Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 678: : The situation is rising

Remember in one second【】

No dream for a night.

The next day, when Su Qingyue opened his eyes, he saw that the hour hand on the wall clock was already pointing to seven. The sky outside the window was gloomy again, and there were still raindrops remaining on the window.

This autumn is extremely rainy.

Su Qingyue got up, put the quilt on Amu and told her to wear more.

After coming to Pingjing for a long time, Su Qingyue has already known that Pingjing is a city that cools extremely fast. It may be within a few days that the temperature will change from more than 20 degrees to six or seven degrees, and the winter will start from then on. He thought, took a hot bath and changed to a thicker jacket.

Going downstairs and walking out, I found that the rain outside started to fall again, and got on the car in three steps in two steps. The car started immediately and out of the yard.

Pedestrians on the road, almost no shelter from the rain, they are all running hurriedly, desperately rushing to the bus station, squeezing into the bus.

He recalled what Zhong Tankai said yesterday about the company's layout. This matter is not only related to the listing itself, it is also related to the company's healthy development and capital recognition after the listing. Whether it is Zhong Tankai or Zhou Yang, no matter what, they have to admit that they have more foresight in thinking about the strategic layout.

Recently, game companies are getting together ipo, Zhou Yang even split the game department of Falcon separately, and everyone is doing various integrations. Thinking of chatting with Mingxin and Peng Nuo that day, I realized that I had to hurry up. These ipo companies are doing various layouts, but there are not many real powerful targets in the market.

Su Qingyue feels that this layout must not only satisfy his own future strategy, but also meet the needs of the other party, such as their own control over the company and products. Mutual respect must be the prerequisite in order to negotiate cooperation and make the future clear.

With this in mind, the car was driving on the road, but because of the rain, the car drove a bit slowly. It was already 8:20 when they arrived at the unit. Entering the office, as usual, a cup of tea, turn on the computer, and start browsing industry news. Soon a headline news in the industry forum attracted his attention.

The content of this news is: Equitable capital races to encircle the land and integrates industries to capitalize quickly.

Seeing this, Su Qingyue frowned instantly. His first reaction was that Equity Capital was in a hurry. He looked down on the comments and saw someone who said: Equity thinks really well. Integrating these companies, if the effect of 1+1=2 can be achieved, and the right to speak and control of balance can be strengthened, it would be a good strategy. However, the biggest problem with this strategy is whether pure capital-level promotion can really knead these independent individuals together.

Looking at the comments, Su Qingyue felt that Equity Capital might have to do this. The market is changing turbulently. If you miss this era, it will be difficult for Equity to get into the car again.

He didn't know what role Chen Feng played in it, so he couldn't help sighing for Chen Feng. After all, because of Zhengshang's network problems, the product was delayed and they lost their best development opportunities.

Shopping malls are like battlefields, and opportunities are fleeting.

Fengli is now at a critical crossroads: one step forward is heaven; one step backward, although it cannot be said to be an abyss, the possibility of making it bigger has almost disappeared.

But is the strategy of equity the best option for Fengli at the moment? Is it the only option? Maybe the company is alive and the project is alive, but these may not have anything to do with Chen Feng. Losing control and right to speak has no meaning for people like Chen Feng. …

After going around for so many years, it has returned to the state and position of Hualuo back then. Is Boss Chen really willing?

Only then did Su Qingyue realize why Chen Feng talked to him about capital and control rights that night, and why his complaints about capital were so heavy. It seems that it was because of this incident that made him feel helpless and resentful.

Su Qing faintly felt that he could do something. Withdrawing his thoughts, he understood that procedurally speaking, the acquisition of any company by himself requires discussion by the board of directors.

Send a message to Yue Lindao and ask if there is any time to eat together at noon.

The latter immediately replied: No problem.

At this moment, Chen Ting knocked on the door and came in, smiling: "Qingyue, my sisters are here, do you have time now?"

"No problem, please come in." Su Qingyue said and got up.

A slender woman in dark professional uniform walked in.

"President Su, long time no see." The woman said, shaking hands with Su Qingyue.

Chen Ting introduced: "Wu Yinping, you have seen it before."

"I have seen it." Su Qing laughed more and shook hands with her.

"I don't think Mr. Su has changed, he is still so energetic." Wu Yinping said with a smile.

Asked them to sit down. Chen Ting did not sit down. She said that she had something to do and left with an excuse.

After chatting with Wu Yinping, Su Qingyue realized that she looked a bit like a southern girl, with thin cheeks and a slender figure, and she was a little bit squeaky in her speech. She hadn't paid much attention to this before in the hot spring. After a while, He Lili brought in the poured water.

They then move on to the topic.

Su Qingyue said, "Ms. Chen made it clear, right?"

"Very clear." Wu Yinping nodded. She didn't want to call Chen Ting Tingting as she usually did, and then said: "So what I want to say first is that I haven't grown up in this professional environment for a year, so I have to renew it. Pick it up. But I will get into the state as soon as possible..."

"I understand this." Su Qingyue nodded.

Wu Yinping went on to say: "I feel that after this venture, my understanding of fund management and customer maintenance has reached a new level, and my understanding has not been the same as before. Although in the professional field of games, I still need to know more about it.

^0^Remember in one second【】

, But in terms of professional technology, I still have confidence. "

She said, Su Qingyue nodded.

On this point, he also believes that people who have had entrepreneurial experience will have a better understanding of operation, cost, overall thinking, and even human nature.

Wu Yinping went on to say: "Actually, I did some homework before coming. I have a few thoughts..."

Listening to her talk about the professional field, Su Qingyue nodded from time to time.

Wu Yinping's preliminary work can be said to be comprehensive and meticulous, a bit like the one she showed to Chen Feng at Hualuo, which is very different from Zhang Yichun before.

Su Qingyue is very satisfied with this.

After a while, after she finished speaking, Su Qingyue called Chen Ting and smiled and said, "You lead sister Wu around the company and look at the environment. Also, is it convenient to see Nanxiang? Let the two of them have a good chat. He said, got up and drove them to the office door.

The other work in the morning was relatively simple. He went through the company he wanted in his head. UU reading www.uukanshu. com But when he listed Chen Feng's Fengli Technology, he hesitated. He always felt that his idea was a bit crazy, but he finally included Fengli on his list. Regardless of whether it is possible or not, the direction is always right, he thought.

At noon, he and Yue Lindao went to the ninth floor next to the company to eat Yundian cuisine. The restaurants in the core area of ​​Xiguan Village are all upscalely decorated and have an elegant environment. Su Qingyue feels very suitable for discussion.

Ordered a few dishes and returned the menu to the waiter.

Yue Lindao squeezed out two Chinese cigarettes with his hand and smiled and said, "Qingyue, you said you have something, but in fact, I have something to ask you. I was thinking that we would have a good chat."

"Oh? That's great." Su Qingyue said with a smile, watching Yue Lindao seriously, he nodded.

"But Qingyue, you started the conversation first, so let's talk about your business first."

As Yue Lindao said, the dishes came.

Su Qingyue didn't put down his chopsticks, and directly talked about his thoughts.

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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