Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 298: : Overcast to cloudy

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No one speaks.

Gao Yanhai was stunned.

The expression on Jiao Kejun's face immediately turned cloudy.

Although it hasn't cleared yet, Su Qing understands that he won't say more.

Because at the beginning they created this achievement, but it took a lot of effort.

Regardless of time, energy, resources, or capital investment, it far exceeds the current free version.

Next to him, Li Lin smiled and said, "President Su, you really do everything to succeed." He smiled, but there was a dissatisfaction complaint in his smile.

Su Qingyue thinks this is not important.

As long as the result is good.

Success can cover up all contradictions, but just covering up is not a solution.

Looking at her watch, Chen Ting came over and suggested that everyone eat together.

But Su Qingyue refused, and said with a smile: "Just launched, there are still a lot of problems, the team has to go back quickly." He said: "I have to watch the market feedback with my friends. If you have any problems, we must deal with them in time. Let's Wait until the project is really finished, let's eat."

"So much the better!"

Jiao Kejun nodded, and Su Qing realized that he thought so too.

Although it was the weekend, everyone hurriedly returned to the unit.

Su Qingyue and Zhou Ziyou got off early.

They went to KFC and bought food for all colleagues in the project team.

When he returned to the unit, a smoker came back as soon as he walked in, telling him that the number of people online was still rising.

Although it is far from real success.

But Su Qingyue felt that this was at least a good start.

Thank you for those who are smiling and talking.

Coming to the "corner of death", everyone has entered a working state.

Su Qingyue put all kinds of food on the table and said to everyone: "Brothers! Hold on! We are almost succeeded now. When we succeed, we will go drinking and celebrating our work again, okay?" He said nothing. , Wang Xinjie and Ouyang took the lead and applauded.

Tian Zhong smiled and said, "Boss, what you said, it seems that everyone is saying you are alive for this meal."

"That's right! Boss, so many days have come, how many days are missing?" Wang Xinjie followed.

Ouyang said next to him: "It's really impossible to eat buns. You have to do the work first."

When he said, everyone laughed.

Looking at them, Su Qingyue suddenly remembered, after the "Martial Arts World" conference.

Yue Lindao wants to eat and drink.

But Tian Lei said he was more busy.

In the end, he only drank a little with Yue Lindao symbolically.

Only understand that state now.

It's not that I don't want to drink.

But it is too far away from success at this time.

There are a lot of things in my mind, for fear that something is wrong, and then there will be problems.

So, walking on thin ice, trembling.

Thanks again to all brothers.

As we walked back, I told Zhou Ziyou and Liu Yuming to keep an eye on the feedback.

After that, Su Qingyue returned to the office.

I turned on the computer and entered the game personally to experience it. I also gave myself an ID: Honest.

Although I have played countless times, and found out the mistakes and corrected countless times, I still feel very new.

Laughed unconsciously.

Although the game is great and the feedback is good, there are still some regrets.

If there is another chance to design a game from scratch, what shall we do? how to say? What theme?

Thinking in mind, wandering in the game.

After a while, I received a call from Amu and asked: "Aren't you going to come back early today?"

"Just launched, there are still a lot of things to do." Su Qingyue said.

"Isn't it alright?"

"Good thing! Go online is the beginning of the work. Especially the first three days before going online is very important, this is the golden 72 hours of the product." Su Qingyue said.

On the other end of the phone, Ah Mou groaned for a long time, and finally said, "My mom called me today and asked about you."

"my business?"

"What else can you do!" She snorted, "People in the yard are talking about you. Old man, I heard that you are famous on the Internet, and I am very uncomfortable. Ask me what is going on." She said Then, he sighed: "What can I say, I'll just say that if you don't do this, you have to finish it!"


I don't know if Amu is joking or serious.

Then the latter said: "I just frightened them. I said that if this thing is not done, all your previous efforts will be wasted. Then you will have to go back to the southern capital in a desperate manner."

"and then?"

"Mom said, then come back." She laughed: "Dad said, what do you do when you come back? It takes such a great effort, of course to do it! It is not a bad reputation. If you are afraid of wolves and be afraid of tigers, do nothing Up!"

Listening to Amo, Su Qing laughed more.

He understands his family's concerns.

It's probably Amu's mother. She was embarrassed to call herself, so she asked her daughter.

Amou teased for a while.

hang up the phone.

Su Qingyue still felt that such a transmission efficiency and speed were also beyond his expectations.

He thought to himself, and opened the major websites.

The efficiency of online news is far greater than that of the entity. It has already reached hundreds of thousands of interactions with players on the page of events related to the Three Kingdoms.

Some players commented that he wanted to laugh when he saw it.

Someone said: "I feel that I am not playing Three Kingdoms now, I am playing Su Qingyue, hahaha!"

"But he is really handsome." Someone replied.

"So handsome, it's a pity not to be a boyfriend." The girl replied, "I just watched him to play games."

Regardless of these.

Start to read some comments in the industry.

Some accounts that were questioned at the beginning are still stubbornly questioning: "The press conference was very successful, and I heard that the number of people online has also increased, but what about it? After all, it is a free version. It takes power to make money from props. ."

"I'm not optimistic either, just take a look, I don't think they may be good."

Questions continue.

But there are many positive voices.

"This at least shows that Su Qingyue did not rely solely on Hualuo at the beginning. Now he has achieved tens of millions of results with very little promotion expenses. This ability is to leave the focus, UU reading www.uukanshu.com to any company. No problem." Someone commented.

"He was also a strong man. It is said that Hualuo recruits people with extremely high requirements." Someone said, and wrote: "The following is a test of his ability to intervene in products. If done well, it can really bring the focus back to life. Then Su Qingyue will be the road behind. , It's really smooth sailing."

With his words, countless people typed smooth sailing.

Go out and look at the death corner, everyone is busy nervously.

No one felt tired.

But Su Qingyue felt that people could not go on like this.

It is necessary to adjust the time.

So he decided to hold a small meeting temporarily.

Readjust your daily work.

Divide the technology into three groups and work three shifts every day for three days.

Maintain close interaction with operation and maintenance, and timely feedback and solve unexpected situations.

If there is a particularly serious problem, everyone must arrive at the company within an hour.

In addition, the planning department and the operation department work with the customer service team every day to collect player feedback. When encountering strong opinions and feedbacks, we must carefully analyze and formulate a clear version plan. And through the official website and forum, players are informed in advance of the version plan and a clearer update time.

Su Qingyue specifically pointed out that Ouyang was going to stare to death in this regard.

The latter immediately got up and said: "Boss, don't worry, if there is any problem, I will see you with my head!"

Then he asked the marketing department to keep up with the hot spots, formulate news and information for at least a week, and communicate to the media every day. All other departments are guided and active in various forums and games. He Lili and the two girls transferred from the administration are responsible for providing logistical support for everyone.

After a brief meeting, each perform its duties.

Su Qingyue felt relieved, and then left the company.

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