Yu Yao quietly looked at Qingqing for a while, then sighed: "Reason, give me a reason."

Qingqing couldn't answer.

Or she couldn't say that, because she knew that no matter what reason she said, Yu Yao would have a corresponding solution waiting for her.

So those reasons might as well not be said.

Yu Yao can't do anything with her, if Zhou Yan doesn't want her to change, it doesn't matter if she changes or not. After all, she really doesn't want to have a father like Yu Jiangshan. Even if her parents are divorced, that father is only in name, but people will still say that she is Yu Jiangshan's daughter when they mention her. And although Xue Chunfang is no better than Yu Jiangshan, but because she is not her own mother, she can completely ignore it. But she was only a little psychologically disturbed about this kind of thing, and she was not very persistent. Since Zhou Yan wanted her to be herself, there was no special reason not to change it, so she wanted to change it back.

Yu Yao held Qingqing's hand instead, pulled her into her arms and patted her lightly: "You know, your father, your grandma, they really love you very much. I don't have that kind of father and grandma, so Sometimes I really envy you, don’t you want to go back to them? They are so kind to me, it’s actually because of you.”

Yu Yao picked out a few representative things that Qin Feng and Yu Zhaoxing did, and told Qing Qing about them.

Qingqing knew what Yu Zhaoxing did to Wang Xiangang, but she didn't know about the other things he and Qin Feng did. Now when I heard Yu Yao talking about it, I was moved and also funny, and after a while, I was crying and laughing, and I didn't know what it was like.

"Still don't want to switch?" Yu Yao asked when Qingqing was crying from laughter because Qin Feng cared about her picking a partner.

Qingqing's smile stiffened, and she lowered her head again.

Yu Yao sighed, she didn't know whether she was tolerant of her own face or Qingqing's appearance or what happened to her, but she didn't feel angry.

When she was about to tell Qingqing to think about it again, Qingqing suddenly said: "They may really love me, after all, I am their own granddaughter and daughter. But if it is not you, but myself, they will definitely not They will treat me as well as they did to you. Although I have been home for a short time and have not been in contact with them for a long time, I know that if I am rescued from suicide, it will definitely not be like what you said now. "

Yu Yao was speechless for a moment.

She had just woken up, and the first thing she saw with her golden finger was that Qin Feng was indirectly killed by Xue Chunfang.

And if it was Qingqing who woke up, no one could guarantee that she would also have a golden finger. And even if she has it, no one knows whether she will believe it, whether she will stop it, or whether she can stop it. And her personality, her psychological problems at the time, anyone can choose to commit suicide, who can say that she has no psychological problems?

Then maybe she couldn't save Qin Feng, and the result was that Qin Feng died first, and she chose to commit suicide by jumping off the building at home.

And even if Qin Feng and her are fine, because of the incompatibility of personalities, it's hard to say what will happen later.

It was only then that Yu Yao realized that she had missed a serious thing, that is, people are different, and the mentality of a person who chooses to commit suicide and not die is even more different from a normal person. Qingqing is so obviously abnormal, she shouldn't ask Qingqing if she would like to change now, she should ask Qingqing to see a psychiatrist now, and solve the psychological problems first.

Whether it was fear or caring, when she said that she was not in a hurry to change, she was really moved and decided to treat her as her own sister. Also, if she hadn't woken up from Qingqing's body, she wouldn't have her golden finger, her current connections and the money she earned.

No matter what, it is her luck to be young to her.

Yu Yao didn't try to persuade her any more, thinking about Qingqing's current psychological condition, she smiled and said, "Let's not talk about this first, you both didn't open up your hearts before, and if there is a misunderstanding, you can't do anything right, so let's not talk about it." As for whether to change it, Qingqing, if you really don’t want to change it, then it’s up to you, you are so beautiful, if you don’t change it, I will take advantage of it!”

Qingqing knows that she is beautiful, but when she saw her beauty in the past, she felt a deep disgust in her heart. But now...Looking at the smiling Yu Yao, she nodded shyly: "It is very beautiful, but this beauty is not suitable for me, it is more suitable for you."

Yu Yao is so powerful, so beautiful is the icing on the cake.

Not like her, her beauty is the source of evil.

Yu Yao burst out laughing, rubbed Qingqing's long hair that belonged to her, and said, "Okay, let's stop flattering each other!"

Qingqing smiled shyly.

But Yu Yao changed her subject and said seriously: "But Qingqing, can you promise me to see a psychiatrist?"

"Why? I'm fine, I don't want to die anymore." Qingqing said immediately.

"There is still a gap between not wanting to die and living a healthy and positive life. Qingqing, I not only hope that you can live a long life, but I also hope that you can live a healthy and happy life. After all, whether we change or not, we are already divided. Sister who is not open anymore, if you are unhappy, unhealthy, or even if the things at the beginning affect you, I will feel sad. To be more serious, if I don’t change it, I will use your body all the time. If you have something , Maybe I will be affected too." Yu Yao can roughly guess the reason why Qingqing doesn't want to change, and she also knows Qingqing's character, so she deliberately said something about herself.

Qingqing really didn't want to see a psychiatrist at first, the more problematic people are, the more they don't want to admit that they have problems, and she also has this mentality.

But refusing to change is selfish in the first place, and if it affects Yu Yao because of her, then she will be even more sinful.

"Okay, I'll go and see." She summoned up the courage to agree.

Yu Yao looked down at her feet, and said, "Your foot is injured, I'll invite a doctor to come home. But the injury is only this one time, it won't be allowed next time."

Now Qingqing couldn't deny it anymore, she nodded in shame.

When she came out of the green house, the dinner was ready, Yu Yao went back to the house and helped her out. After the family had dinner, Miao Anping left first. Qingqing's foot was severely injured and she couldn't move. Yu Yao helped clean the pot and wash the dishes, and then went to the hotel with Zhou Yan to pack her luggage. The truth has been told, Zhou Yan's home has rooms upstairs and downstairs, although all three guest rooms are occupied, but Zhou Yan moved out, but his room was vacant, so Yu Yao planned to move back home I came to live here, and I just saved the money for staying in a hotel.

On the way to the hotel, she took the initiative to mention Qingqing's matter to Zhou Yan: "She has some psychological problems. I want to ask a psychiatrist to treat her for a while. Now I just haven't found a way to change it back, and I'm not in a hurry to get her. agree to change."

Zhou Yan said: "Did you tell her?"

Yu Yao: "Huh?"

Zhou Yan: "You haven't found a way to change it back, have you talked about it?"

Yu Yao thought for a while, then shook her head.

Zhou Yan said: "That's good, I told her that you have found a way."

Did you know that Qingqing didn't want to change, so she lied?

No wonder Qingqing was so frightened that she deliberately wrestled today.

"Why did you lie to her?" Yu Yao asked.

Zhou Yan didn't answer, he put his hands on the steering wheel casually, his eyes were fixed on the front, and he looked very focused on driving.

Yu Yao tilted her head to look at him, looking at his obviously tense side face.

After a while, she approached with a smile: "You really want me to change back? Why?"

The woman is strange, Zhou Yan doesn't want her to change back, she is not happy, thinking that people like Qingqing's face. But thinking she changed back, she became curious again, didn't Zhou Yan like Qingqing's beautiful face? It's really weird.

The girl suddenly moved closer, so close that she could hear her heartbeat and feel her breathing.

Although he still stared straight ahead, Zhou Yan had to admit that he was affected.

"Where are there so many reasons, it's just a matter of course." He looked indifferent, and in a tone of indifference.

I'm afraid this person won't take the initiative to admit that he likes her.

And now that her real identity has been exposed, she is also a little embarrassed to ask her any more carefree questions.

Yu Yao pouted, hummed softly and backed away.

Sensing that the feeling that affected him was slowly moving away, Zhou Yan breathed a sigh of relief and really showed that he didn't care.

Yu Yao didn't have a lot of luggage, so she packed it quickly. On the way back, she told Zhou Yan about starting a company with Chen Yuze, and finally said in a natural tone: "I helped him, he shouldn't I don’t know how to bully you, but people say that brothers can settle accounts clearly, so you go and talk to him for me, explain everything clearly at once, and write it down in black and white, so as to save you from making troubles and making each other unhappy.”

It doesn't take Yu Yao to tell Zhou Yan why she and Chen Yuze partnered to start a company.

So he simply didn't ask, and just agreed to the matter.

"What are your plans next? Didn't Azhi's Master Miao say he couldn't wait too long?"

Yu Yao said: "Everything has to wait for Pan Jiaying to come out, then I can let them bite the dog and achieve my goal as soon as possible."

Zhou Yan nodded: "Okay, I will help you get the cooperation done first, and then I will do other things that need me to do."

"Of course. You have to take care of not only the cooperation, but also the post-management checks." Yu Yao said bluntly, "Oh and also, hire a good psychiatrist for Qingqing, if you don't tell the truth Under the circumstances, cure Qingqing's problem."

Zhou Yan looked at her helplessly, and naturally agreed again.

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