Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 535: :Game of Life

   After ten o'clock, Yue Lindao looked at his watch.

   interrupted the people who were chatting hotly and reminded everyone that it was time to leave.

   Everyone got up immediately, helping Amu tidy up the living room. Even Xiao Yu helped Amu clean the bowl. Although Ouyang drank too much, he took the initiative to wipe the table. The rest of the people also performed their duties, and it didn't take long for the restaurant to be clean again.

   The rest of Amou said that she could clean it up by herself.

   Everyone took the garbage, got on the elevator and walked down.

   After exiting the unit door, Ouyang Wadazhong walked in front and chatted excitedly.

   Zhou Ziyou and Guang Ge said that they would go to watch games in a few days. Pingjing Guoan played against Jiang Hai Shenhua.

   Yue Lindao and Su Qingyue walked behind and asked seriously: "Qingyue, are you sure you want to go to Lin'an?"

"Well, I have to go there as soon as possible." Su Qingyue said, adding: "We are a game company, and product development is very important. As the CEO, my attitude has a great impact on the team. The Internet industry has everything Without it, there is no shortage of leadership."

"I understand, but I think you have worked so hard." Yue Lindao smiled and said: "Tell me before you leave. I will bring something to the Hangzhou brothers." Finally, he said: "The rest, just wait for you to come back. Up."

   "No problem." Su Qing smiled.

   They walked out.

Yue Lindao sighed and said: "Sometimes I feel that doing business is like an infinite level-breaking game, one level after another. I thought that after one level, I was fine, but in the end, another level came. Not the same. Actually, think about it, isn’t life like this!"

   "Game of life." Su Qingyue teased.

   Then they began to send other people into the car, because it was far from home, Su Qingyue asked Zhou Ziyou to take Xiao Yu home first.

   followed Tian Zhong, Ouyang, and Wang Xinjie in a car and left.

   Yue Lindao, Du Nanxiang, and Chen Ting were the last ones.

   When everyone left, Su Qingyue walked back, pondering what Yue Lindao said in his heart.

   "One level after another..." Su Qingyue admitted that this is indeed the case.

On the way, Brother Guang asked: "I just heard that you are going to Lin'an. I guess it will be a few months later? I feel a little guilty. I feel that I have not done enough, and I still have to follow you in the future." He said : "Since I had Xiaoxuan and the child, my desire to fight has plummeted."

   "This is also normal." Su Qingyue nodded.

He patted Brother Guang on the shoulder, thought about it, and said: "Everyone has a different idea. But you must remember, don’t be greedy. As long as your heart is not greedy, move forward step by step to ensure that our platform Pre-development is enough." He said with a smile.

   Brother Guang nodded, and they got on the elevator.

   entered the house and found that Sister Xiaoxuan was still helping Amou tidy up.

   also hurried over to help.

   After a while, it looked like it was almost done, and sent them away.

  The lights of the new home are bright and warm, and the white walls are warm, making people feel happy.

   Su Qingyue thought, it seems that the choice of warm light with large wattage was correct. As he was thinking, Amu came over and complained: "You never said before, you are going to Lin'an."

   Su Qing was stunned for a moment with such a cold sentence.

Quickly explained: "It is indeed a temporary decision, because Dongfang Jun needs a little more effort. I made the decision when I got home, even after we drank alcohol." He said, "And you also know how much this project is. I'm nervous. Now what the industry thinks about us, I can't let this project happen."

   He said, Ah Mou was stunned for a long time.

   did not speak, remained silent.

   Su Qing understood that the industry’s recent attitude towards Yue Dao, it is impossible for Ah Mou not to know.

   She is struggling with her own mental inertia.

I had to wait for her, and it took a long time. Ah Mu finally said, “Actually, I don’t object to you on a business trip, but I just hope you can tell me in advance.” She said, the whole person became convulsive, and said: “ How long are you going to go this time? How long are you in the southern capital?"

   "This time it will definitely take a long time, but I will be back halfway..."

   Su Qingyue said, they opened the window first.

   Ah Mou complained with distress: "The new home makes a room of smoke."

   Su Qingyue showed a little helplessness, understanding Amu, he sat down on the sofa.

   Amu lay down, using his thigh as a pillow.

   Warm lighting makes people relax, even sleepy.

  The sofa is soft but also has supportive force, which makes people relax and even feel sleepy.

   There are tea tables and tea sets on the tea table.

   don't know whose box of Zhonghua has fallen here.

   "Then you have to bring more things, come back and relax if you have nothing to do. It must be very tired over there..." Suddenly, Ami said, staring at him with small eyes, and pursing his small mouth in dissatisfaction.

   Su Qingyue replied: "Don't worry. But we must make this game, there is no other way. Even if it is tired, even if it is wronged, we must hold on."

   Amu listened, obviously helpless, and said angrily: "Then you have to do housework to make up for it these days."

   "No problem." Su Qing laughed.

   A Mou thought for a while, and then said: "I plan to ask my mother to accompany me. Anyway, you are not here. I am afraid to live alone in such a big house."

   "No problem. If it doesn't work, you can ask Dongshan to go to Nandu to pick her up." Su Qingyue smiled back and helped her rub her shoulders.

Ami shook her head and denied the idea: "Let's wait until my car arrives and let my mother fly. I'll pick her up at the airport." She said, stretched out on the sofa: "I finally got my driver's license. Practice your car well."

   "Well, let Dongshan teach you, and then there is Sister Xiaoxuan, you must be fine. UU reading www.uukanshu.com" Su Qingyue said with a smile.

"it is good!"

   Amu said, stretched out on the sofa, sleepy eyes: "A good sofa is good, you will be sleepy when you lie up. If you want to sleep here, can you?" she asked.

   "Of course, it's more comfortable to turn on the TV." Su Qingyue returned and turned on the TV.

   Currently playing "The Godfather" directed by Coppola, a magnetic voice came from the TV, and Su Qingyue heard him say: "Don't hate your enemies, that will affect your judgment."

   Su Qingyue and Amou looked at each other, and said, "Do you still want to sleep on the sofa?"

   Amu snorted, and the two entered the bedroom.

   The TV is always on outside.

   Al Pacino in the film sees his future wife walking with other girls.

   Wavy hair, wearing the most Sicilian crimson dress.

   is surrounded by orange blossoms, lemon blossoms, common and various wild flowers.

   Her every move is eye-catching and imaginative, and her smiles are fascinating and enviable.

   At this time, the famous "Tender Talk" sounded on TV.


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