Eight Hundred Hokage

Chapter 294: Rain and the Royal Capital

Just as the workers on the dock were talking, Wan Jun's boat had already docked.

Compared to Wan Jun's normal landing, Dongli and Brocky who followed behind them looked a little rough. The two rammed the raft under them to the pier and hit the bluestone of the pier directly.

Because the raft made by the two giants was extremely large, the impact also caused the pier to be directly knocked off a corner, which shocked everyone around.

"Finally found a place. I haven't had a drink for a few days. I must drink enough today."

Dong Li, who directly hit the pier, picked up his long sword and strode directly to the town next to the pier. For these giants, the days without wine are very difficult. During these days when the two of them were floating at sea, they could only get a small amount of wine from Wan Jun's ship, and it was basically impossible to drink a lot.

Therefore, this also led to the two of them running to the pub immediately after landing.

"Sir, do you mind the two of them?"

On Wan Jun's boat, Crocodile, who had not yet disembarked, looked at Dongli and Brocky who were gradually moving away, and turned to Wan Jun and asked.

Wan Jun waved his hand and replied, "No, let the two of them go. I gave them a lot of Bailey yesterday, so there shouldn't be any robbery."

Wan Jun is still very clear about the tempers of these two giants. Under normal circumstances, these two giants will not do anything too outrageous.

"Then, I'll go straight." After Wan Jun was not ready to deal with Dongli and Broki, Krocdahl recounted the matter of coming to Alabasta.

After he disembarked, he would go straight to the Baroque Works. With Robin's help, Crocodile will soon find the other's nest, so Crocodile will go straight to the Baroque Work Club as soon as he disembarks.

"Go on, be careful."

Wan Jun is still relatively relieved about the Navy Crocodile who is going to fight against the Baroque Work Club. After all, besides him, X Drake and Nico Robin will also follow. Even if Robin won't play a big role at that time, Wan Jun still recognizes Drake's strength. After all, in his introduction, this Commodore's strength has surpassed his rank itself.

"Okay, my lord."

After Crocodile replied, he took Drake and Robin directly off the boat and went straight to the base camp of the Baroque Work Society.

After Crocodile left, Bucky, who was replaced, leaned over and said next to Wan Jun: "My lord, the other party is Qiwuhai. Is it not enough to only let one major general and one brigadier general go?"

"Then let you go?" Wan Jun glanced at Bucky who dared to speak after Crocodile left, and said angrily.

"Ah? No, no, they should be fine."

When it comes to making himself fight against Shichibukai, Bucky hastily changed his tone.

Wan Jun is used to Bucky's character, so he just said it casually, and didn't really want Bucky to catch up with Crocodile.

And even with Bucky on board, he won't be much help in battle. At most, if the luck of Bucky is extended, the success rate may be increased.

"Okay, let's not talk about the Baroque work club, you take Nami to buy supplies at the dock." Because this time the battle was not only for Kroc Dahl and his party, so after arranging the task of Bucky's procurement, only He said to Moria who was beside him, "Moriya, follow me to the royal city of Albana."

"Fujitora, the boat will be handed over to you."

Ships are extremely important to them who are sailing at sea, so Wan Jun also directly handed this task to Fujitora, who is an admiral of the navy.

Fujitora is not very picky about his tasks. Although he also wants to deal with Crocodile, one of the seven seas of Wuhai, since Wan Jun has already instructed, he will do as he is, "No problem."

"Then I'll go first, Albana is still a long way from here."

Wan Jun said, and set foot on the pier with Moria, who was a little dejected.

Moria was still a little depressed because she was not assigned a task just now. In his opinion, since Major General Crocodile can have a mission, how could a lieutenant general of him be forgotten by Wan Jun?

But just when he was still thinking about it, he was happy when he heard Wan Jun shouting to go to Albana, the capital of Alabasta.

After walking off the boat with Wan Jun, Moria smiled and said to Wan Jun: "Sir, aren't we here to deal with Qiwuhai? What are we going to do in the capital now?"

After Wan Jun asked Moriah, he replied without looking back: "Seven Wuhai Crocodile may not necessarily be in their base camp, what he desires most is not this kingdom, but a A weapon with the ability to destroy the sky and destroy the earth. Therefore, his whereabouts are very erratic. In addition to the rain, the capital will also be one of the regions where he exists."

"So it is." Moria nodded as if she understood, and then said again, "I said that the lord must have counted everything."

"Don't be flattering here, hurry up, we won't be docked in Alabasta for too long." In Wan Jun's plan, the problem of Alabasta must be the next navy Fisher Tiger Solve it before waking up, so that he can return to Naruto World with confidence after waking up Fisher Tiger.

Although there is no threat in Naruto World, it is Wan Jun's main world after all, and the safety of that world must be ranked first.

The warehouse in his mind is also dominated by the Naruto world. Wan Jun even thinks that the survival of the Naruto world is related to his survival. Now, whether it is the parallel world of the Naruto world or the world of pirates passing through the gate of the plane, it is nothing more than In order to consolidate Wan Jun's achievements in Naruto World.

Once the Naruto world is controlled by the Otsutsugi clan, Wan Jun's warehouse may be hit hard.

Of course, this is just Wan Jun's idea, and the warehouse has not told Wan Jun about these situations. But even so, Wan Jun must act cautiously to preserve the fruits of his creation in Naruto World.

It is precisely because of this that Wan Jun chooses to return directly to Naruto World after charging the gate of the plane. However, due to the timing of the awakening of the navy, Wan Jun delayed the return time for a few days this time. After the next navy Fisher Tiger awakened, he would return to the Naruto World through the fully charged plane gate.

Moria next to Wan Jun didn't know this. He thought that Wan Jun just wanted to go to the new world as soon as possible to establish their new naval headquarters.

The two of them had their own thoughts and rushed towards Albana, the capital of Alabasta.

On the other side, Crocodile, Robin and others, who quickly rushed to the rainy ground, the base camp of the Baroque Working Society, encountered Von Klei, an agent of the Baroque Working Society, on the periphery of the rainy ground.


Feng Kelei, who was rushing to the capital, smiled when he saw Robin and stopped his pace.

In the Baroque workshop, Crocodile was always faceless. Therefore, the usual tasks are released by Nico Robin. Because of this, Feng Kelei stopped and said hello after seeing Robin.

"Mr.2." Robin smiled and replied to Feng Kelei calmly.

After the two greeted each other, they were ready to go their separate ways. But just when Feng Kelei was about to set off, he said with a little doubt on his face: "Isn't the one next to him, Crocodile?"

Since Crocodile has always kept his identity hidden in the Baroque Work Club, Feng Kelei did not think of Crocodile's identity in the direction of the president, but directly stated Crocodile's original identity, "Seven Wuhai Crocodile ."

"MissAllsunday! How can you be with Crocodile?" At this time, Von Krei was obviously a little wary, after all, what their Baroque work club did was not very glorious. Crocodile, on the other hand, has the status of a naval partner. Once the Baroque Works is revealed, it will be quite troublesome.

Nicole Robin didn't seem to be in a hurry when asked about Feng Kelei, but said to Feng Kelei calmly: "Mr.2, this is the president of our Baroque Work Club, Lord Crocodile."

After Robin finished speaking, Rear Admiral Crocodile behind him was obviously dissatisfied. As a navy, he didn't want to bear the name of Qiwuhai.

However, just when Crocodile was about to refute, Feng Klei widened his eyes and said, "What? Is Crocodile our president?"

Feng Kelei has always been very curious about the identity of the president of the Baroque Work Club. He has thought about many people, but he has never really thought about Qiwuhai.

"I didn't expect our president to be Qiwuhai." Feng Kelei's shock was obviously not over, his eyes still stayed on Crocodile, and he didn't mean to move away.

Under the scorching gaze of Feng Kelei, Crocodile's mind moved, but he did not immediately refute Feng Kelei.

In Crocodile, since the other party is willing to think of himself as the president of the Baroque work club, let them think so. In this way, the baroque work club can also be divided and disintegrated. When he arrives in the rain, as long as most of the members of the baroque work club recognize their own identity, then the other party's Qiwuhai will be directly empty. ?

Thinking of this, Crocodile also deliberately glanced at Robin. This guy should have thought of it long ago, right? Otherwise, he wouldn't call himself the president of the Baroque Work Club.

"Then the president is going back to the rainy land?" Since it was the first time he saw his 'president' himself, Feng Kelei didn't intend to leave. He stayed where he was, not knowing what he wanted to do.

Crocodile, who had been silent for a long time and did not speak, replied after Von Krei said, "Yes, we will go to the rain."

"Then let me go back with the adults, Mr.1 and Mr.5 are in the rain." For some reason, Von Klei gave up going to Albana, and was going to return to the rain with Crocodile and Robin. .

Robin was also a little puzzled by this operation of Von Klei, "Aren't you going to Albana?"

"I went to Albana to find Mr. 3. Recently, there was a mission about him, but he never showed up, so Mr. 1 asked me to find him." Say it.

"Looking for Mr.3?"

After Robin finished speaking, he and Crocodile looked at each other. Of course, the two of them knew where Mr. 3 Galtino, the agent of the Baroque Agency, and his partner were, but at this time, they could not directly tell the whereabouts of the two.

For Crocodile, this is an important task that Wan Jun handed him, and he must successfully complete this task.

For Robin, this will also directly expose the identities of her and Crocodile, which will have an impact on the following tasks, so she did not speak directly, but waited for Crocodile, who claimed to be the new navy, to speak.

In fact, in Robin's heart, she still doesn't quite believe in Wan Jun and others. Because in the knowledge she has learned, there is no existence that can make two people exactly the same, just like replicas.

Therefore, Robin is very suspicious of Crocodile's identity. Either this Crocodile is the Qiwuhai himself, and the reason why the other party joined Wan Jun's fleet, or he was threatened, the other party mastered his fatal weakness or items. Or maybe this is Crocodile's test for himself, he's not a new navy, but something he's made to test his loyalty.

But Robin also knows that the latter is not very realistic, after all, the two giants, and the powerful Wan Jun, are not like what Crocodile can prepare or persuade.

Because of this~www.wuxiaspot.com~ At this time, the cooperation between Robin and Wan Jun is not so reliable. Even if Wan Jun promises some spokesperson for Alabasta, these are not very important to Robin. Appeal.

With these thoughts in mind, Robin didn't speak, and left the question to Crocodile.

"Don't look for it, Mr.3 is already on his way back." Crocodile said to Von Krei after glancing at Robin. He and Robin have the same thoughts. Crocodile didn't think as deeply as Robin. All he wants now is to go to the rainy land as soon as possible and arrest the Qiwuhai.

While capturing Crocodile, of course his subordinates would not let it go. If you want to catch everything in one go, of course, you must gather all the opponents together. And it is precisely because of this idea that Crocodile said this to Von Krei. Since the other party wants to return to the rain with him, of course Crocodile can't ask for it.

Because of this idea, Crocodile continued: "Let's go, Mr. 3 will return to the rain if there is no problem."


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