If you ask me to guard a place and protect the country and the people, I can do the same as Kan Gong. But the power of Mafia Qiankun is limited to Wudi. You are only satisfied with building a manor in Yangzhou and becoming rich for generations. This is unacceptable to me, so I don’t want to join the Black Hand Universe, but only want my Jingzhou.”

Yu Yue sneered and said: "You have a big appetite. You want to be Huan Wen, right? Then with the power of Jingzhou, will you learn from Huan Wen and Wang Dun, and send troops to the capital to conquer the world?"

Tao Yuanming smiled slightly: "You wouldn't believe me if I said I didn't want to. I said I don't think I might have the ability. So, what I want is to capture Jingzhou first. Who can say clearly what will happen next? When the Xie family helped Liu Yu ascend to power and took over Beifu, whether it was Xie An of Xuanwu or Xie Xuan of Doupeng in the future, who would have thought that Liu Yu would have future development and status?"

Yu Yue gritted his teeth: "I prefer people like you who put your needs in front of others. Like Liu Yu, who makes the world go crazy with him for unrealistic ideals, but I can't accept it."

Tao Yuanming said calmly: "I can't stand this either. He probably decided that he wanted to fight a war and the Northern Expedition. He wanted to restore the Central Plains and expel the barbarians. In the final analysis, he relied on the common people and refugees at the bottom, so He wanted to bring hope and benefits to these lower-class people, even abolishing their status as tenant farmers, making them free citizens of the country, and giving them the benefits of land distribution, so as to tie their hearts and exchange for their willingness to die for him. Although I Due to my position, I cannot agree with his approach, but I have to admit that if he wants to make thousands of people willing to join the army and fight, his approach is feasible."

Yu Yue laughed: "I'm talking about Tao Gong, if we are the ones to say this, then it's no problem. Our Yu family is a big family after all. There are hundreds of thousands of tenant farmers in our family. Plus other families, the Jin Dynasty is at least There are millions of people, which are the private property of each of our families. We cannot allow Liu Yu to seize our manpower. The land is understandable, but your Tao family is in decline, and even Mr. Tao himself is hiding in the mountains and forests. In China, there are no thousands of acres of fertile land, nor thousands of villagers and servants. Ordinarily you should support Liu Yu, he will give you room for advancement and the possibility of getting ahead. This is something that we, aristocratic families, don’t quite do. Maybe given.”

Tao Yuanming said calmly: "Yu Gong doesn't know. Although in your eyes, our Tao family is in decline and looks like ordinary people, but even if we hide in the mountains and forests, our clansmen still regard us as their lords and patriarchs. He will serve us. There are many people in our tribe who have gone out to serve as generals. Their power and wealth exceed that of our family, but they still regard me, Tao Yuanming, as their lord and are willing to obey my orders. If there is no such clear relationship between superiors and subordinates, If we don’t have this kind of old people who are still willing to serve our Tao family after decades or hundreds of years, then I’m afraid our Tao family is truly doomed.”

At this point, Tao Yuanming paused: "Just like Wen Bai in your mansion, their ancestors received great favor from your Yu family, so when the Yu family encountered a disaster and Jingzhou's power was almost wiped out, they also treated you Wenbai has never left your family and has been following you until now. Wenbai himself has always been loyal to you when you were at your lowest. If it weren't for this master-slave relationship, the distinction between superior and inferior has been deeply rooted in the blood and souls of us people~www.wuxiaspot. com~How could this happen?"

Yu Yue nodded seriously: "What you said makes sense. I made a mistake just now. Please forgive me, Mr. Tao. I understand now that you attach great importance to this kind of hierarchy and order. Therefore, Liu Yu You must never allow the practice of wanting everyone to be equal and breaking this hierarchy and order."

Tao Yuanming sneered and said: "If he wants to benefit the ordinary people, he must take away the interests of the nobles. If he wants to destroy this inheritance from generation to generation, he can be kind to me today, but tomorrow he can take away my descendants' family property and give it away." To others, from national laws to worldly public opinion, there will no longer be protection and reverence for power and family inheritance. In the end, he will become a tyrant and a thief who will always occupy a high position, relying on depriving high-level nobles of their family properties, and then go to Satisfy the desires of the lower-class untouchables and let them become a new group of nobles. After a few years, they will in turn knock down these new nobles and replace them with another group of people. In this way, one person and his family will last for generations. In addition, the whole country will Slave, I will never allow such a world to appear!"

Yu Yue sighed: "I understand what you mean, and I also truly understand Liu Yu's real thoughts. Alas, it's so terrible. This is to make all the noble families in the world disappear into the background. In this way, no one can restrain them. The power of a king. What Liu Yu wants to do is the same as Qin Shihuang. He wants to become a living **** for thousands of generations and rule the world forever without anyone opposing him."

Tao Yuanming smiled slightly: "I think Liu Yu may not be the one who thought of this. Maybe he himself is just a naive and idealistic villager and a soldier, and the think tanks behind him, Liu Muzhi and Wang Miaoyin, are the ones who think about it." I want to be like this, a country that will last forever, for generations to come. Therefore, the person who really hates me, and the person I really hate, is Liu Muzhi." (End of this chapter)

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