Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 517: :hypocritical

   The place where Liu Qiang asked him is a Japanese-style tavern.

   is on a small road behind Liangma Building, surrounded by feasting, and the whole street is full of various bars and restaurants.

   There is a small restaurant that says "Shi Sheng". The black characters on the white background are very elegant and stand out in this one.

   It can be seen that Liu Qiang wants to cater to his own preferences, although it seems a bit subjective and rigid.

  The door is not big, it is a Japanese-style sliding electric door.

   walked in, and someone shouted in Japanese: いらっしゃいませ (Welcome).

   A waiter greeted him and asked him if he had a reservation.

   The area is small, and the narrow aisles are pretended to be counters.

   Several couples were drinking and chatting in front of the bar, watching variety shows on TV.

   Su Qingyue walked sideways from there, there were a few tables behind, separated by bamboo curtains. Walking to the last table, Liu Qiang said: "Mr. Su! This is it!"

   Su Qingyue turned around and glanced at the surrounding environment again.

   found that the decoration here is the kind of faint oriental wood color, with warm lighting, it is very suitable for couples to date.

   Sit down and greet Liu Qiang.

   The latter said to the waiter: "Wasabi octopus, sashimi platter, spicy beef strips, eel, raw beef, sake should be Otaki." He said, not looking at the menu at all, and he was very familiar with it. He said to the waiter again: "After Shi Gang comes back, let him come over and have a drink."

   "Okay, no problem." The waiter smiled and left.

   Su Qingyue said: "Don't need that much, I ate it."

"Then have a drink. Sake is okay." Liu Qiang smiled and said, "The owner of this restaurant is my friend." He said, and introduced: "Pingjing doesn't open many restaurants around the clock. His house is pretty good. Sometimes it’s five o’clock at night. Sometimes we’re tired from playing, so we’ll come here for a drink."

   "Oh." Su Qingyue nodded.

   I remembered Chen Ting and said that he was very familiar with night scenes.

   I didn’t know what he was looking for, so I thought about asking. Liu Qiang said at this time: “If you want to pick up girls in the future, you can bring it here. I will say hello to the boss at that time, so you can save face.”

   After another word, he handed Su Qing Yueyan, who refused.

   smiled and said, "Men Qing..." Not wanting to chirp anymore, Su Qingyue asked directly, "Brother Liu, what can you tell me directly."

   Liu Qiang was startled when he asked.

   Soon he sighed first, and then said: "Brother, it's a bit troublesome..."

   "What's wrong?" Su Qingyue felt that there was something in the words.

   remembered again, the woman holding hands with him at the Volkswagen 4S store.

At this time, Liu Qiang said: "Being a man is difficult. You have to work outside during the day and socialize at night." He sighed helplessly, and said: "I met your sister Ting at the beginning, and my monthly salary was only three thousand. For bucks, living in a small broken house in Qinghe, no one would have thought of having today."

   He said, avoiding the trouble itself, with a tone of reminiscence on the surface.

   But it gave Su Qingyue a feeling of looking at him.

   Don't know what happened to him, Su Qingyue frowned slightly.

   came up with wasabi octopus and cured beef strips, as well as sake.

   Su Qingyue said again: "Brother Liu, if you have anything, you can just say it."

   "Take a sip first." Liu Qiang smiled bitterly, serving a cup.

   Feeling that he was obviously evading something, Su Qingyue also took the cup.

After drinking, Liu Qiang took a bite of food, looked around, and suddenly sighed: "Did you know? When I first came to Pingjing, I lived in the basement of the North Fourth Ring Road for one meal a month. It’s too much for me to spend five dollars. I can't even imagine that one day I can spend one or two thousand on a meal."

   "Hmm." Su Qingyue smiled.

   knew in my heart that Liu Qiang must be paving the way for something.

   Thinking of Chen Ting crying.

   He waited unhurriedly for Liu Qiang to continue.

Guo then faced Liu Qiang and continued: "Later I met your sister Ting, and I said that I would definitely try my best to let her and our family live a good life." He said, impassioned: "I was also fighting spirit at that time. High-spirited, hard work, all kinds of dramas, everything is for our little family."

   Listening to him, it seems very reasonable.

   Thinking of the woman in the 4S shop, Chen Ting doesn't seem to have a car yet.

I was thinking about Liu Qiang and said: "I bought a house later, and everything of our brother got up on his own." He said, and said: "I bought all good things for your sister Ting, but your sister Ting Sometimes she doesn't understand me. She doesn't understand what it means to act on the spot. When I get home late, she makes trouble with me."

   finally got close to the subject.

   Su Qingyue thought, clinking glasses with Liu Qiang, smiling and nodding.

The next moment he finished drinking his glass of wine, he said: "Brother, I am telling you this, not complaining about your sister Ting. I mean, it is really hard for us men to be outside." He sighed, "We are socializing outside." After that, I still have to coax my wife when I go home. It's not easy. Brother, do you have any experience?"

   Facing the problem, Su Qingyue only chuckled.

Liu Qiang took another sip while holding the wine glass. Maybe he didn't know where to start. He said for a long time: "Last time we met in a 4S shop, you have seen that girl. She looks like a fairy, she's horrible. He immediately became indignant and cursed: "She posted about our two on the Internet, saying that I deceived her feelings. I have a wife before, as if I didn't tell her!"

   When he said so, Su Qing was shocked that he even said that to the other party.

   also understood what he wanted to do with himself.

   asked: "When was it uploaded?"

"Just this afternoon, I just saw it." He said, "Now it makes me very embarrassed. This matter can no longer be expanded in the circle, nor can it be seen by Chen Ting. When acting on the scene, everything is for work. Let her see, she must have misunderstood me."

   He said, muttering curses again in his mouth.

   "Do you want me to find someone to delete it?"

"Hey, brother, you don't know how difficult it is for me to take care of my family and your sister Ting’s house, but also to take care of business." He didn’t say anything serious, and continued to complain: "I admit that I didn’t control myself. , But my starting point is definitely business, but... this scale is too difficult to grasp..."

   "..." Su Qing became silent after listening to him.

   This is the first time he has seen people, and he can speak so rigorously about the derailment.

  Think about Chen Ting again. For so long, she went home late every day.

   must be because there is no warmth at home.

   was a little angry, but then he realized that Chen Ting was his partner, and it made no sense to make moral judgments about other people's husbands. The next moment he recovered his calm and said, "Give me the address!"

"Good! Good! Brother, it's the best you can understand me!" Liu Qiang said, "Don't look at how many brothers we have met. UU read www.uukanshu.com but I always recognize you as a brother." He said Then, he gave Su Qing more addresses, and then suddenly remembered something, and asked him: "Brother, don't tell Chen Ting about this."

   "Don't worry." Su Qingyue replied.

   Thinking back to Chen Ting crying, Su Qingyue thought maybe the latter had known it a long time ago.

   I wanted to say something about Liu Qiang, but I didn't know how to say it.

   At this time, Liu Qiang held a cup to respect him, and Su Qingyue had to smile and drink.

   followed Liu Qiang and said: "Brother, I will ask you to go out and play later..."

   "No need," Su Qingyue interrupted immediately before he finished speaking, "There is no need between us. Sister Ting should go back, and you should drink less."

   "It's okay!" Liu Qiang argued, "If your younger brother and sister call you, just say to accompany me."

   His words made Su Qing more thoroughly understand who he is.

   I don’t know if I helped Chen Ting this time, or if he hurt Chen Ting.

   Su Qingyue suddenly regretted a little.

   sighed secretly, and finally rejected Liu Qiang, saying: "Forget it today." He said, "We will go to your house another day and taste your craft." After speaking, he picked up the wine, kept smiling and clinked glasses with Liu Qiang.


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