Eighties Sweetheart Wife

Chapter 153 It really exists!

This Emperor Kang is very famous and is said to be of great research value. However, his reign was the shortest, but he was the most luxurious and mysterious.

Some people think that dynasty did not exist at all.

Others say that they might be aliens who walked around in a circle and left. In order to avoid affecting the progress of mankind, they destroyed the culture of their period when they had enough fun.

Therefore, there is no accurate record in the history books, and they are even attributed to another dynasty.

In the long river of history, not every node can be accurately recorded.

Some of them cannot be verified.

Just like this Liang Dynasty.

Song Liang took Asheng for a spin outside. Mr. Lin and Mr. Hu used their greatest willpower to hold back their excitement.

Song Yunuan said to Song Liang: "Dad, Grandpa Hu and Grandpa Lin are going to the library to find some information. You can take Asheng back first."

Asheng immediately ran over and put his little hand into his sister's hand: "Sister, I also want to go to the library. I promise not to disturb you. I will sit in the corner and not say a word. Obedient."

Seeing that the little guy was in high spirits, Song Yunuan nodded and agreed to take him to see the world.

The car first took Song Liang back to the guest house, and then the car drove towards the Provincial Library.

Song Liang, who was at the door of the guest house, scratched his hair helplessly.

He seems to be out of reach of his daughter's world.

He went back to his room and checked the goods again.

I was wondering if I should buy another batch of raincoats as the rainy season comes.

The money they have is enough.

This time I purchased the large sandals for 1.5 yuan and the small sandals for 80 cents. When I put them together, they look really good.

Nowadays, whether you are an adult or a child, if you have a new pair of shoes, you can wear them out and show them off.

Song Liang didn't make much money. Nowadays, people wear things sparingly.

Just like plastic sandals, if one part is broken, press the two ends with red-hot iron plates and stick them on and wear them as usual. No one will laugh at anyone.

Moreover, this amount is acceptable.

Song Liang wrote down everything and calculated the money carefully.

When I get back, I have to report to the financial manager.

He felt that his daughter was doing something big, so he couldn't let her worry about it.

Song Yunuan and others quickly arrived at the provincial capital library.

Entered through the back door.

They went to a book and information collection room that was not open to the public.

Song Yunuan searched for information in a targeted manner.

After finding almost the information, she sat on the big desk, took out a piece of white paper, and started working back from the information she already knew.

The location where it was discovered was a place called Stone Town, more than fifty kilometers away from the provincial capital.

Stone Town used to be called Xiamaji.

After the founding of the New People's Republic of China, it was renamed Stone Town.

But it was not in Stone Town, but under a slope in the west of Stone Town.

Changes in the sea.

It must have changed from what it was originally, and it was covered with all kinds of trees.

Emperor Kang's tomb is under a big locust tree.

It is said that there is no clue as to how it was discovered, how it was dug up, through what channels it was sold, and who benefited.

But now there is no such trouble.

Before coming up, I found a lot of pictorials and comic books for little Asheng.

Under the bright light, the little guy sat on the chair and swayed his calves, looking at it seriously.

And the three people were having a heated discussion.

Under Song Yunuan Ruoyouruowu's guidance, the scope narrowed little by little, and finally landed in Zhenxi of Stone Town.

Mr. Hu and Mr. Lin did not expect that Song Yunuan could really quote scriptures and refer to them at his fingertips.

Things that seemed impossible are becoming real little by little.

After being guided to this point, Song Yunuan put down her pencil and said, "Let's get here first today. It's too late. Grandpa Lin and Grandpa Hu, you guys have a good rest. I suggest we set off to this place tomorrow morning."

Where can Mr. Hu and Mr. Lin sleep?

The boss stared at the paper on the table with his eyes wide open, still feeling shocked in his heart.

Especially Mr. Lin, his fingers were trembling slightly. The results he derived were almost indisputable compared to Song Yunuan's prediction. If he wanted to convince others, he had to be well-founded.

This is the case with Song Yunuan.

There are historical data as evidence, and there are signs that have stood around for nearly a thousand years.

Even after thousands of years, it is still a horse hitching post that is not afraid of wind and frost.

If this is true...

After sending Song Yunuan and his sister back to the guest house, Song Liang was still waiting in the lobby.

Little Asheng hugged a bunch of picture books and little people’s books, all of which were given to him.

Song Yunuan led her brother back to the room while yawning.

Song Liang said a few words to Mr. Hu, and then Mr. Hu left, but he still went to the library.

Song Yunuan had a good night's sleep.

When he woke up, Ah Sheng had already gotten up, folded the quilt on his bed, and squeezed toothpaste onto Song Yunuan's toothbrush.

Seeing Song Yunuan open her eyes, she first held her face with her little hands and twisted her buttocks, and then started to sing: "Little boy, little Erlang, carry that schoolbag on your back to school, you are not afraid of the sun, nor the wind and rain..." "

The child's voice was soft and the child was cute. Song Yunuan got up and suddenly lost her temper.

This little Asheng, really, she would be happy to take him wherever she goes.

Mr. Hu and Mr. Lin are waiting in the cafeteria below.

Mr. Lin was a little listless, sitting there as if full of thoughts.

After sending the two siblings back yesterday, they talked for a while together. After seeing that they didn't want to waste time, they all went home to rest.

In the morning, a car picked them up. Mr. Hu was picked up first, and then they went to Mr. Lin's house.

From the moment Mr. Hu saw Mr. Lin, he felt that something was wrong with him and that he seemed in a trance.

I thought he wasn't getting enough rest.

He turned around and said to Mr. Lin, "Where's Mr. Lin? We're not young anymore, so we can't be brave. Are you feeling uncomfortable somewhere?"

At this time, there were only two of them at the dining table, and Song Liang went to the dining table to get pickles.

Not many people live in this guest house.

Then they had breakfast in the private room next door.

Old Lin's lips moved. He wanted to tell his old friend about the dream he had last night.

In the dream, some people reported the situation to them, saying that there seemed to be an ancient tomb next to an old locust tree.

When they hurried over, there was nothing inside.

And because it had rained, there was yellow and turbid rainwater inside.

Weeds and branches floated above the rain.

Later, all the water was pumped out and pieces were pieced together from the smashed stone tablets. It was probably that this was the cemetery of Emperor Kang of the Liang Dynasty of that legendary country.

Because there were more than a dozen dynasties that existed in this land.

Finally, it was determined that this was Emperor Kang's cemetery, but it was empty.

Maybe it’s because you don’t want others to know the information, so you take away what you can and smash what you can.

In the dream, he was so excited that he never woke up.

That feeling is actually not very comfortable for an old man.

Lao Hu didn't know what Lao Lin was thinking, but he still looked at him worriedly.

At this moment, the energetic Song Yunuan and the cheerful little Asheng entered the private room hand in hand.

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