Eight Hundred Pirate Kings

Chapter 67 Kill him!

Although Blackbeard Titch heard Sage's question, his eyes were still fixed on Rossindi in the image worm.

"How, how could this be..."

Blackbeard seemed a little unacceptable to the news that the dark fruit was obtained in advance by others.

Blackbeard has endured for decades in the Whitebeard Pirates in order to find the dark fruit he has long wanted. He had bet his whole life on this matter, but now, what Rossindi used was clearly the ability of the dark fruit.

In order to find the clues of the dark fruit, Blackbeard joined the powerful Whitebeard Pirates, and wanted to use the power of the Whitebeard Pirates to find this one-of-a-kind devil fruit.

Blackbeard himself also knows that it is very difficult to find a specific devil fruit in such a vast sea. He even thought that if he didn't find the dark fruit, he would spend his life in the Whitebeard Pirates.

But now, the dark fruit appeared in his eyes in this way...

'I'm going to have it! '

After this thought arose, the veins in Blackbeard's hands exploded, and his breathing became short of breath.

Although there is no way to extract the devil fruit from a person now, Blackbeard doesn't have the heart to think about it now. Even if it's just killing the opponent, it's good to let the dark fruit recondense in other parts of the world.


The white beard who was surrounded by the crowd also saw the abnormality of Tiqi, and after the captain of the fourth team Saqi repeatedly called out to no avail, the white beard growled at Tiqi.

"Ah!" Tiki finally came to his senses after being yelled at by White Beard, "Daddy."

"Ticky, what's wrong with you?"

Regarding the changes in his 'son', White Beard was still going to ask.

"No, nothing."

At this time, Tiki's face was covered with cold sweat. Just now, Rossindi's use of the power of the dark fruit had a great impact on Blackbeard Tiki.

Seeing Tiki like this, White Beard frowned and said, "You don't look like nothing."

Asked by Whitebeard continuously, Tiqi suddenly had an idea, "I just think that the strength of this pirate who suddenly appeared is growing too fast. If they leave the navy safely this time and enter The words of the new world are also a threat to us."

"What do you mean?" White Beard looked at Tiqi and asked.

Tiki grinned, showing his teeth that were blown away by Shanks, and said, "Even if they entered the new world, after all, they had a battle with the navy, and their strength would definitely decline. As long as we make a surprise attack at that time... "

"Don't talk about it." Before Tiqi finished speaking, Whitebeard drank the wine in the bowl directly, "Even if you want to fight this group of people, it will be an upright battle after they recover, I don't want to Fighting a bunch of guys who can't fight back."

"Tichi, don't talk about this anymore."

After finishing speaking, Whitebeard didn't care about Tiqi, whose expression became a little depressed, and after refilling a bowl of wine, he started drinking again.

Although White Beard didn't intend to fight Wanxiu's group immediately, but Black Beard Tiqi's inner thoughts did not go out.

‘Kill him, and killing him will make the dark fruit reappear. '

'Yes, kill him! '

When Blackbeard looked at the image worm again, several voices inspiring him suddenly appeared in his mind.

"Yes, kill him." Blackbeard seemed to be persuaded by the voice in his head, and after muttering to himself, he got up and walked towards the cabin.


Diamond Qiaoz and others left just like that when they saw Blackbeard, a little confused.

However, although everyone was puzzled, they didn't chase after Blackbeard to ask. After all, to everyone, this was not a big deal.

But the closer the black beard, who had already turned his back to the crowd, got closer to the cabin, the more ferocious the expression on his face became.

'I must, get it! '

Blackbeard, who spent his whole life looking for the dark fruit, now has only one idea in his mind, which is to get the dark fruit from Rosindi.

No matter what method is used!


Rossindi, who was chasing the yellow monkey, didn't know that the black beard who was far away in the new world had already caught his attention.

Just now, because the speed of the yellow ape was too fast, the dark water had just been activated, which also allowed the yellow ape to escape directly from the gravitational force of the dark water.

The yellow ape with the flashing ability can be said to be extremely fast. When Luo Xindi had just chased two steps away, the yellow ape had already reached the shoulder of the golden giant Buddha.

"What's the matter? Polusalino." Sengoku asked the yellow ape on his shoulder after avoiding the orange female tyrannosaurus blocking the way with a punch.

Huang Yuan pointed to Luo Xidi, who was still coming here, and said, "That guy has two kinds of devil fruit abilities."

"Two kinds of devil fruit abilities?" Zhan Guo was taken aback when he heard this.

In the impression of ordinary people, anyone can only possess the power of one devil fruit. If the second devil fruit is forcibly eaten, the eater will explode and die immediately.

Because of this, it is generally impossible for people like Rosindi to appear in this world.

"Then there is only one possibility." As the admiral of the navy, Sengoku has access to much more information than ordinary people.

In the memory of the Warring States period, there is only one situation that can allow a person to have two devil fruit abilities, "dark fruit."

"I think so too." Huang Yuan has also read the Devil Fruit Illustration, so he also knows the source of the gravitational force just now.

"I didn't expect someone to get this devil fruit and have the physique to use two devil fruits." Zhan Guo stared at Luo Xixi and whispered, "However, he is too similar."

Facing an opponent who is exactly the same as his own disciple, even though he knows that the opponent is likely to be a fake, every time Zhan Guo sees it, he still has some different thoughts.

"Be careful, the dark fruit can restrain other devil fruit abilities." Since the female tyrannosaurus Bermel attacked again, Sengoku could only give a warning to the yellow ape, and then stepped forward to punch Bellmel again.

Seeing this, Huang Yuan could only jump into the air from Zhan Guo's body, preparing to use a long-range attack to deal with Luo Xi'nandi's dark fruit.

"Eight-foot Qiong Gouyu!"

The yellow ape that jumped into the air flicked both hands at the chasing Rocinndi, and the general's ball of light fell from the sky and bombarded Rocinndi's surroundings.

"Thirty million volts Thunder Beast!"

At the same time that the ball of light fell around Rossindi, a thunder beast made of lightning also rushed out of the ball of light, and behind the beast was Rossindi whose hands were shining black.

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