Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 368: : The illusion of Teletubbies

   Take the elevator up.

   There are not many people in the car, and most of them are people from the company that makes the map upstairs.

   looked at his watch, there are more than 20 minutes before the meeting.

   The elevator door slid open to both sides, and he walked out.

   Loud noises came from the office.

   "Brother Gao! Go slow!"

   "Brother! We wait for you to triumph!"

   The front desk stood and looked at the office area with a curious look.

   Seeing him coming, he smiled hurriedly and nodded, calling out President Su.

   can continue to look inward.

Su Qingyue heard Jiao Kejun’s voice: "Brother, we are all people who have experienced entrepreneurship. You should also work harder and work harder. Don’t forget, the focus is on your home." Familiar tone, familiar feeling:" Home is always there, as long as you need it, we will definitely go up."


   Hearing Gao Yanhai's cold reply, Su Qing went in.

  I saw people from the Second R&D Center helping Gao Yanhai move things.

Li Lin also smiled and said to Gao Yanhai: "Brother, you have to work hard, brother and I will speak if you need it." He patted Gao Yanhai's shoulder: "Let's troika, maybe you will take us with you in the future. . Don't forget to give me a hand when you come."

   "Brother Gao, remember to call me!" someone followed.

   Su Qingyue knew those people.

   Nothing big.

  The work is not very good, mainly to flatter Gao Yanhai.

   often shared some fun resources with him.

   can do what he likes.

   Seeing Gao Yanhai's triumphant expression, it seemed like he had won a battle.

  Su Qingyue feels that money can make people misunderstand their own abilities.

   nothing showed on his face.

   Make way for him.

   At this time, Gao Yanhai stopped and looked at Su Qingyue.

   smiled and shook hands with him.

   sighed: "President Su, in the future we will be fellows..." Then he asked: "By the way, how much money did your angels take?"

   "There is no way to compare with you, you are rich and powerful now." Su Qing smiled.

   "I don't have much, only one hundred million." Gao Yanhai laughed, thought about it and added: "The boss gave me a Mercedes-Benz S500. I feel aggrieved when I drive another car."

   As he said, everyone laughed.

   Su Qingyue also laughed and said: "I heard about this."

   "President Su, we will be competitors by then." Gao Yanhai was shameless.

   The next moment, even Li Lin's face was not right.

   quickly turned his eyes away.

   Jiao Kejun probably felt embarrassed, and quickly helped him change the subject: "Brother, come back often."


   Obviously Gao Yanhai doesn't take him well.

   He didn't want to think, if it weren't for Jiao Kejun, he would be finished.

   There will never be today.

   It seems that they are already in trouble because of the project team of "That Little Immortality".

   Su Qingyue did not pursue the victory again.

   just smiled and watched.

   I didn't expect Gao Yanhai to turn around, taking his own humiliation: "At that time we will have a showdown!"

   "Okay, I'll wait for you to make the product!" Su Qing smiled.

   When he said a word, the people around him were suddenly startled.

   Passing by Tianzhong not far away, he said quietly: "We don't compare with DEMO."

   Gao Yanhai's expression instantly changed.

   Everyone hurriedly sent him out.

   He walked straight forward without turning his head to look back.

   did not say hello to Li Lin and Gao Yanhai.

   Su Qingyue suddenly remembered two words: ungrateful, mean and ungracious.

  The ability is so poor.

   What kind of products can someone like this make?

   Even if I get the money, can the problem be solved?

Can    create value?

   After a while, Gao Yanhai finally left.

   Jiao Kejun and Li Lin walked back.

   Seeing him talking with Tian Zhong, he greeted him with a smile and said, "Mr. Su, are we ready to start?"


Li Lin smiled and interjected: "Mr. Su, take me with you in the future. Let me learn from you and learn from the project team." With a sincere expression on his face, he was completely different from his previous attitude, and said: "You When I was my own brother, I had nothing to teach me. My little experience, it doesn’t work anymore."

   He said, Jiao Kejun also interjected: "That is, let Lafayette learn more."

   Su Qingyue chuckled.

   Know that Jiao Kejun and Li Lin also want to change.

   I'm not reconciled.

   He said a good sentence, but he thought that some changes must be adjusted from the personality level.

   went to the meeting room, Tian Zhong followed Su Qingyue.

   Jiao Kejun stopped Li Lin at the door and said with a smile: "Old Li, I'm not bad at studying now."

   Li Lin shrugged, he knew very well.

   A sense of loss appeared on his face.

   Finally the door closed.

  The people from the project are here.

   Ouyang smiled and said, "Boss, I have been waiting for this day, but I have been waiting for a long time."

   Wang Xinjie was excited and said to Su Qingyue: "Boss, I watched more and more vigorously last night. I didn't fall asleep much today."

   "Boss, I don't understand, Chen Xiaoxiao is too vicious at the critical moment!" Ning Cheng said.

   "That's not vicious." Gao Shixian followed.

   Several people discussed the novel.

   Su Qingyue and Jiao Kejun faced each other for a moment.

  The latter said: "Brother, can you come first?"

   "Come on, this is the focus after all." Su Qingyue said, thinking about cooperating in the future.

   plus the fact that there is Taka Iwakai.

   This kind of illusory face, always give the other party a little.

The next moment, Jiao Kejun stood up and smiled and said, "Presumably you all know what's going on. Today I call everyone here to announce the official launch of the project. This is also the reunion of our most focused and combative troops. I think everyone must Can do things well."

   He said, looking at Su Qingyue.

He added: "I’m telling you the good news. I decided to merge the second R&D center with Mr. Tian’s new R&D center, and Mr. Tian will be responsible for it as a whole. In this way, our manpower will be more sufficient and the product development cycle will be more secure. Please Su I always speak to everyone..."

   Jiao Kejun took the initiative to give up his position.

  Su Qingyue At this time, look at the project team that got together again.

   Brothers in the dead corner.

   At that time, he never thought that one day he would return to focus in this way.

   He hopes to accomplish his goal.

   took this group of brothers and rushed in the golden age. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

   has its own piece of world.

   Thinking of this, he finally spoke.

   There is no rhetoric, he first made the division of labor clear again.

  Because of some preparatory work before, they have been communicating, so Su Qingyue directly announced it.

   Su Qingyue said: "We have the first DEMO in six months, and the Alpha version will be released three months after the DEMO... Our goal is that the product must be tested online within 18 months."

   confirmed the time.

Su Qingyue also emphasized the importance: "Brothers, our planning is only average compared to the industry. But for ourselves, it is actually more difficult." He said: "Because our team was right before. The original version of Three Kingdoms has been improved, which is different from starting from scratch..."

   "President Su, you can rest assured that our focus must be well coordinated. It needs the cooperation of other departments, and it is absolutely no problem. Compared with many new teams that have not accumulated, we still have an advantage..." Jiao Kejun interrupted him with a smile.

   What Jiao Kejun said is true.

   This is also one of the reasons why Su Qingyue adopted project research and development within the focus.

   Then he continued...


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