Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 515: : Do not forget the original intention

   Watching the demo video.

   I have to say that under the leadership of Tian Zhong, although the time is not long and the manpower is not enough, "That Little Immortal Qi" is still very good. The pictures and various gameplays they demonstrated are leading or unique in the industry.

Tanaka also introduced him to some of the following plans. He said: "Some of the things we have learned from "The Heroes of Three Kingdoms" can be fully developed once the manpower is in place." He said, his voice was full of this product. confidence. "We rely not only on inspiration, but also on feedback and research."

   "Hmm." Su Qingyue nodded, and he felt very satisfied.

   Then Tanaka introduced the situation again.

   said: "As long as Ouyang's handover is completed, we can speed up."

   He didn't mention that Ouyang's work was difficult to do.

  Su Qingyue feels that although Ouyang has changed a little bit, he is still brothers, and it's okay to fight over the project.

   He thought, Tanaka said about the plan for the next project. Su Qingyue listened and thought about it and said: "Tian teacher, this progress is of course pretty good. But I hope you will hurry up..."

   "What? Faster?" Tanaka was startled.

   Wang Xinjie was also stunned, and said, "This is actually very fast."

   Su Qingyue nodded, knowing that this time requirement is indeed a bit excessive.

   can still say: "I am going to take "That Little Immortality" to the Tokyo Game Show."

   In a word, everyone was even more surprised.

   Tanaka suddenly laughed and said, "It's this year's video game show, right?"

   "Yes." Su Qingyue said: "We can negotiate the specific test time, but for this version of the exhibition, I still hope to hurry up..."

"Boss, I'll be honest, it's very, very difficult." Tanaka said with a serious tone: "The product is like my own child. I really want to appear at the global exhibition. I also thank the company and the boss for giving us the opportunity, but The time is really in a hurry. Because it is exhibited at the exhibition, the demo is definitely not good, it must be a business version."

   Tian Zhong tried his best to explain, Su Qingyue listened.

"The requirements for the business version are relatively high. At least the roles, skills, logins, cutscenes, maps, UI, music, and sound effects are all formal. Although the gameplay is not pursued too much, the core gameplay must be shown. And regardless of TOB at the exhibition It’s still TOC, and it’s all for trial play. Trial play requires a certain amount of game time. Based on our previous work, we must also have 3-5 hours of content. This basically counts as a complete product... "

   understand that he makes sense.

   But Su Qingyue finally said: "But the opportunity is rare. We are making products for the market."

   With his words, Tian Zhong and Wang Xinjie, as well as members of several other project teams, looked at each other.

   After a while, Tanaka finally said: "Okay! I promise to complete the task. You wait for me to plan."

  Su Qingyue nodded, he knew very well the character of Teacher Tian.

   This promise, I don’t know how many sleepless nights it is.

   Then he said: "I'm with you." Thinking that this is work, this is life, and this is entrepreneurship.

   Everyone chatted a few more words.

   Tanaka and Su Qingyue returned to the office.

   They called Ouyang to talk to him about the handover of work.

   When Ouyang pushed the door, his face was pretty good, but when he saw the field, he frowned and his attitude changed immediately. Without saying the last sentence, sitting down in front of Tian Zhong, there was not even a smiling face, which was completely different from before.

   The atmosphere in the entire office was a bit depressed for a moment.

   Su Qingyue personally got up and poured water for the two of them, trying to adjust the atmosphere as much as possible, and said a few words about the celebration.

   Then he pulled back the topic and said, "Mr. Tian, ​​I told Ouyang about the work handover, it's no problem." He said, "But if there are problems with the projects in the next three countries, you should help Ouyang a lot."

"No problem, they are all brothers." Tanaka said, smiling kindly, and said to Ouyang: "Don't worry, we are in the same office, and we were all carried over by our brothers, so we can't say anything. Let this project go wrong." He smiled and touched Ouyang again.

   with a little kindness and compassion.

   Su Qing understood that Teacher Tian was taking care of the overall situation, and it was also because of brotherhood that he took the initiative to show his favor.

   So also cooperated: "Friday celebration will add team building, brothers drink more." He said.

   Unexpectedly, Ouyang still sullen his face, took a deep breath, and said gloomily: "Okay..." He said, "Anyway, if the arm is not over the thigh, it is reasonable and unreasonable." Ouyang said, shook his head.

   Tianzhong frowned instantly.

   Su Qingyue was startled, he suddenly realized that he had not convinced Ouyang.

  Think again about his life in the past and his current attitude towards these brothers. When he gambled, Tian Zhong and Wang Xinjie tried their best to intercede with him.

   He realized that he has been working in the channel recently.

   It's been too long since the master has caught this piece.

   If Ouyang's inflated sentiment is allowed to spread, it will not be a good thing not only for Ouyang himself, but for the entire company and the project.

   Thinking of this, his voice suddenly fell, and he said coldly: "Ouyang, I don't like you talking like this." He said, and then emphasized: "I made it clear that the company is not your private army."

   He said so.

   Ouyang suddenly raised his head to look at him, as if he realized that his words were serious.

   hurriedly changed his words and said: "Boss, I, I really didn't think about my private army, I just..."

   "You have to have a degree even if you are stubborn!" Su Qingyue said, interrupting him directly. It was completely unexpected that he would become a person during the public beta.

   "Okay, okay, I was wrong." Ouyang said hurriedly, thinking about passing this paragraph as soon as possible.

At this time, Tanaka also said, "It's okay, Boss, you can rest assured that we will definitely hand over the work." He said, touching Ouyang's arm again: "Ouyang just couldn't turn the corner for a while. He speaks unintentionally."

   understand that Teacher Tian is still tolerant.

   But Su Qingyue felt that he couldn't just let it go. Now he must talk about his attitude and emotions.

   then said again: "Ouyang, what is behind your emotion?"

   He said, Ouyang looked at him and didn't speak.

   Su Qingyue continued: "I heard someone called you a gold producer? Is there such a thing? Who said it?"

   "Uh..." Ouyang pondered for a moment, not wanting to answer, but finally said, "Who else can, Ning Cheng."

   "Why is Ning Cheng making this joke?"

   "She, who can't make a joke?" Ouyang said, "I didn't let her call."

"Why didn't she say that Mr. He Tian is a gold medal producer?" Su Qingyue accelerated his tone and said, "Did you show this confidence in your gestures, or your temper and your attitude toward everyone?" He finished speaking, staring at Ouyang coldly.

   can clearly feel the embarrassment of the latter, a little scared.

   took another deep breath.

   Ouyang took his eyes away from Su Qingyue.

   Su Qingyue said again: "What is behind the ridicule?" He said: "It's the truth, it's your performance!"

   "I..." Ouyang said, and he stammered for a while.

Su Qingyue said straightforwardly: "Don't say anything about you, I tell you it's okay to gag. You can enjoy the title of gold medal producer by yourself, no problem! But there is a problem with your mentality, and you really put yourself on it. This, this is your current predicament, because you have put a burden on yourself."

   Ouyang didn't say anything anymore when he said this.

Su Qing thought for a while, and then said: "I can tell you very clearly that a gold producer is not enough to make Yuedao go public and make our big entertainment successful." He said, "Where is it now? Changed. , Expanded?"

   "I didn't, I just!"

"Do you know it in your own heart!" Su Qingyue interrupted him: "I never object to any employee having a halo. I am not a halo lover myself, and all the halo of the company must be mine." He said: "I want you to have your own halo when you go out, but this halo is external, not internal!" He finally emphasized: "What happened before and afterwards. Don't forget your original intention! Do you understand?"

   he said so

   Ouyang raised his head to look at him, then lowered his head.

   It took a long time to say: "I understand."

   "Good!" Su Qingyue said sullenly.

   Although he knew that Ouyang might not fully understand it yet.

   But he will understand after all, UU reading www. It took a long time for uukanshu.com to return to the subject and said: "Now you promise to Teacher Tian, ​​when will the handover be clear. And your own attitude."

   "It will start in a while." Ouyang lowered his head.

Su Qingyue said again: "Ouyang, think about your attitude towards Teacher Tian. When you gambled, Teacher Tian and Xinjie tried their best to protect you. Is your attitude towards him now something that brothers should have? Shouldn’t I reflect on myself, shouldn’t I apologize?"

   "No, no." Tanaka waved his hand quickly and said, "It's okay." He smiled and tried to show his favor.

   Ouyang may also feel bad at this time, and said, "I'm sorry, Teacher Tian."

   "Hey, they are all brothers, what is right or wrong?" Tanaka followed with a smile.

   Seeing that they are getting together again.

   Su Qingyue was a little upset, and felt that he had paid too much attention to channels a few days ago.

   did not notice the change here.

   Fortunately, Chen Feng reminded me.

   As he thought, he couldn't help sweating.

   Looking at Ouyang's stiff smile again, he felt that Ouyang was not simply swelling, and his change would not be that simple.

   At least it won’t turn back so quickly.


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