Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 544: : Amu is here

"Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave (!


The whole Lin'an sky was gloomy, and it seemed that a pouring rain was brewing.

But the weather forecast said it was a sunny day.

Su Qingyue has adapted, and feels that Lin'an and the south are similar. "Sunrise in the east and rain in the west" is a common phenomenon in summer.

The southern part of summer is the rainy season, so it is best to bring an umbrella when you go out. As the saying goes, "bring an umbrella and full of dry food", precautions are our ancestors' religion. Old people say it's big data.

I slept late last night, but today I still get up at 7:30. After the first black box test during this period, the project progressed more smoothly, and today's "Little Magic Fairy" is becoming more and more perfect.

I ate early and came to the unit.

On the road, I was still worried about whether the plane Amou was taking could land in this weather.

But before it was nine o'clock, the dark clouds receded. The sun burst out of the dark clouds, finally showing a whole smile. Su Qingyue was drinking tea and looking at the scenery outside the window. The willows glowed bright green in the sun, some of which were not the color they should have.

Remember that Amu is the morning flight at six o'clock in the morning.

Look at the watch, it should land now.

He took out his cell phone and called her out.

The standard broadcast sound soon came from the receiver: Sorry, Thenumberyoudialedispoweroff. Sorry, the user you dialed has been turned off.

It may be late.

Su Qingyue texted her and left a message: "Tell me when you get there."

Some worry Amu.

It's not that I'm worried about something happening, it's mainly because Amu sometimes gets airsick. Although exercise is much better now, but if the bumps are more serious, there will still be.

At this time, Tanaka sent an email to talk about the progress of the recent version of "That Little Fairy Qi". Su Qingyue glanced briefly at the updated R&D plan and found that they were speeding up. It seemed that the effect should be good, faster than expected.

I don't know if it is against Lin'an.

It is good to have competition within the company, but the law must be respected.

Su Qingyue thought.

Dialed Tanaka, and the phone was connected after a few seconds.

Without a polite and hypocritical greeting, Su Qingyue went straight to the subject, pointed out his worries, and asked him to ensure the quality. "Don't be so anxious. The exhibition is not a Tokyo one. What are you afraid of? I will take you to E3 next year, with the same effect."

"We are not in a hurry." Tanaka said: "It's just that during the actual operation, some places went well. There was no previous worry, and the speed suddenly accelerated a lot. After all, most of them were previously fought. Experienced R&D core, so a lot of communication and coordination work is all saved... generally smoother."

"Don't just look at the smoothness, but look at the quality." Su Qing hurriedly asked, worrying about the smoothness may be an illusion: "Sometimes the smoother is, in fact, the easier it is to roll over. R & D is not afraid of slower, slower, afraid of rework, need time Stay vigilant."

"Don't worry, boss, I'm sure of this." Tian Zhong smiled on the phone.

Two people relax.

After chatting about Xiantian, Su Qingyue promised Tian Zhong to go back and take everyone to the reservoir for barbecue.

Then thinking of Ouyang, he was a little uneasy, and asked, "How is Ouyang?"

"Very good, no problem." Tanaka replied: "The online number of "Three Kingdoms Heroes: The Straw Boat Borrowing Arrow" is very stable, and there is a small increase every weekend. Activities and gameplay are also iterated and updated as planned. , The income is very stable. Ouyang still attaches great importance to the opinions of every player in each version as before, and is also very demanding on the quality of the version. So if he is watching, you can rest assured."

"Yeah." Su Qingyue replied.

Operation briefings are sent to him by Li Jun every day.

Su Qingyue is not worried.

Just like Teacher Tian said, Ouyang regards this product as life, and it is impossible to go wrong.

What he asked at this time was not about grades, but about life.

Worried about his extreme problems, and worried about his colleague relations.

What to do if the conflict like the previous one occurs again.

After thinking for a moment, he asked, "Apart from grades? Does he have anything else?"

Hearing what he said, Tian Zhong was startled on the phone.

But soon laughed.

Obviously I understood, and said, "Boss, don't worry. We have already let go of the previous incident. Ouyang, we often fight and squabble now, there is no problem." He said, adding: "Everyone It's still the same as before. Sometimes he will help me see "That Little Immortality", and some ideas are also brought up by him."

At this point in his words, Su Qingyue finally relaxed.

Following Tanaka, he said again: "But recently he started trading in stocks. He is like a stock god. As soon as he eats, he tells us about stocks and how he makes money." He stopped talking and laughed on the phone.

"That's not good, maybe it's a stock god." Su Qingyue also laughed.

He understands Ouyang at this point.

Ouyang is a very energetic person. He can't consume any excess energy, so he always has to do something.

Only reasonable and legal.

Su Qingyue thought about exchanging a few words with Tian Zhong, and hung up the phone.

Time passed very slowly this morning.

It's ten ten after looking at the watch.

He called Amu again, but the phone was still turned off.

The work in the morning was routine, and it was not until lunch, when A Mou called back.

Only then did she realize that her mobile phone was out of power, and she finally felt relieved.

Listening to Amou again mischievously asked: "Guess what I am doing in Lin'an?"

Before he could answer, Amu told him.

It turned out that they came to Zhima to open the interview, and the other party specially invited Pingjing’s Internet media.

I was taken aback for a moment, and just wanted to say that Shi Shuai was the person in charge of their public relations department.

Before he could speak, Amu asked him mysteriously: "Guess who I saw?"

"Master." Su Qingyue said without hesitation.

Amo hummed on the other end of the phone, and then said, "Student Shishuai, he is handsome now, it is completely different from when Pingjing." She said so, and Su Qingyue heard Shishuai's laughter.

Then he and Amu spoke for a while.

Then hung up.

Soon the coach's number was dialed.

He immediately picked it up. Before he had time to speak, he heard the commander say a **** from his hometown on the other side of the phone, and then said: "Manager Su, now the shelf is big, and Lin An won’t say hello to me anymore, do you look down on me? Me?" He asked, joking in his tone, but also really angry.

"Brother, we are basically closed development, working overtime all day long and staying up late." Su Qingyue hurriedly explained: "I originally wanted to wait for the end of the project to find you again, who thought you would invite Amu and the others over..."

"What do you think?" The coach was straightforward.

"Admit punished, what do you say about UU reading www.uukanshu.com?" Su Qingyue said hurriedly.

"Well, I'll arrange in the afternoon. Let's have some tea." The coach finally laughed and said on the other side of the phone: "You have a treat, I will pay for it. I must be there this afternoon. Don't forget that your family reporter is in my hands. Inside."

"Okay, no problem." Su Qingyue smiled back.

They immediately confirmed the location.

hang up the phone.

It's noon when I look at the watch again, and I feel a little hungry.

He got up and left his seat.

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