Eight Hundred Pirate Kings

Chapter 83: 5 Old Stars

Red Earth Continent, Holy Land Marie Gioia.

"The Warring States has lost."

At the center of Maryjoia, the five representatives of the world government were discussing the previous war in the capital of water.

"Shanks actually stopped Akainu, what the hell is he doing?" The old man with white curly hair, a flat hat, and a black suit sat on the sofa in the middle of the empty hall, and said in a slightly annoyed tone.

"It's not a stop, it's Akainu who stopped by himself." Behind the white curly-haired five-year-old star, a blond man with a strong build seemed to be speaking for the red-haired.

"It's true from the intelligence point of view." Among the five people, the only old man in a loose robe with a long knife in his hand nodded, agreeing with the blond man's words.

But then, he said again: "Although the waterway is frozen, with Sakaski's strength, it is not impossible to open another road."

"This is all their business, and the Warring States will handle it themselves." Opposite the white-robed Wu Laoxing, an old man with long hair and long beard waved his hand, signaling that everyone should stop discussing this topic.

After finishing speaking, he said again: "What we need to say now is that the strength of the navy is obviously not enough."

"Recently, the red hair has joined the ranks of the Four Emperors, and this Wan Xiu's strength seems to be even better."

"The power of pirates is getting stronger and stronger."

The other four also agreed with the words of the five old stars.

The five old stars in white robes and holding a knife continued: "Polusalino was captured by them, and there are only two of the three generals now, and the navy is no longer able to suppress the few in the new world." .”

"The pirates also rejected the negotiations of the Warring States Period. Even if they exchanged two devil fruits, they did not agree to let the yellow monkey go. Moreover, they also stated that the fruit of the yellow monkey has been extracted. Maybe we need to do it again, the world conscription."

For the world government that has existed for 800 years, they have encountered countless threats, and because of the continuous emergence of these threats, the world government has also accumulated many ways to deal with them.

For these five powerful factions who control the world government, although the current pirates have risen very rapidly, they are not the most threatening one.

"I agree, the world's conscription is very necessary." The blond Wu Laoxing nodded and said affirmatively.

After agreeing to the world's conscription, the blond five veterans said again: "Facing the upcoming five forces in the new world, the three generals are obviously not enough."

The five old stars with long white hair also nodded slightly and said: "Then it will be the same as that one hundred and twenty years ago, granting the navy the right to recruit special generals."

After discussing the matter of the navy, he didn't speak at the side, and with an obvious birthmark on his head, Wu Laoxing said: "Compared to other periods, the Wanxiu pirate group seems a little different. "

"He is the most peculiar pirate I have ever seen."

Regarding the character mustache, the rest of the people also agreed very much. After all, what Wanxiu has shown in the past few months is really quite different.

The same devil fruit, the same appearance of characters, Wulaoxing had never seen before in history.

The unknown is often the scariest thing.

That's why the mustache put Wanxiu directly on the table of this meeting, "I've never heard of a devil fruit that can completely simulate the same strength as others, and there are quite a few of them."

After the nonsense was finished, the other four were also briefly silent. The few of them have no way to explain the strange situation of the Wanxiu Pirates.

"Could it be like the ones studied by Vegapunk?" After a moment of silence, the youngest blond star said.

The mustache shook his head and said, "It's not very similar, if it's just a devil fruit,

It's possible, but even people are exactly the same. "

"It seems that it is necessary for someone to take a look." The white-robed five old star pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose and said.

"It's fine if they only maintain their current combat power, but it's obvious that their personnel are still growing rapidly. For such unknown things, we still have to plan early."

Everyone also agreed with the proposal of the five old stars in white robes. With unanimous agreement, Wulaoxing is going to cross the navy and send intelligence personnel directly from Mary Joa to investigate the situation of the Wanxiu Pirates.

"Do you want to tell that one too?"

When the meeting was coming to an end, the blond Wu Laoxing suddenly turned his head, looked at the other side of Mary Joya and said.

Speaking of that adult, the five elders gave a meal. Obviously, although they are the rulers of the world and the highest power organization of the world government, the five old stars still have their fears.

And this person is hiding behind the scenes, the real king of the world, even surpassing the existence of the five old stars of the world government, the king of the Tianlong people—Im.

"Master Im, let me report this time." The long-haired and bearded Wu Laoxing stood up and took over the task of reporting to Im.

In the eyes of others, the Five Old Stars are already the pinnacle of world power. But only they know that the direction of the world and the life and death of anyone are actually controlled by the king sitting on the throne.

"That's it, I will tell Sengoku about the world conscription."

Under the voice of the white curly hair, the meeting of the five old stars has come to an end.

But the pirates in the four seas still don't know that the world government has already increased the allocation of admirals, and a new round of suppression of pirates is coming.

Now these pirates only know that the navy seems to have suffered a failure in the capital of water. Isn't that great news for them pirates?

Therefore, on the fourth day after the war in the water capital, after the World Economic News Agency announced the battle situation in the water capital, the pirates all over the world were boiling.

Since the admiral is not invincible, and the navy can be defeated, so can they themselves!

Of course, these pirates still take it for granted, their strength can't be compared with Wanxiu's group.

And while the morale of the pirates was at an all-time high, the navy, under the instructions of the world government, started a mighty world conscription campaign.

'Recast the order of the world and clear the fog on the sea. '

The navy's recruitment posters are plastered in every corner of the world, and what is even more surprising is that the navy has decided to add three generals.

You know, according to the previous report of the World Economic News Agency, the navy only lost one general, but this time the world conscription directly recruited three. In this way, the three generals of the navy will become the five generals.

For more than a hundred years, the world has been accustomed to the configuration of the three generals, and the addition of two all of a sudden is a bit worrying.

For example, King Cobra of Alabasta frowned while holding a poster of the world conscription: "I remember that this situation only happened more than a hundred years ago. Five generals, it seems that the world government also realized that the sea The thief is stronger."

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