Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 157: :Personnel changes

   There is more than one person in Chen Feng's office.

   Before Su Qingyue entered, he saw Guan Yan joking from the open door.

   He wore a navy blue jacket today.

   The hair should be freshly cut, it looks a little strange.

   said that men "cut their hair for three days", and every time they cut their hair is a process of psychological game.

   is very surprised, why is there no such process in Guan? The hair is cut in different ways, more frequently than girls.

   Seeing Su Qingyue coming in, he smiled at Su Qingyue and nodded.

   Then Su Qingyue sat down, although he didn't want to think badly.

   However, Su Qingyue still feels that he needs to be vigilant about Guan's smiling face. After all, since he came, the importance of the brand marketing department has gradually declined. After Gameyoung, the company assigned the department of the original brand marketing department to the new interactive entertainment market center. It is impossible to say that the other party doesn't mind at all.

   But it's just vigilant.

  Su Qingyue doesn't care about other people's dissatisfaction.

   Su Qingyue firmly believes that in the face of absolute strength, everything is a cloud.

   at least for Guan Er.

   Then Su Qingyue asked: "What's the matter, boss?"

   "I borrow someone from you." Chen Feng was straightforward, but didn't say anything. His voice was a little tired, he paused for a few seconds, and then said: "Jia Naixiang." It seems that he had just thought about it. "Last time you also said Gameyoung, he contributed to it, which shows that he has the ability."

"You also know that due to the impact of piracy, the main business and marketing of office software are in the ToB (business) aspect. It is also because of this that the office software business group does not have an independent marketing department, and the related work is managed by the brand marketing department. Recently, the workload is heavy and we are facing a shortage of manpower. I heard from Boss Chen that the plan of "The Conferred God World" has been postponed, so I wonder if I can ask my brothers for help." Guan Ying explained with a smile. "

   understands the purpose of Guan Yu's explanation.

   It is nothing more than not wanting to make myself think, what private connection does he and Jia Naixiang have.

   I don’t want to misunderstand this incident.

   Su Qingyue wanted to explain too much.

   If it is really necessary for work, even oneself will do it.

Chen Feng went on to say: "The end of the year is coming soon, and the annual procurement plans of institutions and enterprises are being formulated. The sales and key account departments are all activated, and the market will also need to do related activities, brand advertising, news promotion, etc. to respond and cooperate. "

   Su Qingyue sat upright and said to Chen Feng: "I don't have any comments, Jia Naixiang, I will coordinate the notice, and the specific work can be arranged directly by the general manager after secondment."

   Chen Feng said: "Then go down and make arrangements quickly!"


   Su Qingyue nodded, originally thinking, and talk to Chen Feng about the next activities.

   But think about it, let's wait until the plan is perfect.

   He got up and left.

  Walking back to his work position, he was thinking that Jia Naixiang was really chosen by Boss Chen himself?

   or Guan Er took the initiative?

   But anyway, this is a good thing.

   Since his cheating was announced on the Internet, the entire interactive entertainment market center has fallen into a strange state.

   Jia Naixiang seemed to be polite to everyone.

   The whole person seemed to sink.

   This makes everyone uncomfortable.

   Wang Xi left his job a few days ago, but he still comes downstairs in the company to wait for him every day.

   This makes Jia Naixiang embarrassed every time.

   This secondment is also an opportunity for him to adjust.

  As soon as I arrived at the station, I listened to what everyone was talking about.

   Look over.

   found a handful of red roses on Xiao Yu's workstation.

   Not the last time.

   It was in a box last time. It was not a red rose, but a pink rose.

The female colleague next to    said: "This has been going on for two months, every week, tell us who it is?"

   "The commander chased me back then, and he was not so romantic..." My sister was full of envy and hatred.

   Unfortunately, no one knows who this person is.

   But many times, people are alone in a big city, and they need a sustenance.

  Thinking that she and Shen Qing have been separated for some time.

   should also come out.

   Su Qingyue cast a smile at her.

Xiao Yu's face suddenly turned red, and she seemed a little overwhelmed, and explained to everyone: "I really don't know. When I meet this person, I must tell him not to send it anymore." Her eyes stopped on Su Qingyue, as if right. He explained.

   Su Qingyue returned to the computer screen and saw Jiang Zhengshang's head shaking.

   I opened it and saw him and said, "Brother, do you have any arrangements tonight?"

   "What's wrong?" Su Qingyue typed out a line of text and sent it.

"I want to ask you people in the market center to have a meal together. Everyone has worked hard these days." He said, and after a while he sent a text explanation: "I was busy a while ago. Open time. Isn't this just coming off, so hurry up and see if you have time?"

   is another kind smiley.

   Su Qingyue felt strange, Jiang Zhengshang has always been high above him, is this the sun coming out of the west today?

   He replied at this time: "No, it's all for the project, it should be."

   "Brother, don't be so polite, let's just tonight."

   Talking to Su Qingyue, Jiang Zhengshang still rarely uses the word brother.

   Su Qingyue was surprised.

   I always feel that something is wrong, just remembering that Amo said tonight to eat out.

   then told him that he agreed to his wife.

"Then it is called Shangyi, and there is no outsider. The chief Yan is a well-known reporter in the circle, a well-known game planner, and she does many interviews." Jiang Zhengshang said: "The World of the Gods" will not be without trouble. She, please come with her."

   I don’t know what he meant.

   I wanted to refuse directly.

   I can think of the future work, and everyone still needs to cooperate.

   had no choice but to call the shots for Amou, and replied: "Then I will ask everyone."

   I turned around and asked if you would like to have a meal together, and asked the market for research and development.

   As a result, everyone rushed to agree.

   Especially the copywriting team headed by Zhou Ziyou and Qi Xiaopang have begun to discuss what to eat.


   Only Xiao Yu showed a dilemma, just about to speak, and asked her if she was okay.

   But then he agreed.

   I always think something is wrong with her.

  It's time for the weekly meeting.

   specially called Ziyou last week and went to the meeting room.

   Normal reporting work.

After   , he announced the secondment of Jia Naixiang.

   But looking at Jia Naixiang's reaction, he seems to have known about this a long time ago.

   Su Qingyue didn't think much.

   then said: "Ziyou, you are acting as the department manager and report to me. You have to copy everything to Naixiang, do you understand?"

   "I'm fine." Zhou Ziyou said.

   He looked at Jia Naixiang subconsciously.

  The latter immediately put forward his own opinion: "During this time, I do not recommend Zhou Ziyou to be responsible for the work of the department."

   "You used to cooperate well with other people's work ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I will consider the department's affairs." Su Qingyue felt a little unhappy, and the work was not about welcoming and sending, playing house.

   The next moment, Jia Naixiang said again: "I think Xiaopang Qi is more suitable for this position. He has a lot of fantastic ideas and I have a good impression of him. And I think we should support new people instead of..."

  "When did the company rely on goodwill to manage it?" Su Qingyue said, interrupting Jia Naixiang.

   The latter looks bad.

Su Qingyue patiently said: "Qi Xiaopang is not suitable for management positions, and his coordination ability is far from reaching the requirements. A good department manager is not only a question of ideas and sensitivity, but also includes cooperation between departments. He has no knowledge of the industry."

   "But..." Jia Naixiang argued.

   "That's it." Su Qingyue said.

   So the regular meeting ended like this.

   When Jia Naixiang was leaving, he returned to his original appearance.

   looked upset.

  Ignore anyone.

   left with something.

   Su Qingyue looked at his watch and remembered that he had an appointment with He Cunxi.

   then left the company.


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