Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 382: : Industry level

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"Not home yet?"

Su Qing asked and asked Zhou Ziyou to pour her water.

Chen Ting put the book on the table.

She bought it recently, and it has a plum blossom on the cover, which is very delicate.

Two people sit down.

Chen Ting smiled: "No." She said, "I just asked about the industry salary level, I want to have a good chat with you." She said, laughed, and asked: "Yes, what's wrong outside "He pointed his finger outside the glass wall door, indicating that he was talking about Ouyang.

"It's nothing, hit it." Su Qing smiled more.

He didn't mention Ouyang's arrest for gambling.

This kind of thing should not be expanded.

But I was still worried about him.

Then Chen Ting opened the notebook, which was full of various contents.

She sketched some symbols and numbers.

Also use the connection method to make a map.

"I found some problems." Chen Ting emphasized again, "Although we have only been officially established for more than a month, the salary is based on China Network and Focus. However, the salary of this level has now fallen behind in the industry." She said , Push the notebook in front of Su Qingyue.

Su Qingyue saw a red line.

Below is their basic salary.

The original wage levels of Hualuo and Focus are also below the red line.

Chen Ting said: “Above the red line is the average level of the industry.” She added: “What I understand is that both the focus and ChinaNet are facing a massive loss of talent. And this phenomenon is not just present here. Two companies. Almost all established companies have this problem."


Su Qing raised his eyebrows, he knew this.

Newly-entered companies must dig talents to greatly increase their salary levels, otherwise it will not be possible to dig talents from large companies by simply drawing cakes.

Fortunately, his team is ready, he secretly rejoices.

But I did not expect that the salary level was so much worse.

Look at the numbers on the notebook again.

Chen Ting divided them into several stalls.

The second gear is nearly 30% higher than them.

I feel that Yu Chenglong is right.

It also highlights his personality.

And Zhou Ziyou and everyone on the team.

They are indeed their own brothers.

But Su Qingyue feels that everything has two sides.

So this is a good thing and a bad thing.

The good thing is that they are too brothers.

The bad thing is that they have considered Su Qingyue too much. Will they develop the habit of reporting good news and not reporting bad things in the future?

The pay gap is large, except for Zhou Ziyou and Yu Chenglong who have mentioned it on informal occasions.

No one actually said it to himself.

Su Qingyue feels that this is not simply a question of wages, but also a question of the company's corporate culture.

After all, your emotions are not important. Listening to the truth and telling the truth is conducive to the long-term development of the company.

At this time, Chen Ting said: "It's basically like this." She thought about it, and finally concluded: "Qingyue, I think it's good if it's only lower. But now we have a big gap. You have to take care of these things. It's an idea," she said at last.

Su Qingyue nodded.

Also admit that Chen Ting is right.

But at the same time, he believes that if the improvement is too much, it is not just a question of cost.

There is also the issue of employees' work mentality.

After thinking about it, he said, "Sister Ting, can we do this. To be an incentive salary standard, the basic salary will increase slightly, but the project dividend will be increased by a large proportion. People who are serious about doing things can achieve results, Get money far beyond the industry standard. The advantage of this is to increase the enthusiasm of the employees, while also solving practical problems."

"Of course." Chen Ting nodded, thought for a moment, and said again: "But you have to consider the cost."

"I see."

Su Qingyue nodded, thinking again about what Chen Feng said at the time.

Suddenly realized that the money that was originally enough has become a bit stressful now.

But after another thought, he still felt that he could not blindly raise funds.

Cannot be kidnapped by capital.

In the end, he and Chen Ting basically finalized the plan.

The latter decided to go back and readjust the salary level and incentive mechanism according to what he said.

While talking, Tian Zhong sent him a message saying that he had taken Ouyang away.

Said he was crying bitterly.

Su Qingyue replied: "Cooperate well."

"do not worry."

He finished speaking, got up and left the office with Chen Ting.

Thanked her for working overtime with other HRs, and said: "It's so late, I have to trouble you and Brother Qiang when I go back. I will definitely invite him to dinner next day." Su Qingyue said, in fact, it is because they often work overtime and want to come as a family member. Liu Qiang will not be happy.

But Chen Ting looked indifferent.

She smiled brilliantly and said: "He won't." She said, looking at the watch, and then said: "I'm probably still with the customer right now. Recently I got home late, and he got home later than me."

"The business department is like this." Su Qingyue said, expressing understanding.

Then they walked back together.

Several HRs were also happy and felt that they finally made it to ten o'clock.

There will be reimbursement when you go home.

In the car with Chen Ting, Su Qingyue's mobile QQ rang and found that it was Ouyang's message.

He clicked in to see.

Ouyang said: "Boss, I really never do it again. I apologize for my behavior, not only for delaying work, but also for lying." He said, followed by another message: "But from now on I will definitely change. Please give me this chance."

Put the phone away and didn't look down anymore.

Then the car came to his intersection first.

Su Qingyue got out of the car and walked home.

He felt that Ouyang still didn't realize what the gambling was going on.

He still doesn't understand that once the gambling addiction occurs, he can't control it at all.

He thought he was just for fun.

It seems that there is still a need to grind, and the more Su Qing thinks about getting home.

He Guangge ran into him and asked him about the recent situation.

Brother Guang replied: "Everything is under construction. I thought that the half-million dollars was quite a lot, but now it's not enough." He said, "I have to hurry up on their progress. Otherwise, I have to At this rate of spending money, it will be used up soon."

"You still save some flowers, don't be too lavish." Su Qingyue said, and then asked, "How is the company's situation?"

"It's okay, basically it's running stably." He said.

Su Qingyue nodded.

Only then did I go back to the bedroom and saw Amou at work.

Say hello to her.

The latter turned his gaze to him at this time and asked: "Do you know how our original boss is now?"

"How about what?" Su Qingyue shook his head.

She left the computer chair at this time and walked over, as if she was spreading a secret piece of news.

"You don't know about him?"

"I don't know." Su Qingyue said, in fact, he doesn't pay much attention to non-industry news.

At this time, Amu said: "He has gone in."

"What?" Su Qing was more startled.

"Go in, I heard they said it was because of illegal fund-raising, suspected of fraud..." She said: "And I heard that our company is not that bad. The main reason is that he misappropriated a lot of money, which led to his eagerness for quick success and quick profit. Coupled with internal friction, it is the result later."

"What did he embezzle for?" Su Qingyue asked.

"I heard it's another business. UU reading www.uukānshu.com" she said: "It seems that the holes are bigger."

A Mou said, Su Qing curled his lips.

Could not help but shook his head.

Think about the boss back then, he is still a man of the world.

Now it fell like this.

Ability and ambition must match.

After a while, I received another message from Ouyang.

Su Qingyue deliberately didn't go to see.

I hope my method will work.

Looking at the watch, it was almost eleven, so they went to bed early with Amu.

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