Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 103: : Standard Mandarin

  The clothes selection went smoothly.

   I have to admit that Li Bo’s shop is small but well-equipped.

   There are some clothes that look very ordinary, but when they are worn on the body, they are different.

   I feel like a person instantly, and my temperament has been greatly improved.

   Everyone has their own gains.

   Yan Xipan chose a beige Nordica trench coat.

   Zhou Ziyou chose a pair of unnamed hunting boots.

   The most important thing is that Qingqing is very happy.

   She rarely smiled.

   To Li Bo’s wife Jiang Xiaoyan, said: Thank you sister.

   Thanks to others again.

   After that, she fell silent again and stopped talking.

   Su Qingyue thinks she is very few words.

   He thought to himself, he felt that the clothes Jiang Xiaoyan helped her choose brought her youthful arrogance, freshness, pure beauty and sorrow, and a little bit of inexperienced feeling to the fullest.

   No wonder someone said: All seemingly casual beauty is actually carefully modified.

   Now he is beginning to accept this statement.

   Everyone was talking and laughing. It was almost nine o'clock.

   Su Qingyue offered to invite everyone to dinner.

A Mou offered to bring Li Bo and Jiang Xiaoyan, Su Qing said with a smile: "I didn't say no, it seems that I was not called someone." He said and laughed, Guan Pengpeng was like a first love boy. Always accompany Qingqing, without saying a word.

   "Xipan, don't you call your girlfriend over?" Su Qingyue asked him.

   "She has class tonight."

   Yan Xipan smiled.

   Then Li Bo closed the shop, and he recommended a restaurant for Sun Catfish in Fujian.

   is not far from them.

   came out of the clothing store and walked south to the end.

   then turn left for about fifty meters.

   The restaurant is very small, there are no private rooms, only seven or eight tables for four.

   The lights are a bit dim.

   Seeing that they are crowded, the waiter put a table for them.

  Waiting for the dishes, everyone chatted.

   Guan Pengpeng and Yan Xipan left contact information with each other.

   Amu pulled Jiang Xiaoyan like a curious baby.

   She seems to have many questions about dressing.

   "Why do some clothes look pretty normal, but they are obviously different when they are worn?" Finally, a very curious question was asked, and everyone was taken aback for a while, waiting for Jiang Xiaoyan to answer.

"In fact, it's very simple. You see many big names. There are no complicated designs. They are all very simple. There are only two truly outdated fashions. One is the real retro, which is completely copied from the ancient times; the other is simple and simple. I can't pick out the details to add." She explained.

   When she said that, Su Qing remembered the Seven Masters more suddenly.

   I remembered that the Seventh Master was like this, it couldn't be simpler.

   He only has his program in his heart.

   has a career he loves.

   "But for some costumes, I feel as simple as what I said, but why not?" Ah Mu asked in surprise.

"Because simplicity is actually the most difficult. This requires you to be precise in every detail and not make mistakes. From a color number, to wiring, to every design, you must be accurate and accurate. Anything wrong. , It will lose shape and become mediocre." She explained patiently.

  Ping Beijing dialect sounds a bit like cross talk.

   But she doesn't have the accent in every sentence.

  Su Qingyue discovered that the Mandarin spoken by the people at the dinner table, including Ah Mou, was a bit more authentic than his own.

   But here, especially Qingqing has the best accent.

   even feels better than Jiang Xiaoyan.

  Because she has no childish sound at all.

   Su Qing thought about it, and involuntarily asked: "Qingqing, where is your family from?"

"my home?"

   When someone asked me, I was startled suddenly.

   eyes wide.

   She went on to say: "I am from Beihe, Pingluan."

   "Pingluan?" Everyone started talking.

Jiang Xiaoyan said: "I said why you have such a positive accent. It turns out that you are from Pingluan. No wonder." She seemed to have finally solved the doubt in her heart and explained to everyone: "We say here that Pingluan people don't need to learn Mandarin and Pingjing. words."

   "Huh? Why is this?" Zhou Zi asked kindly and curiously.

Yan Xipan answered: "Because Mandarin is based on Pingluan dialect. When picking Mandarin at that time, we needed to pay attention to the smooth syllable mouth shape and simple tone. At the same time, it is easy to distinguish in pronunciation, and finally settled. It is Pingluan dialect."

   He explained that.

   Everyone is surprised, he still understands this.

   So Yan Xipan talked about his mother.

   It turns out that her mother was engaged in dialectology research and had studied at Pingjing University.

   He has been fascinated by his ears since he was young, and he has learned dialects and Mandarin.

   can learn dialects from various places.

   The dishes came after a while.

   Garlic grilled catfish and several other dishes are typical northern dishes.

   Su Qing became less used to eating.

   But looking at Ah Mo, I was very happy to eat.

  Everyone is drinking beer.

   Li Bo and Yan Xipan, Guan Pengpeng is obviously a northerner.

  It feels like they drink water.

   Take a sip.

   After a while, the wine was up, and Guan Pengpeng hiccuped.

   introduces the love history of Li Bo and Jiang Xiaoyan.

   "You don't know, the two of them have been together since the first day of the new year. They are really childhood sweethearts."

   "Huh? The first day of the new year?"

   Ah Mou's eyes widened instantly~www.wuxiaspot.com~ like watching a legend.

   For a traditional family like Amou, it will never be allowed.

   Jiang Xiaoyan didn't say anything.

   Li Bo said with a smile: "His mother is our school teacher. At that time, in order to separate us, she often asked me to write an examination for three years." Recalling the past, although sad, it was all sweet. Jiang Xiaoyan laughed, and Li Bo said again, "I didn't dismantle this for both of us. Now I always tell me, I'm sorry then!"

   Everyone laughed.

   Su Qingyue and Ah Mou looked at each other.

   Ah Mou took his arms and flushed.

   feels closer.

   Su Qingyue couldn't help but look forward to it, and he and Amo could do the same.

   No matter what happens, they support each other and move forward.

   Everyone talked about their situation, Zhou Ziyou said that he just broke up.

   Yan Xipan smiled and said: "I haven't really been in love yet."

   Everyone was shocked.

   Especially Su Qingyue, Zhou Ziyou and Qingqing, they were the witnesses that night.

   Witnessed with his own eyes that he is very familiar with Korean girls.

   introduced Qingqing again.

   There are also those models before.

   He actually said this.

  Zhou Ziyou was also courageous and said: "You are not in love, are you in too much love? I don't know how to count, so I can only say that I don't have one."

   "No, it's not." Yan Xipan shook his head, and suddenly became serious, "I am a person who indulges uninhibited love and freedom. If there is a girl who can really control me, then I am truly in love."

  Everyone laughed.

   Seeing that it was late, they left the hotel.

   each went home.

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