Eighties Sweetheart Wife

Chapter 102: Sour grapes

I'm a little used to seeing people setting up stalls doing business these days when I'm buying satchels and hairdressers, but when I saw someone selling trousers, I felt strange.

"The pants can be made ready and sold. I don't need to measure the size. Will they fit?"

"Yes, there are all kinds of people, tall, short, fat and thin."

"Oh, the color is really nice, and the fabric is also good."

"The trouser line is really straight. Why are there elastic bands? Where did these pants come from?"

"These people came here before to sell flowers and satchels."

Someone lowered his voice: "The headbands and satchels they sell are still good-looking. I don't know why. Even though they are exactly the same, they feel different."

So, everyone started asking questions.

The experienced Song family members are already very good at dealing with it.

He has a very good attitude and answers all questions.

Mrs. Song also said, wait, she will go to Nancheng to purchase goods in a while.

It is said that foreign monks can recite sutras.

A lot of times the same goes for buying and selling things.

Don't say it's made at home, say it's imported from Nancheng, and no one will find fault.

Not only did I not find fault, I also felt that it was really good and everything was fine.

But if you say you did it yourself, your eyes will be different.

Therefore, the Song family said that they bought the goods from other places.

Song Yunuan didn't think the problem was big.

As long as it can be sold.

Today's Song family is different from those days. Their clothes and pants are all without patches. Each person has a new pair of pants to model, but no one wants to try them on because it is inconvenient to do it outside.

But even people with good eyesight and good tailoring can usually tell what size the customer wears.

So, Lian Xiang chose the matching items, Mrs. Song watched the stall to prevent anyone from stealing the pants while there were many people, and Song Yunuan settled the accounts and collected the money.

The large size is five yuan a piece, the medium one is four yuan and five yuan, and the small one is four yuan.

To say it's expensive, it's actually quite expensive.

But it depends on how you divide it.

Nowadays, the purchase of fabrics is still restricted, and you need to have a ticket. As long as you have money, you can buy a pair of delicious polyester trousers, which is very satisfying.

Especially at this time, many people don’t like to show off their figure when wearing clothes. Firmness is the most important thing.

So, in one morning, one hundred and twenty pairs of pants were sold out.

There are two more items in the canvas bag, but those are what Song Yunuan is planning to give away.

Brother-in-law Zhao just came and walked around, said hello with a smile, and didn't care or say anything else. This attitude is very good. At least you can buy with more confidence.

Song Yunuan took two pairs, one large size men's trousers and one women's trousers, and went to Sister Zhao's house.

Sister Zhao was not at home at this time, so Song Yunuan gave the trousers to Grandma Zhao and left.

Song Liang was waiting for her outside. As for the art troupe and the county's No. 1 Middle School, he didn't go there. He waited for his sister-in-law and Abo to go home and choose by himself. Anyway, they had something to wear now.

Mrs. Song is wearing newly made trousers today, and the clothes are also new, a blue and black square-necked cotton top, two pockets, and five large glass buttons.

He looks several years younger.

It was fine when she was busy, but when she was no longer busy, Mrs. Song, who had never worn new clothes many times in her life, felt that something was wrong.

But she didn't dare to say it. When she heard Song Yunuan said that she was going to a state-owned restaurant for dinner, she hurriedly said: "Don't go, let's buy meat and let your mother make you roast pork with potatoes."

Song Yunuan felt that the little old lady was worried again.

There are more than 500 yuan in the satchel.

So I happily agreed, since the county seat is not far from home anyway.

Song Liang drove to the grocery store and bought two kilograms of meat, mainly because they wouldn't sell it if he bought too much.

Unexpectedly, Song Nian's family of three would be there when he got home.

If I don’t go to school or go to work, I can’t remember what day it is.

No wonder they sold out so fast today, it turned out to be Sunday.

Mrs. Song muttered: "They have dog noses, right? They can smell meat even from such a distance?"

As soon as he finished muttering, he smelled the aroma of meat coming from the room.

Old Mrs. Song curled her lips, she was considered promising.

I also know how to buy meat.

Then Mrs. Song was hugged by the excited Song Nian. After letting go, she said excitedly and tremblingly: "Mom, Jin Rong and I have become regular workers. We are eating commercial grain. Director Duan even gave us a house. Staff Courtyard, Mom, I'm so excited, woo woo woo..."

While talking, I started crying.

Over there, Sun Jinrong also walked out of the room, obviously very excited. He pulled Song Yunuan and said with tears in his eyes: "Xiao Nuan, I don't know what to say, but I know what I'm saying. Let's see. after."

Song Yunuan was also very happy, it really happened.

The neighbor Aunt Sun was knitting a straw hat, and her two sons were also busy. The sound was so loud that they naturally heard it.

I ran over to ask, and then I found out that Mrs. Song's youngest son and daughter-in-law had become regular workers, were eating commercial grain, and had been given a house.

Jealousy, that must be jealousy.

After the congratulations were over, he couldn't help saying sourly: "We are so nice in the countryside. We still have land. We can grow rice, raise chickens, ducks, and grow vegetables. Even if you eat a vegetable in the city, you have to spend money." If you buy it, you don’t have to go to your mother’s house to pick up the vegetables. As far as I’m concerned, there’s nothing good about it.”

The substitution was very quick, and you are the only ones from the city who are talking inside and outside the words.

Mrs. Song is not like her. She says grapes are sour even when she can't eat them.

She understands this.

Others had the same reaction. It was such a happy event, and even if someone said something mean, they wouldn't be angry.

But Song Yunuan agreed seriously: "Grandma Sun is right. Our Erdao rivers, mountains, clear waters and beautiful scenery are so beautiful that we may not be able to build buildings and live like city dwellers in the future."

Aunt Sun was a little regretful at first. What she said didn't sound very good. After all, she was a neighbor. The old Song family had some delicious food, and she didn't forget to give her grandchildren a bite. They even had the legendary rabbit toffee. After drinking a bowl of malted milk, just drink this, and don't talk in a weird way.

Just when she couldn't get off the stage, Song Yunuan actually spoke to her, which made Aunt Sun very happy. She praised Song Yunuan so much that she was rare in heaven and on earth.

Then he said to Mrs. Song: "That day, your son had a quarrel with someone about his biological daughter and his adopted daughter. Do you remember?"

Mrs. Song's expression changed. She went to see Song Yunuan and found that her eldest granddaughter had bright eyes and was ready to listen to gossip.

He breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Of course I remember."

Aunt Sun continued: "Do you still remember Mrs. Ding?"

"Remember, what happened?" Mrs. Song asked doubtfully.

Aunt Sun pointed towards Lao Ding's house and curled her lips: "You said that Mrs. Lao Ding was very strict with her mouth. We had such a lively quarrel that day, but she didn't say a word. I only found out in the morning that the quilt from Liuxiatun The biological daughter she found is to be married to her eldest son as her stepmother. Hey, she is as old as her grandson. "

Mrs. Song was stunned for a moment: "Really or not?"

Mrs. Ding didn't say a word at that time.

"Why did I lie to you? Now we have come to meet the in-laws. I heard that four members of the Liuxiatun family are here. By the way, the adopted daughter is also here, saying she is here to help with the check."

Song Yunuan blinked, is there such an operation?

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