Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 698: : Su Qingyue's plan

   sent He Cunxi away.

   Thinking about Feng Xiaojiang again and again, Su Qingyue found it very interesting, and his interest was raised.

   Thinking about it, he suddenly realized one thing: knowing that this matter can't be urgent, but he still wants to fight back, and the market environment and the pace of listing are rushing forward.

Secretly fortunate that the plan has not yet started, he sighed with relief, think about Sun Tzu's art of war, saying: "A soldier who wins without a fight is also a good one." There is a problem with my original plan. Head-to-head often hurts the enemy a thousand. Lose yourself eight hundred...

   The ideological problem is solved, and the method and plan are revised.

   I remembered that I was going to attend You Xianming's wedding this weekend. Since this person is a well-known rich second generation in Nanyue, maybe the latter can help him.

   Thinking of this, Su Qingyue suddenly wanted to laugh. He didn't expect You Xianming's "fourth marriage" to come at the right time, and it was quite meaningful.

   He thought, he couldn't help laughing at his thoughts.

   Then tell He Lili to book a ticket online. Su Qingyue originally wanted to take He Lili to Nanyue with him, but he then considered that with You Xianming, it was more appropriate to be a male colleague.

   He thought of Dongshan, his rushing feeling and the energy of drinking should be more suitable for such occasions and more convenient than Lily.

   Thinking of this, he first asked Dongshan if he could go on a business trip next week. After getting a positive answer, he asked Lily to book another plane ticket.

   I looked at it and it was past five o'clock.

   He worked for a while, and he made a cup of tea around six o'clock, and finally dealt with a little business.

  Walking out after get off work, Chen Ting was still working, and told her that she was going out these days, and the latter smiled and nodded.

   Since that matter was dealt with, her condition has improved a lot. God's gaze came back, Su Qingyue said, should we go together?

   But the latter said: "Will you have dinner together later? Mr. Qiu said that he was coming back from the field tonight, saying that he was going to treat him."

   When she said so, Su Qingyue was startled.

   Qiu Xinjun never mentioned this matter to him at all, and then he realized that it was their appointment alone.

Then he smiled awkwardly and said: "I can't do it," he explained: "I'm going to Nanyue the day after tomorrow. It's uncertain how long it will go. I have to stay with Amu these days and nights, or she won't be happy again." He said. , Leaving Chen Ting's office.

   On the way back, I still miss her and Qiu Xinjun.

   Regardless of whether they are friends or anything else, Su Qing believes that they are both mature and kind-hearted people. Even if they are friends, they will be able to get along well without worrying about themselves.

   The trajectories of destiny have crosses and parallels, but the ultimate goal is happiness.

   The most precious things they possess are brought about by experience.

   Time will not heal scars, only experience will.

   sat in the car and lowered the window.

   It was late autumn, and it was completely dark at seven o'clock, and there was no red cloud anymore. The colorful skyscrapers illuminate the whole city. Su Qingyue and Dongshan talked about their business trip, saying that it might take a long time this time. Unexpectedly, the latter laughed instantly and said, "It's so good, President Su, I told you that I hate having to go home."

   "Huh? What's the matter?" Su Qingyue was startled and asked.

The latter then opened the chattering box and told Su Qingyue that he was annoying with his daughter-in-law every day, and said: "President Su, if the couple are together every day, no one will be pleasing to everyone. Add another child, then It's really going to collapse." He grinned and complained: "I have to walk two more days, everyone is clean, but it is a good thing."

   Unexpectedly, Dongshan was so emotional about the marriage, Su Qing laughed more and asked him: "Do you think so, does your daughter-in-law know?"

   "My daughter-in-law would also like me to leave," Dongshan said and laughed: "Little don't win newlyweds, it sounds beautiful, but it's not impossible, "Don't want a divorce"..."

   There is still a set, Su Qingyue smiled after listening.

   In fact, the way of getting along between husband and wife does not lie in "do" or "do not", but in communication and exchange. Everything needs to be managed. Marriage, love, and life need to be managed with care for a long time. Marriage is a lifetime career, and it takes hard work to manage it to reap the rewards. The definition of a successful man is career. Success and family success are closely related.

   But this thing is easier said than done. But at least if you work hard, the other party will also see...

   Looking at the North Fourth Ring Road at night, the car turned right on Xueyuan Road, and the building where Hualuo was located was still brightly lit.

   The car drove past it and turned right to Zhichun Road.

   The front was blocked immediately, Su Qing Yue saw this, and simply got out of the car and walked home by himself.

   As soon as I entered the house, I smelled the scent of rice.

   Today, Amu’s mother changed his tricks again, with a few sweet and sour dishes. All this is to take care of Amu's appetite. The family talked and laughed while eating.

   After a while, I took advantage of my mother to serve the meal. Ah Mou asked Su Qingyue: "How is your matter? Today, the group is frying pan, and they are all discussing it."

   "Continue." Su Qingyue looked helpless.

   "Huh? Does that continue?" Ah Mou asked curiously, eyes widening.

"Of course." Su Qingyue said, and then: "The cakes are all painted, just because of this, I won't accept it. Not only Yuedao, including me, hasn't it been a joke in the industry? To the team and the company It's also a morale blow." He said, adding: "However, we need to change direction and strategy."

   "He is such a bastard!" Ah Mou cursed angrily.

   Amo’s mother just came back, and interjected worriedly: "Qingyue, what's the matter with you two?"

   "It's okay, other things have nothing to do with the two of us." Su Qingyue smiled back.

Ami's father listened with interest, and then said, "Old lady, don't worry about it. They said those things, we have never seen them in this life." He said, laughed, and said to Su Qingyue again: "It's okay. , You two say yours, leave us alone."

   Amu smiled at his father.

   then asked Su Qingyue: "Then what are you going to do?"

"I can't explain the specific sentence or two of the soldiers without a fight!" Su Qingyue said, and said: "It happens to be You Xianming's wedding, I am going to go to Nanyue. I also met Feng Xiaojiang, this man by the way. Interesting."

   Ah Mou sighed and asked, "Do I have to go to Nanyue?"

"Yes. UU reading www.uukanshu.com" can tell that Ah Mou is reluctant to go by himself, Su Qingyue had to explain: "I was invited to get married, and the relationship was so good before, so it’s not good not to go. Plus Feng Xiaojiang. , I have to go."

   "I understand." Ah Mou said, putting down his chopsticks.

   After saying that he was full, he suddenly fell into a low mood and returned to the living room sofa.

   Realizing that she was in a bad mood, Su Qingyue hurriedly coaxed her and said, "Why don't you accompany me to Nanyue? It just so happens that you can relax, how about it? They eat a lot of food there, so they should go traveling."

"I'm not going! If anything happens, it will be in trouble." Amu said, and complained: "I want you to accompany me every day now. But I am afraid that you will have problems with your work. Anyway, it is very contradictory." While speaking, he laughed to himself, and said: "Then you are like this, you will come back immediately after you finish the work."

   "Don't worry, as long as it is done, I will come back as soon as possible, and I will not delay for a minute." Su Qingyue said at last.

   Ah Mou smiled with satisfaction.

   They chatted and checked the time, it was already nine thirty.

  Su Qingyue feels that even if marriage is going to be flat, it must also be peaceful and beautiful. You must not lose your original aspiration in your daily life.

   He thought, and Amou went back to the bedroom and rested early.


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