Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 391: :Continuous fermentation

   The next reply is very interesting.

   Su Qingyue discovered that the majority of people who watch the excitement are not too big.

Life is like a play.

  Guests are watching theaters.

   The popularity of the crowd is an important indicator of whether the matter is serious.

   It’s just that the motives of spectators are basically the same, but they have different mentalities.

   Someone posted a cartoon of Nezha vs. Muzha in their reply.

   also attached the text: "Extra! Extra! Hualuo duo is working, Hualuo is fighting."

   "Passing by!" someone replied.

   "Whoever loses, who wins, just wait!"

   "Hua Luo, I have only heard of Su Qingyue, a talented man, but I have never heard of a duo."

   Some others infer.

   "These two may be deliberate, after all, they are both Hualuo, marketing is their strong point."

   There are many posts at a time.

   Su Qingyue scrolled down, basically just watching the excitement and expressing emotion.

  Of course, a few reporters who participated in the Yuedao Media Open Day accused the poster: "Is it okay to make what others say privately? It is really unprofessional to pick things on purpose."

Some people indiscriminately made comments: "No matter how beautiful these two are, they still have to look at the product and the results. After all, both of them are old Hualuo employees. Will this affect Hualuo? Reputation. I suggest that the people from ChinaNet come out to be peacemakers."

   Generally speaking, the level of posts is not high.

   Basically, it is outside the essence of this matter.

   has not met his expectations for the time being.

   The more Su Qing can understand, not everyone can accurately grasp the pulse of the times.

   People's eyes are usually only in their own field of vision.

   It is difficult to see things outside the field of vision.

  Zhou Ziyou asked him if he wanted to post some guiding topics.

   Su Qingyue looked at his watch and found that it was already late.

   During this time, most people have rested, or are busy with their business.

   The real fermentation has to wait until the next day.

   So I rejected Zhou Ziyou’s suggestion.

   replied: "Wait for tomorrow to see, don't worry."

   After another word, I turned a few pages again.

   Understand that communication cannot be done every time, and the decision still has to wait until tomorrow.

   stayed with Amu for a while.

   then lay on the bed.

   Amo did not go to bed, but checked the manuscript in front of the computer.

   Su Qingyue took a rest early.

   In the middle of the night, I heard the sound of crackling on the keyboard.

   After a long time, Amu went to bed.

   Feeling she pulled herself a bit, Su Qing said in a daze, hurry up and go to sleep.

The latter said: "I have sent the first draft of the correction to your email. You will check it again this morning. Help me change it and see if there is any deviation in the meaning. If possible, I will change some small details, and then just Ready to post." Ah Mu said, lay down and sighed.

   Su Qing became more confused, oh.

   If you open your eyes again, it's already morning.

   I forgot what I dreamed of.

   got up and washed his face and brushed his teeth, and when he went out, Ah Mou asked again.

  Su Qingyue only then remembered that she told herself last night that she wanted him to read the manuscript today.

   closed the door and walked outside.

   As usual, I got a champion cake and got on Dongshan's car.

   Dongshan has solved the problem of family money.

But when I drove up to the ring road, I still complained: "But why should I pay it back? I won't be able to drive my life, and I have to buy a house in the future." He said, looking at Su Qingyue, and envied him: " It’s better if you have gone to school, have knowledge and culture, and can make a lot of money."

  Listen to him.

  Su Qingyue thinks that knowledge and culture are of course very important.

   But the most important thing is to catch up with the good times.

   At the same time, there must be luck.

   The car is blocked again.

   Su Qingyue's mobile QQ rang at this time.

   opened it and found that it was Ye Luo.

   It is estimated that it is a matter of the forum, Su Qingyue clicked on his avatar.

   Found a link.

   followed Ye Luo and asked, "Are you two at war?"

   didn't reply to him, Su Qingyue just wanted to see the reaction after a night of fermentation.

   Click to open the link.

   found that there are more nutritious posts.

Someone replied: "The fight between Su Qingyue and Jiang Zhengshang actually marks the arrival of a new era. The stand-alone gamers have gradually retreated behind the scenes, and the gamers with real Internet genes have come to the center of the stage." The account said: "The stage The number of places is limited and will be played more severely in the future."

Others said: "No matter how Su Qing has more skills, if he doesn't solve the financing problem, but still wants to use these tens of millions to win the market, I am not optimistic." This account also said: "The probability of victory in the war is high. It is only a legend that the more wins the less, and the less wins the more."

   Su Qingyue feels that these are all right.

   The number of seats on the stage is limited, and one must be prepared for 120,000 points to rush to the stage.

   But the subject he wanted hasn’t come yet.

   These are nothing more than peripheral activities, saying some seemingly nutritious nonsense.

   arrived at the unit in a while and made a cup of tea first.

   Then go back to the room and turn on the computer.

   Looking at the scenery outside the window.

   At about noon, Zhou Ziyou went to find Xiao Yu.

   Chen Yimian’s article was posted at this time, and she deliberately sent a link to Su Qing.

   Click in and take a look.

   found that it was not a reply posted under the original topic.

   but Chen Yimian opened a new theme.

   was named: "Su-Jiang Controversy Cuts the Ribbon for the Golden Age".

   time was posted this morning.

   has now been marked hot.

  The name Su Qingyue likes it very much, and I want to know what Chen Yimian wrote.

   I hope I can be satisfied.

   Then he clicked to open it, and Chen Yimian wrote: The dispute between Su and Jiang seems to have originated from Jiang Zhengshang's active attack, but in fact it is a dramatic change in the pattern. The upstarts in the game circle are inevitable collisions for the number of stage places.

   was moved by her words.

   Su Qingyue thinks this is what he wants.

   But there should be more posts.

   He then looked down.

   Chen Yimian wrote again: We have to ask, did Su Qingyue and Jiang Zhengshang emerge by accident as upstarts in the industry? Is it a product of the times? We should see the role of the first-generation technology company Hualuo, and the software industry's "Whampoa Military Academy" deserves its reputation.

   Chen Yimian then began to list the names.

   That is probably a long list.

   Several of them know Su Qingyue

   But he has just heard of most people.

   Chen Yimian went on to write: These dozens of people are the epitome of an era. They grew up in the early days of the Internet. Until the game industry broke out, elites like Su and Jiang emerged. This is not Hualuo people fighting in the same room. UU reading www.uukanshu.com is the era of coexistence. Everyone must work hard for their position in the industry.

   There is no compromise, no way out.

  The war between them will surely escalate gradually.

   This is not a war between two people, it is a war between two companies.

   is the battle of market cards.

   Their war opened the curtain of the golden age of heroes competing.

   People used to say that this is the best time, this is the golden age.

   But the other side of the golden age is bloody.

   Seeing what she wrote, Su Qingyue called out a few good times.

   then sent a smile to Chen Yimian.

   I saw the comments based on this article again.

   People's eyes are finally not on gossip, but on the era of the explosion of the market.

   The industry structure has changed drastically.

   Some people think that Hualuo is really amazing and can train so many elites.

   Gradually, in people's minds, in addition to the traditional big companies, the two upstarts in the gaming circle are known.

   One is: Yue Dao.

   One is: Zhengshang.


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