Eight Hundred Hokage

Chapter 276: Give a bounty of 100 million Bailey first.

‘If you are the Navy, what are we? ' In the face of Wan Jun, who claimed to be the navy, Smaller thought speechlessly.

"Of course it's the navy, but we don't belong to Marin Vando, and we don't belong to Mary Joa's world government." Wan Jun stared at the doubtful Smog and continued, "We won't take orders from the Tianlong people."

"Okay, tell these words to your marshal. Then, exchange the bounty of these pirates for me."

After Wan Jun finished speaking, he walked straight towards the direction of his own ship, leaving only the members of the Evil Dragon Pirates who were imprisoned by the gravel.

Due to the strength of the other party, and Wan Jun and others did not attack civilians, Smog also acquiesced to Wan Jun and others to dock, and cashed out the bounty of the members of the Dragon Pirates one by one.

When Nami bought supplies with Bailey exchanged by these pirates, a call from the Navy Headquarters also reached the naval base in Rogue Town.

"Rogue Town?" After Smoker picked up the phone worm, the phone worm suddenly made a voice that Smoker was very familiar with.

"Master Marshal!"

Although he was still holding the phone bug, Smog immediately gave a salute to Sengoku who was at the naval headquarters.

"Have you contacted the Navy Headquarters before?" The contact mentioned by the Warring States was exactly the contact made by Da Siqi who had returned to the base before. But that time, Da Siqi was not able to contact Marshal Warring States directly, but only notified the Liaison Department of the Navy Headquarters.

After summarizing the news, the members of the Navy Headquarters also realized the seriousness of the matter, and hurriedly presented the news to the Marshal Warring States. After this fiddling, the Warring States call came from Marinfando to Rogge Town.

"Yes, Lord Marshal. We met a person who pretended to be Qiwuhai before in Rogge Town, and we fought with them." Smog truthfully reported the information he got.

"Have you arrived at Rogge Town?" Warring States of the Navy Headquarters frowned, "You lost the battle?"

Warring States had already learned a little about the situation in Rogge Town from the information just submitted, and the news of the defeat of Smog and others was also reported by Da Siqi himself.

"Yes, Master Marshal." Speaking of this, Smog looked a little embarrassed, "The opponent's strength is too strong."

"What ability was used?" Sengoku continued to ask Smaller, wanting to get more information from it.

"Only one opponent has taken action. He should also be a natural or superhuman devil fruit person who can build forests out of thin air and shoot fireballs." The technique, the birth of a tree world, the technique of a flamboyant fireball.


When Sengoku listened to Smog's words, he felt more and more strange. He had never heard of anyone who could use two Devil Fruit abilities, and if that was the case, these people would be too dangerous.

"Yes, two kinds. And I see the things that the Dragon Pirates are bound by. The person who pretended to be Chibuhai Crocodile also has the ability to salsa fruit." Smog was checking the members of the Dragon Pirates. , has already found traces of Shasha fruit from these murlocs.

The more Smog said, the more Sengoku felt that this matter was very serious. "I will issue a bounty immediately. You have fought with them, how much do you think the bounty is appropriate?"

"I think..." After a moment of silence, Smog said again, "Captain 100 million Bailey, posing as Crocodile's 50 million Bailey, the strength of the rest is not too clear."

"100 million and 50 million Baileys?" The Warring States repeated the amount of the bounty offered by Smog. This amount is too huge in the East China Sea.

After thinking for a while, the Warring States said again: "Okay, I will think about it, that's it."

After speaking, Warring States hung up the phone bug. The phone bug on Smog's side that simulated the appearance of the Warring States also instantly changed back to its original state and was placed on the table by Smog.

"Lord Smokey, they have left."

Dasqi, who had been waiting beside him, spoke on the side after Smog put down the phone bug.

For Wan Jun and others to leave, Smog has long expected, after all, it is impossible for these people to stay in Rogge Town all the time. With the strength of the opponent, going to the great route is the business.

But what makes Smog strange is that the other party does not fly the flag of pirates, and also claims to build a new era of navy. Is it true that these guys are saying? If it can really make the Tianlong people walk down the altar, it may not be bad...

However, as soon as this idea came up, it was immediately rejected by Smoker himself.

The rule of the Tianlong people cannot be overthrown by one or two people, and the world government will not sit by and watch the establishment of the Xin Navy. Smog can even imagine that after this group of people enters the great route, they will receive "special care" from the Navy headquarters.

After all, compared to pirates who can only destroy, these guys who want to demolish the headquarters of the navy are what the navy needs to really pay attention to.

"It's good to leave." Smaller said softly, looking in the direction of the Rogue Town pier.

While Smog was reporting the situation to the Warring States period, the manatee had already sailed a long distance with Wan Jun and others.

On the ship where Wan Jun was, Moria, who was at the helm, was very worried about the durability of the ship. "Master Wan Jun, even if the manatee reduces its speed, this ship will not last long."

Moriah, Crocodile, and the others are Devil Fruit users. These people are all landlubbers. Once the boat has an accident, these people can't even move in the water.

"If you can meet another pirate group, you can change it first. If you want to build a good ship, you still need to get the Capital of Water." Wan Jun also knows that the quality of this ship is not very good, after all, this is a group of A pirate ship controlled by murloc pirates who can come and go freely in the sea. They do not have high requirements for pirate ships. For murlocs, this thing is completely tasteless~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It is precisely because this pirate ship is not paid much attention that it is also defective in quality.

However, in this pirate world, there will always be pirates at sea. As long as you encounter pirates, you will have the opportunity to change ships.

"Warehouse No. 2 has been sorted out, and the introduction to wake-up is opened."

"The next navy to wake up has been updated."

Just when Wan Jun wanted to ask how far Nami Upside Down Mountain was, the Hokage Warehouse suddenly sent him a message about the warehouse update.

Previously, after the No. 2 warehouse woke up the three navies of Fujitora, there was no movement at all. Wan Jun thought that the No. 2 warehouse was different from the Hokage warehouse and could not check the next navy that was about to wake up.

After being reminded by the Hokage warehouse, Wan Jun realized that it was because the No. 2 warehouse still needed to be sorted out.


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