Eight Thousand Iron Buddha at the Start, Please Make Concessions to the First Emperor!

Chapter 27 The arrival of the second generation, the majesty of the emperor! 【Ask for Huahua Evaluat

Like an earthquake, the entire city of Xianyang was awakened from the morning.

Outside the city, 300,000 Qin troops spread across the entire wilderness, and the smoke and dust brought up by horseshoes covered the sky.

People who heard the movement walked out of their homes one after another.

They didn't forget that today was the day when His Majesty the Second Emperor of the Qin Dynasty granted Zen.

Although the second emperor has not been on the throne for a long time, the disturbance caused by him in the entire Daqin territory is indeed not small.

Almost all the people want to see it.

Did this young second emperor who stirred up the wind and rain as soon as he ascended the throne had three heads and six arms?


Accompanied by a sharper and more regular vibration.

At the end of the main street, a very special team of people suddenly appeared.

Under the sunlight, the thousands of cavalry troops shone with dazzling silver light.

In the entire team, all cavalrymen and horses were wrapped in tight heavy armor.

Buddha Army!

It was cold and low, and the whole team was filled with a sense of chill.

Looking at this mighty heavy cavalry team, all the people in Xianyang City were shocked by this force and did not dare to make any movement.

Knowing that the team was in the middle of the main street, the crowd became restless again.

"Look, it's Your Majesty!"

"That is His Majesty the Second Emperor?"

"Such an aura..."


At this time, Zhao Tuo was standing on the Luan Jia with his hands behind his back.

With the addition of the five methods of the emperor, the momentum is unreservedly exuded.

But from the people's point of view.

At this time, Zhao Tuo, just standing there without saying a word, is like a pillar reaching the sky, spanning between heaven and earth.

Just a look, or a frown, is enough to frighten the unruly people, and their hearts are broken.


Even far beyond the majesty of being the initial emperor!

For a time, everyone was not only thinking.

Why is this fifteen-year-old son who was only eighteen years old and who was not well-known until then, so imposing.

Others were prejudiced or even dismissive of Zhao Tuo.

At this moment, he also closed his mouth wisely.

They have no doubts.

As long as you say something now, you will definitely be trampled into flesh by these thousands of iron riders in your next breath.

"His Majesty is here!!!"

With the high voice of the eunuch in front, the surrounding people all bowed down under the pressure of the Buddha Army and Zhao Tuo.

"I have seen Your Majesty!!!"


A cold snort made all the people's scalp numb.

They seem to be able to hear the anger in the heart of the eighteen-year-old Emperor II from the cold hum.

As for the reason for the anger...don't even think about it, it must be the chaos and commotion throughout Xianyang City during this period of time.

Until the entire Yinjia Army team left and disappeared at the city gate.

A large number of people in the city were still bending over, not daring to raise their heads for a long time.

At this moment, they have vaguely realized.

His Majesty the Second Emperor... Shouldn't want to be what they imagined...

"I have seen Your Majesty!"

"I have seen Your Majesty!!"

"I have seen Your Majesty!!!"

The 300,000 army shouted in unison, what kind of scene was that?

The air in a radius of ten miles was shaking.

The clouds in the sky were washed away by the rolling sound waves.

The 300,000 lions of Qin showed their might to the fullest.

Zhao Tuo nodded with satisfaction.

"Let's go..."

"Get off!"

"The army is on the move!"

Under Wang Ben's order, a whole army of 300,000 people, guarding the 8,000 Tie Pagoda, and Zhao Tuo, who was on top of the most central chariot, went straight to Mount Li.

This scene is completely out of the thoughts of people with a heart.

What are you kidding?

Assassination under the protection of an army of 300,000?

I'm afraid that the immortals are coming.

The earth rumbled, and the army was like a black wave, surrounded by Zhao Tuo, who was riding on the road, and went straight to the top of Mount Li.

In the rear of the army, there are many more people.

They also wanted to see how the imposing second emperor would behave when he was conferred on Chan.


Tomorrow hangs high.

However, Zhao Tuo's entourage and 300,000 Qin troops had already arrived at the foot of Mount Li.

Immediately the army was stationed, and Zhao Tuo took a group of courtiers who accompanied Fengchan and climbed Mount Li on foot.

In the team, Meng Yi, Feng Quji, Wang Ben, and Li Xin were impressively listed.

Although Mount Li is not comparable to an ordinary mountain, it is by no means a big mountain.

In just half an hour, everyone has come to bring the Fengchan altar temporarily built on the top of the mountain.

The wind is sunny and the sky is clear.

Today can be regarded as the rare good weather in the recent period of time.

However, under such scenery, Meng Yi and others behind Zhao Tuo were indeed a little tangled.

Looking at the slightly crude altar, Wang Ben said with a bitter face: "Your Majesty, your status is extraordinary, and the matter of Xingfeng Chan is the most important thing."

"Why don't you go to Mount Tai, the ancestor of all mountains, but choose this humble Mount Li?"

"Yes, Your Majesty." Meng Yi also nodded.

"When the emperor and countless emperors in the past were enshrined in Zen, they all climbed Mount Tai and looked down at the world, and ordered the world not to obey, but now you choose this Mount Li, I'm afraid..."

"I'm afraid I can't deter Xiao Xiao? I'm afraid I can't make the world go back to my heart?"

Zhao Tuo interrupted Meng Yi with a smile.


Meng Yi hesitated for a while, but finally nodded.

Zhao Tuo didn't say much, but just said it lightly and walked up to the altar...*

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