Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 2 Chapter 651: Increased bidding for 3 party kills

Xie Xuan smiled slightly: "I think this Chu son is the same as Aning, and I can't see whether it is good or bad. Anyway, I think it is all profitable. I just buy a group of people."

Wang Gong smiled haha: "I think so too, but he is going to lose a lot. Hearing what Liu Yingyang said just now, there are only four or five of these people, and the others are inferior, I think , The more it goes to the back, the higher the quality will be. The ones that start to be released are not decent, right. "

Liu Laozhi smiled slightly: "Yes, there are a lot of martial arts and strong people behind, some of us were captured by ourselves, but also prepared for your prince."

Wang Gong nodded with satisfaction, Wang Xiao on the stage said loudly: "Are there any people competing with Mr. Chu? If there is no one, 200,000 yuan and fifty captives will all belong to Mr. Chu."

Wang Mi looked around, and the servants on one side raised a gong, just like the auction in later generations. Wang Mi picked up a gong mallet and chanted, "200,000 yuan, for the first time."

"Two hundred thousand money, the second time!"

The three sons of Chu are well-groomed, and the eyes of the family are all smiling and smiling to each other. This is an unwritten agreement among the family. In principle, do n’t stir up the price and raise the price. Hurt and angry.

When Wang Mi raised the gong mallet and prepared to finalize it, Liu Yu's voice calmly sounded: "The second one on the left, five thousand dollars."

Liu Yu's voice was not high, but he was full of energy and his speech was steady. There was a vaguely irresistible power in it, so that everyone present could hear clearly. Just now there was a smile of joy and congratulations. A meeting place immediately became silent.

The third son of Chu, named Chu Shuang, was the nephew of Emperor Kangxian, the Empress Dowager of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, and his grandfather, Chu Bao, had written a book for a few years before Huan Wen took office because of his daughter becoming queen. In fact, he became the first person in power in the Jin Kingdom, Yang Di Chu's family, and he became the third ruling family in Dong Jin after Wang Dao and the Yu Liang family.

However, Chu Baowen was more elegant, but his military skills were inadequate. He originally wanted to take advantage of Ran Min ’s destruction of Zhao at the time, and the Northern Expedition built his merits when he was in chaos in the north. However, he was defeated by Li Min, the general of the Ran Min faction. The people of Jintou in Nantou were also killed by the chaotic army because they lost Chu Shao's response, and the blood stained the Yellow River. Afterwards, Chu Shao was indignant and angry. As a result, the power of Jin Guo fell into the hands of Yin Hao and Huan Wen.

The Chu family's family ethics fell, although Chu Garzi as a queen, the queen mother, has great prestige in the harem, and even the powerful minister Huan Wen will let her make a three-pointer. Before Sima Yao became an adult, he was always Chu Lizi. The Empress Dowager was in charge of the government, but the Chu family did not show talent for decades. Until this Chu Shuang, the family ranked third, and the two older brothers died early, so the family is often called Chu Sansang, although Xie An The cousin of Marry married Chu, and the two are also in-laws. However, as the Chu family's family fell, their movements gradually slowed down. Over the years, Chu Shuang has been nothing more than a powerless leisure such as the San Qi Chang Shi. Officials, the major families of Beijing Middle School did not take him seriously.

But after all, Chu Bao was a prime minister, and there was also a sense of arrogance in his bones. In this auction meeting, he was the first to come out to buy slaves collectively. The first shot was to use up the maximum number of slaves that the Chu family can buy. Wanting to win a jackpot, prove to the world's family and scholars that the Chu family is still among the influential high-men family, and sooner or later there may be a comeback.

But the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment. I did not expect that all the family children did not come out to compete with themselves, but it was Liu Yu, a country boy, who stood up to bid with himself. Chu Shuang wanted to attack, but when he thought of Liu Yu and the Xie family Relationship, and forcibly suppressed the anger in my heart, Shen Sheng said: "Master Liu, do you like this slave? If you want, I can give it to you. Today's auction meeting, Secretary Wang said very clearly It is also a networking event among the family. Do n’t let the few servants lose their peace and fight for price increases. ”

Liu Yu smiled slightly and said: "Since it's an auction, it's natural to have a bid, which is interesting. If you give it away afterwards, it can only reflect the relationship between the family's children, but this kind of stimulus you fight for, But it is much less. I was born in Liu Yujun's Han Xingwu, not a child of the family, so I also asked Mr. Chu for forgiveness. "

Chu Yi's face changed, and he looked at Xie Xuan, and said coldly: "Xie Zhenjun, this Master Liu Jun is your prospective son-in-law of Xie's family. You should teach him one or two rules in the family."

Xie Xuan said indifferently: "Today's auction is not a Wuyi meeting, nor does it say that only the children of the family can be invited to participate. Liu Yu is not married to Wang Miaoyin, he is not the son-in-law of our Wang Xie family, he is Beifu Military heroes and officers are of course qualified to participate in this auction as an individual. As for whether to bid at a higher price, that is his freedom, and I have no right to interfere. "

Chu Shuang gritted his teeth: "That is to say, what Liu Yu did today has nothing to do with the Xie family, does it."

Xie Xuan smiled slightly: "Everyone is buying their favorite prisoners of war on their own. They think that Liu Yu is a soldier, he is a **** battlefield, and he probably needs a good helper around him, so he will take the initiative to bid for what he sees. Person, even as coach, I have no right to ask. "

Diao Kui's voice sounded with a hint of adultery: "Lord Liu Jun's fancy is naturally a warrior, six thousand dollars, I want it!"

As soon as this remark came out ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Even Xie Xuan's face changed slightly. Everyone's eyes fell on Diao Kui, who was sitting on the ground in the pergola, and his face was dark. Xiang Diao Kui: "Diao Tiao Shi, Liu Yu doesn't understand the rules, but you are a child of the family, the dignified Guangzhou Thorn Shi, General Jianwei, do you have to live with Chu?"

Diao Kui smiled and shook his head: "Brother Chu, please don't get me wrong. If you want to buy someone, then Diao Mou is willing to give in, but this is Liu Jun, hey, just killed one of our family in the camp the other day. General, although the man deserves his sins, after all, he has followed us for more than ten years, and all of a sudden he has no heads, so we have no choice but to come here to find a candidate this time. It will be a good soldier, how can I not buy it? "

Chu Shuang gritted his teeth and said in a deep voice: "Okay, it's really interesting, you guys want to fight me, right? Ten thousand dollars, I'm out!"

Chu Shuang also tried to gamble and increased the price from 6,000 to 10,000 at once. He also wanted to show Liu Yu and Diao Kui an attitude so that they would not fight with themselves.

Liu Yu shook his head, Jianmei raised his head slightly, pointed to the ninth from the left of the crowd and said: "In addition to the one I just wanted, this person, I also want, each, 15,000 yuan!"

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