Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 101: :buying clothes

   The green in the photo is clean and flawless.

   That is a photo with little modification.

   Probably the most beautiful thing in this world is youth.

   and youth...

   Su Qing hesitated more, thinking that it was probably Qingqing.

   with a sweet breath, but also a little arrogant and silent.

   That is a photo with little modification.

   I remembered that when they were looking for Qin Yuanyuan, the photographer did the post-production for her.

   But Qingqing, it seems that I don't need it at all.

   Her face was born with no flaws.

   pure white, can be broken by blowing.

   The clavicle exposed by the compassionate shirt is a little reminiscent.

   Several colleagues behind him watched.


   "This beauty is too vital." Jia Naixiang said, sighing constantly.

   Su Qingyue found that there was admiration and disappointment in his eyes.

   I think I hate myself, I have no chance to run into such a girl.

   took the initiative to say hello to Yan Xipan, "After the last press conference, there was no time to drink."

   "Then let's find a time."

   Yan Xipan immediately accepted.

   Zhou Ziyou continued to look at the photos, turned his head and said to Guan Pengpeng, "Brother, what you took is also really good."

"No, no..." Unexpectedly, Guan Pengpeng became humble and blushed to explain to Zhou Ziyou, "I am useless today. You think it's good, but the point is Qingqing is good. In fact, it has nothing to do with me." He said. Chao Qingqing cast a brilliant smile.

   "It's really good, good shots, good people." My sister couldn't help but praised: "Qingqing, let's leave a contact information, I think you can really take some endorsements in the future."

   Qingqing blushed and nodded lightly.

   But he still said, "But after sophomore year, my studies are tense. This is considered an internship."

   Several people chatted.

   Su Qingyue stared at the screen, feeling that something seemed wrong.

   Guan Pengpeng was also stunned.

   Qingqing approached, and asked quietly: "Brother Peng, what's the matter?"

   She looked worried.

   But Guan Pengpeng waved his hand: "It's not your problem." He said, holding his shoulders and thinking.

   The people around don't understand what he is thinking.

After a while, he suddenly said: "It's still a little bit," turning his gaze to Su Qingyue, "I think the clothes can be modified a bit. The amateurs are amateurs, but the clothes are modified. People think they are amateurs. A match is all ready."

   "It makes sense. All the stars wear casual clothes, but they are carefully prepared." Yan Xipan nodded.

   "We use our game costumes." Zhou Ziyou said.

"The costume is live. Once our order is really exploded, the materials we need shouldn’t be too monotonous." Su Qingyue agreed with Guan Pengpeng’s opinion and turned to Xiao Yu and Haohao’s sister and said: “Do you have any recommended brand clothing stores? ?"

   "I think the brand I know is not suitable for Qingqing, it is a bit too mature." My sister said.

   Xiao Yu was just about to speak.

Guan Pengpeng said: "Let’s find my friend, he sells clothes. They are very good. Although they are all A products and white labels, they have many styles and styles. Several actors often visit him. Let his wife choose them. Pick, absolutely amazing."

   His tone is very sure.

   But his eyes were a little worried, and he looked at Su Qingyue and Yan Xipan.

   seems to be asking for their permission.

   Yan Xipan said: "I don't care, look at Qingqing."

   Qingqing blushed, and whispered: "It's too expensive, I can't afford it."

   "How can I let you pay? Since you are allowed to be a Showgirl, of course, our Hualuo is out of the clothes." Su Qingyue said with a smile.

   A few people decided immediately.

   Go to the place Guan Pengpeng said at night.

   But Su Qingyue is still a little puzzled. He always feels something is wrong with Qingqing, but clearly knows that it is definitely not a problem with clothes.

   Yan Xipan and Qingqing left first.

   Wang Siyuan sent him a picture about the design of a grocery cart.

   Su Qingyue opened.

   The pictures are very beautiful, with design ideas on both sides.

   It's really not good to look.

   Thinking back to the mistakes Wang Siyuan made when Qin Yuanyuan came.

   Looking at the grocery shopping cart he designed now, Su Qingyue looked at him with admiration. At that time, he refused to expand the incident, which was correct.

   Su Qingyue immediately transferred the picture to her sister.

   "Hurry up and enter the production." Su Qingyue said.

   "How much do we need?"

   "Five thousand." Su Qingyue said: "We have to install all the products of the same industry in Gameyoung!"

   Everyone laughed.

   "You squeeze me to a remote location, and I will kill all your ideas", it is really sour to think about.

   At this time, Su Qingyue looked at the dialog between himself and Chen Feng again.

   The earliest message was to ask him: Is there any new progress in the plan?

   The most recent message asked him to have a meeting in twenty minutes.

   He hurriedly put the new design drawings and Qingqing photos into the PPT.

   took the notebook and went to the meeting room.

   As soon as he entered the door, he saw Tian Lei in the middle.

Next to    are Chen Feng and Guan Er.

   The report is very simple, it is still a regular case.

   Su Qingyue has adapted, and Chen Feng heard nothing, after all, he had already watched it last night.

   I guess Tian Lei has also seen it.

   But it is the first time that Guan Ner understands the whole picture.

   frowned from time to time, and admired from time to time.

   Especially when it comes to grocery shopping carts, I heard him say that all the products of the same industry should be installed.

   only the LOGO of the martial arts world is left.

  He clapped involuntarily.

   Next to Tian Lei said to Chen Feng: "Qing Yue is really a pot of ideas, there are many ghost ideas."

   They laughed.

   Finally, Su Qingyue finished the whole plan.

   An online channel to find the girl in the dream to drain offline.

   is in line with the cart plan.

   seems to be traditional, but on top of the traditional, added ultimate moves.

   Tian Lei and Chen Feng have no objection.

It’s just about interjecting: "I’m not worried about anything else. I’m just a little worried, is the girl you mentioned really so beautiful? How much stronger than other people’s, it can also cause spread and make people chase Find her? I don't believe it."

   "Xiaoguan, were you not in the company just now?" Chen Feng laughed and asked him.

   "Yes, I just came back." Guan Ner said.

  "Then you don't have to worry~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Chen Feng said, and then motioned to Su Qingyue to show him Qingqing's photo.

   opened the picture without hesitation.

   appeared in Qingqing on the curtain, walking around the office area.

   seems very casual, cold light on her face.

   But that's it, she said that the youthful breath that she revealed, also instantly stunned Guan.

   The next moment, he involuntarily asked: "Where did you find such a person?"

   "Draw it." Su Qing smiled.

   Guan You have no comments.

   Then Chen Feng thought for a while, and made the final instructions: "Qingyue, be careful, don't care about this and lose the other. The main show is a show, you must surround the game, and you must not care about one and the other. This must be clear."

   "Of course." Su Qingyue nodded.

   Finally, Chen Feng looked at Tian Lei.

   waiting for his opinion.

He concluded: "But it's very good. I believe that the talented person Su has done it. However, Qingyue must remember that the focus is on implementation. The exhibition is not the same as the press conference. It is a long-term and tiring work. Make sure that every Personally, it’s very important to be able to keep working efficiently during these three days."


   After the meeting, Su Qingyue left the office.

   But the faint anxiety in my heart is still there.

   Back to the workstation, someone has left after get off work.

   Only Zhou Ziyou is still there.

   It didn't take long to think that he had just lost love, and it was boring to go home at night.

   Su Qingyue said, "You Ziyou, come with me to choose clothes for Qingqing at night."

   "Thank you, boss!" Zhou Ziyou expressed his stance excitedly. Seeing as if he was waiting for himself here, he went on to say: "Otherwise I will go home at night, I really don't know what to do."

   The two said, turning off the computer.

   left the company.

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