Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 610: : Military Management Theory

   January 5th, Friday.

   When Su Qingyue opened his eyes, only the roaring wind made the window frames tremble. He knew that the temperature had dropped again today, and before the Spring Festival, don't expect Pingjing to warm up. The moment he left the bed, he couldn't help but shiver. Although he has been in Pingjing for a long time, getting up in winter is still a hurdle.

   Amou was still sleeping next to her, and Su Qingyue realized that since she had a car, she was getting up more and more late. Gently kissed her on the cheek, he got up and took a hot bath.

   came out again, he changed into a white t-shirt and dark jeans. This afternoon, they will prepare a press conference with Fengli Technology at Jade Palace Hotel, mainly to announce their cooperation, and Fengli will get capital support again. Su Qing understood that Chen Feng's move also took the opportunity to announce to the outside world that Fengli had no problems.

  Because he was in South Korea a few days ago, Chen Feng had been waiting for him. On the third, when he learned that he was coming back, he temporarily determined the time.

  Su Qingyue understands why Chen Feng is so anxious, even though they have confirmed the contract and signed the contract long ago. But for Chen Feng, he needs to quickly increase the confidence of investors and the entire market needs to re-recognize himself. Then this conference of Lianhe Yuedao has become very important.

   looked in the mirror, Su Qingyue put on another coat outside.

   Then he went out, Dongshan had been waiting for him downstairs long ago. When he saw him coming out, he opened the door for him and said with a smile: "I was supposed to pick you up, and Yue Dong must have him come."

   "I know, he said it." Hearing the meaning of his explanation, Su Qing laughed, patted him on the shoulder, and said, "Don't explain this kind of thing in the future."

   "Hey, okay." Dongshan laughed and scratched his head.

   They got into the car, and soon they drove onto the ring road. It was eight o'clock, and the car stopped and went on the road, and they arrived at the unit almost nine o'clock.

   As soon as he entered the door, the front desk stood up and greeted him: "Good Mr. Su." Familiar voice, familiar smiling face. Su Qingyue also smiled back to her.

   Walked into the office area, Yu Chenglong greeted him, smiled and said, "Mr. Su, he has become handsome after returning from Korea."

   "We, Mr. Su, have always been handsome." A female employee said.

   smiled back to everyone, and asked Guan Pengpeng to take more pictures in the afternoon.

   went back to the house, made a cup of hot tea as usual, waited for the computer system to start, and habitually looked far away, and several tall buildings rose from the ground. The horns of cars sounded from time to time below, and the whole road has been blocked into a long queue. If you look closely, you will find that there are already tall buildings on the front, back and left, and huge billboards for digital products stand in the tall buildings.

   Su Qingyue is very fortunate to be born in this booming era. Everything is growing at a high speed. He firmly believes that this place will surpass overseas, and the Internet game industry is the vanguard here. Just thinking about it, he logged into the system.

   First talked about the situation in Korea with Chen Ting and Du Nanxiang on the chat software, and asked them to cooperate there. At the same time, I checked the recent progress of "Little Magic Fairy".

   In the past few days, Su Qingyue has a bold idea, which is to release the first release of "Little Devil" in South Korea, first take the Korean market, and then transfer it back.

   First of all, there are marketing considerations.

Secondly, although its creativity, plot, gameplay, activities, etc. are very innovative, the performance of the program is also very stable in many tests of different nature, especially the client optimization is very well done, but "Little Magic Fairy" and The maturity of "The Three Kingdoms" is different. It is a new product from beginning to end, so it is impossible to say that there is no risk at all.

   Again, from the point of view of importance, the two are completely different. "The Heroes of Three Kingdoms" is a product that has already been launched. It was originally designed to run the team together, so the company's internal and external attention, requirements, and expectations are not high. And "Little Magic Fairy" is the real first product of Yuedao, and the whole industry is paying attention, not to mention the time node that links the past and the future.

   Again, for most products, the domestic market is the top priority, and "Little Magic Fairy" is no exception.

   Based on various considerations, Su Qingyue had a bold idea. That is, it is better to use South Korea as a testing ground first. At the same time, South Korea is also a new team, just in need of exercise. If there are problems, make corrections and adjustments just before the domestic launch to eliminate hidden dangers, so as to ensure the victory of key battlefields; if there are no problems, then boldly carry out large-scale promotion, and invest in the center of gravity, heavy soldiers, and heavy money to establish a big pattern in one fell swoop …

   This is Su Qingyue's "Three Heavy and One Big" promotion strategy for "Little Demon Fairy".

   He thought about telling this to Dongfang Jun online. The other party was shocked, but very excited, and vowed to do more tests. The product quality of "Little Magic Fairy" must be improved.

   In addition to these necessary tasks throughout the morning, Su Qingyue checked the day's media regularly. I found that some people are guessing what is going on with Fengli Technology and Yuedao, and what they will do together.

   There are even some small media commentators claiming that Fengli Technology has fallen behind when the product is postponed indefinitely, and no matter how hard it is, it cannot change the general trend.

Some people on the forum also discussed this, and some even wrote: "Su Qingyue will never regard himself as the savior, thinking that he can save Chen Feng, right? He was also the one who cleaned up Jiang Zhengshang, and now he is also a good man. I want to see. Look, what else can they conjure?"

   doesn't care much about these comments.

   Anyway, it was announced in the afternoon, and soon he found out that he had gone to South Korea like wildfire.

   Someone commented: "Is it possible that Su Qingyue still wants to export the product to South Korea in reverse? This is a wishful thinking."

However, some people wrote about the situation at the Tokyo Game Show at that time, and wrote: "If it is "Little Devil", I really believe that it is possible to export overseas. However, it is hard to say what the specific effect will be. Let us wait and see. ."

   The work in the morning is not too much. In addition to these, Su Qingyue checked the text of the afternoon's speech.

   What he and Chen Feng mean is to raise the significance of this conference. The focus is to change the industry ecology, not to let those who leave to start a business take risks, but to provide another way, another possible exploration.

   ate lunch at noon. In order to make sure that he didn't have too much taste when he attended the press conference in the afternoon, he only ate a burger. At 13:45, he arrived at the Jade Palace Hotel on time.

   As soon as I got out of the elevator, I saw the sign-in desk, full of various industry media and staff.

  He walked over to greet everyone.

  Fengli Technology's staff has a lead, and immediately led him inside. However, the media that saw the hot spots immediately surrounded Su Qingyue. Someone asked: "Su, can you tell me what cooperation you have? Have you already figured out how to save Fengli Technology?"

   "I'm just a helper. As for salvation, I don't think I can talk about it." Su Qingyue smiled back.

  Walking inside, He Cunxi also said: "Brother, can you reveal a little information? I heard that you participated in a new round of Fengli investment?"

   "Don't worry, today's news is absolutely interesting, enough for you to dig deeply." Blinked at He Cunxi.

   Keep moving forward and finally get rid of the reporter.

   Chen Feng knew he was coming, and hurriedly shook hands from the front of the rostrum, and said, "Thank you, Qingyue."

The two chatted, Jiang Jiming also came over, shook hands with Su Qingyue, and suddenly said seriously: "Qingyue, you are really saving us from water and fire." She said, and then: "I misunderstood you before. , I am here to officially pay you a gift, I'm sorry."

It is rare for Jiang Jiming to look like this. Su Qing is a little embarrassed, and hurriedly said: "If you don't tell me, I don't know you have misunderstood me." He laughed and said: "We are all from Hualuo, and Mr. Chen is me again Boss, so don’t be so polite. I hope Fengli Technology is good."

   They chatted, and Hou Lili came over too.

   "Qingyue, I thank you on behalf of Fengli Technology." She said, shaking hands with Su Qingyue.

   Although he wasn't surprised, he was taken aback for a while and smiled and said, "These are all things that should be."

   The four people chatted, and quickly took their seats according to their respective positions.

   Chen Feng and Su Qingyue are side by side.

   Soon a passionate music sounded, and the host announced that the press conference would begin immediately. Please mute your mobile phones. Then the venue quieted down. The host invited Fengli Technology’s vice president and Fengli Technology spokesperson Jiang Jiming to take the stage. The latter then walked to the speaking stage and said: “I announce that Fengli Technology has successfully won the investment led by Hualuo. A new round of investment followed by Equity, Yuedao and others. In addition, Fengli Technology will use the engine of Yuedao Network to continue research and development of new products..."

   He said, almost all the media reporters in the audience were stunned.

   Without waiting for their reaction, Jiang Jiming said again: "The dance game that was originally exhibited at the Tokyo Game Show will enter the closed beta soon, so please look forward to it."

   The whole announcement process can be said to have a clear theme, short and concise.

But the sensation caused by it was huge. Su Qingyue instantly heard the comment from behind: "This means that Fengli Technology is alive? And looking at this, it should be turned over soon. Didn't you still say that there was a contradiction between the two? This looks like a rumor."

   "What can Yuedao get?" Some people also asked this question.

   "This is his boss after all, Su Qingyue is still kind." Someone said.

   The flash flickered frequently behind him.

   Then Feng Chen was invited to the stage and introduced the technical details of the engine cooperation and the adjustments made by Fengli Technology to the product due to the characteristics of the engine. Chen Feng said: "In fact, the overall situation of this product will definitely far exceed the effect at the Tokyo Game Show. Please look forward to it."

   He talked about this and showed some necessary details.

   Then there were some brief introductions about the cooperation between the two parties, and the whole press conference ended smoothly.

   After the meeting, Fengli Technology arranged the group visit in the VIP room.

   Su Qing understands that for more reporters, this is the main course of the press conference.

   Because this time Chen Feng specially invited Su Qingyue to face the reporter with him.

   Both of them are very topical characters. After all, they clicked again when there was a topic. Everyone valued this.

Chen Feng first said that this cooperation was what Su Qingyue found himself, and then said: "I was in the audience just now and heard some people talking about Su Qingyue saving Fengli Technology." He said, "I admit it, I I also thank Qingyue from the bottom of my heart. But if you just think that this is a demonstration of the brotherhood of our Hualuo people, you are wrong. In fact, we have deep consideration in the industry."

   He said that a reporter asked: "What are the deep considerations?"

   Chen Feng laughed at this moment and handed the microphone to Su Qingyue. The latter smiled, knowing that although the press conference was organized by Fengli Technology, Chen Feng wanted to show himself a chance to be happy. Thinking of this, he said first: "First of all, there is no salvation. I think this is an idea that both of us have jointly provided in order to change the industry."

   He said so, the scene was very quiet.

   Then, Su Qingyue began to talk about the problems with Zhengshang.com, what were the internal reasons, and what he saw when he went to Korea, and what reference meaning he had for him. Then he said: "We, Yuedao and Fengli Technology, hope to create a good model. The purpose is to provide our entire industry with a new way and idea."

   He said so without mentioning Jiang Zhengshang, but everyone understood.

   Seeing the reporters in the VIP room keep nodding their heads, everyone approves of this cooperation.

Su Qingyue added: "We hope that through our cooperation, we can provide a healthy model for small and medium-sized studios in the industry, save the development time of the underlying engine, and put more energy and a few financial resources on product creation. In terms of design and design. We, Yuedao, will provide such services in the future. There are simple ones that only provide engines, or in-depth technical support."

   Listening to him, the VIP meeting room is quiet.

Su Qingyue continued: "We will improve the specific details and enrich the experience of both parties during this cooperation with Fengli Technology. Any team interested in this industry, as long as they sign necessary agreements such as confidentiality, development, etc. You can cooperate with us and join the game family."

   After he finished speaking, applause broke out on the scene.

   Then Feng Chen talked about the new round of investment in Fengli Technology.

The scene quickly became lively, and a reporter asked: "Excuse me, Mr. Su, as the former little brother of President Chen, the marketing manager of Hualuo. You are now a hot figure in the circle, and the product has also established the first echelon. And the products that can be seen later can definitely reach a certain height, so in this case, how do you think of Chen Zong and Fengli Technology."

   Facing the tricky problem, Su Qingyue smiled helplessly. He knows some media in the industry, he likes to pick up this kind of gossip to make a fuss. He laughed at this moment, looked at Chen Feng first, and then said: "First of all, he will be the boss for a day and the boss for life. Let me first say here: Chen Feng will always be my boss."

   He said, look at everyone, everyone is waiting for him to continue.

Su Qingyue said again: "Secondly, what you said is very hot, and the industry height is all false. I don't agree with your statement." He continued: "As for how I think of Mr. Chen, I said he is me. The boss. I followed him to learn about the industry, learn about marketing, understand how difficult it is to start a business, and know my direction. I understand which foot I should take at a critical moment."

   The scene was very quiet at this time, no one spoke.

  Su Qingyue finally said: "I only have respect, especially for Fengli Technology."

Seeing that they did not find the problem from Su Qingyue, another media reporter turned to Chen Feng and asked: "Mr. Chen, as the boss and a very old person in the Hualuo department, what do you think of Mr. Su Qingyue? The old subordinates who are in the limelight and the company he founded. Because of his aura, it has now surpassed you."

"Isn't this a good thing? My brother surpasses himself, it is something worthy of happiness." Chen Feng said: "And in fact, since he joined the company, I was not only guiding him, but also watching him step by step. Just as Mr. Tian Leitian said back then, I hope that each of us can do a good job when we go out. This is a sincere blessing and the most sincere feelings between brothers."

   He said so, and there was an instant applause.

   Su Qingyue couldn't help but applaud, for this brotherhood.

The next moment Chen Feng laughed and said: "But our relationship has changed a bit now, because I found that I can't teach Qingyue anymore. Even in many cases, I have to ask him more." He said, and said: "Qingyue Over the past few years, he has formed his own set of theories. It should be said that he is better than blue."

   After another word, someone immediately asked: "Mr. Su, can you talk about your theory?"

"My theory is actually very simple, that is, shopping malls are like battlefields, where life and death are discussed and must be observed." Su Qingyue said with a smile: "Governing a company is also like governing an army with rules and regulations. Principles are more important than flexibility. , The development of the company must closely follow the strategic focus, don’t digress.” He said, and said: “In general, it’s twenty-four words...”

   "Which twenty-four?" A reporter asked subconsciously.

   "Analysis before the war, summaries after the war; a single point of breakthrough, full commitment; united in one's mind, not forgetting the original intention." He said his summary, but did not continue to talk about it.

   In an instant, fierce applause erupted in the VIP room. Many people are not only because of his idea of ​​managing the company and developing the company, but also because of Su Qingyue's honesty and straightforward twenty-four-character mantra. UU read www.uukanshu.com, but some people also said: "This is simple to say, but it is really difficult to do it and apply it to the company's daily management."

   Then someone asked: "Do you have a name for your theory, President Su?"

   Su Qingyue thought for a moment, and replied: "I call it military management theory."

  Other words, everyone talked again.

Chen Feng asked everyone at this time: "Now, do you believe that Qingyue is better than blue than blue?" He said, "A very important thing for a mature entrepreneur is to have his own methodology and his own influence on the market." For his unique insights into management, Qingyue has already achieved this."

  Other words, everyone nodded.

At the next moment, Chen Feng finally said: "Qingyue, I told you before that you are taking the road of entrepreneurs. This road is very difficult. It can be said that there is no return, no dignity, no life, everything needs you. Take it alone, no one can help you. Now what I want to tell you is that from now on your practice is your own teacher, and we will follow your path."

   Say something else, and shook hands with Su Qingyue.

   Applause resounded throughout the audience at this moment.

   Su Qingyue said: "Boss, don't worry, I will do my best."


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