Eighteen Years of Legendary Wave

Vol 2 Chapter 762: :For what

   Coaxed Xiao Su Tong, watching him smile brightly, lying on the small bed, stretched out his little hand, Su Qing hurriedly picked him up. After this period of time, he has mastered the skills of holding a child. Support Xiao Su Tong's back, neck, and head with his left hand, and his small buttocks and waist with his right hand.

   Hearing him giggling, he was napping in the unit, but now he is not sleepy at all. He asked Amou, "I will cook myself tonight, let the old man and the concubine take a rest, what do you want to eat?" After speaking, he handed Xiao Su Tong to her, and said, "I will go shopping now."

   "Actually, I don't have much appetite. I think it's better to make soup. I want to drink chicken soup." Amou said, looking at him a little bit hesitantly, and said, "Why are you so courteous? Is there something else going to the United States?"

   "What are you thinking about." Su Qing laughed and walked out.

   Amo's mother was going to be with him, but he left first.

   I thought to myself, just buy it according to the recipe. Regarding cooking, Su Qingyue always insists, don't create blindly, according to intuition, it is the easiest to go wrong. I want to run before I learn how to walk, and I usually fall miserably. He thought to himself, walked into the vegetable market, and recalled that A Mou just looked at him hesitantly.

   She has always been like this lately, either doubting herself or him.

   He felt that he should find a time to take Amou out for a walk and let her relax. It’s not always possible to have this emotion, and I can relieve some of the pressure by going to work, but Amu, she was really hard after giving birth. He thought, buying vegetables according to the recipe, specially selected an old hen, and buying the rest of the ingredients according to the recipe.

It was almost six when    went home, he hurriedly cleaned up.

   Amo’s mother had intended to help, but he refused, washing vegetables and cutting meat, and started cooking.

   Only then did he realize that although he had made it according to the recipe, he was clumsy and rather rusty. When he was ready, it was half past six by the time it was cooked. When it was half past seven, he started to fry other dishes. By the time the family was eating, it was almost eight o'clock.

   Fortunately, it tastes good. A Mou’s father took a chopsticks and stir-fried the fragrant dried fragrant dried wormwood, and said, "It tastes good."

   "Amu, look at you, how happy you are and found Qingyue. You can make money, cook, and help you take care of your children." Amu's mother smiled and said, "This is much better than your dad."

   She said half jokingly, the family was talking and laughing.

   Only Ah Mou didn't say a word, as if she was thinking about something. After a long time, she finally put down her chopsticks and asked, "By the way, is there anyone who will pick you up in San Francisco? Is there any arrangement to inspect these?"

"Yes, Xiao Yu is there." Su Qingyue replied casually, without thinking about it, and then explained: "The contact with the other party was arranged by her, and there is also an inspection. We are not going to hire an interpreter, she will be there. It's okay."


   Amu said, his face was obviously pulled down, and he looked a little unhappy.

   The next moment, she added: "How is she doing?"

   Su Qingyue originally wanted to go back, it should be like that, so he will come back after school. But just about to open his mouth, looking at her face, combined with that cold voice, Su Qingyue suddenly realized that this was a proposition. If the answer is not good, there will be problems. Later, he changed his words and said: "I don't know, I don't usually contact me?"

   "When will she graduate?"

   "I don't know, it should be soon, right?" Su Qingyue told the truth.

   "Then how is she studying?" Ah Mou asked again, with a little questioning.

"To tell the truth, I don't know as much as Li Ming. After all, I don't understand the specific production of film and television. She should usually communicate with Yuanyuan and the others." Su Qingyue said, adding: "However, it should not be too bad. Well, she chose it herself, and it must be possible."

   "Are you going to go to Yuedao in the future?"

Asked again, Su Qing laughed more and understood what she meant, but still patiently replied, "I'll talk about this later. Big entertainment is the company's strategy, and I can't choose people based on my personal preferences. Besides, she will definitely want it in the future. Li Ming’s, after all, is very professional."

   "Oh." Ah Mou said coldly again.

   The two old men heard what they meant, but they didn't say anything.

Su Qing understood that since her childbirth, she was either self-doubt or suspicion of her person. She was emotionally unstable, so she patiently coaxed her and said: "This time there are Ouyang and He Lili and others. In addition, I am thinking about it today. I can't be alone, so you should all go to Lijun."

   He explained that, seeing Amu's bowl was empty, he went to serve her with soup again.

   Then Amo said: "Su Qingyue, where you go, I ask you to get up early and report late every day, find a camera, if not, buy a machine with a camera, I will check it at any time."

"OK, no problem."

Su Qing laughed and understood her completely, and said: "By the way, before I leave, let's go to have a meal of Shunde food? It's at our company." He said, and explained: "Last time you came, we were here. Have eaten there, very authentic."

   "Okay." Ah Mou looked back.

   Her emotions finally stabilized, and she no longer pulls her face, and she seems much calmer.

   After eating, Su Qingyue took the initiative to participate in cleaning up the house, washing the dishes and the pot.

   After all these were done, he sat down beside her and coaxed Su Tong in the crib with her.

   Look at him babbling and smiling.

   The family watched TV at night, UU read www.uukanshu. com coaxed him, very warm. Until eleven o'clock, Xiao Su Tong didn't sleep, babbling in the crib.

   Amo's parents really couldn't hold it anymore, so they went back to the house and fell asleep.

   Su Qingyue teased him, and said to Amou: "He is very good. If you go to San Francisco, I don't think you need to suffer jet lag."

  " I slept too much during the day." Amu said helplessly, and explained his emotions: "Husband, I actually don't want you to go. Although I know this is necessary, you have to listen to my complaints."

   "It is a man's duty to listen to women's complaints." Su Qingyue said with a smile, hugged her, and said, "Don't worry."

   As he said, he began to sing a hypnotic lullaby to Xiao Su Tong, watching his son gradually fall asleep.

   Su Qingyue is thinking about his trip to San Francisco. This time his task is not only to talk about copyright, but also to do the most comprehensive investigation to understand the trend of technological development. For Yuedao to be competitive in the future, it must be so. He made a list of inspections in his mind, not just Li Jun, Dongfang Jun and Tian Zhong.

   He went to the bathroom and took a hot bath, and the list of investigations in his mind gradually matured. Su Qingyue believes that if Yuedao wants to last for a long time, it depends on the training of the middle force and the vision of everyone.

  Thinking about this, he went back to the room and lay down beside Amu, and gradually fell asleep.


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