Eighties Sweetheart Wife

Chapter 181 He just wants to force me to death!

Shangguan Heng's eyes flashed, he covered his chest and said, "I'm older than both of you, do you think I don't desire this?"

Chairman Zhong sneered and said, "Did Xia Xindong have some foresight? Did he suddenly start research work on purpose? Shangguan Heng, is there anything else you haven't told us?"

Shangguan Heng frowned and slapped the table: "That reminds me."

So he told the story about his sister being threatened by a seventeen-year-old girl, Song Yunuan, Xia Xindong's niece.

Shangguan Heng said: "I didn't pay attention at first. I was just a seventeen-year-old girl, so I might have known about it by chance, but now I see that things are unusual."

The other two looked at each other.

It's so weird in here.

Such a weird thing made them fearful. Should this person be let go or not?

The three people fell silent at the same time with gloomy expressions.

Weird or not, they don't care too much.

What they care about is the affairs of the General Administration of Taxation.

I don’t dare to bet on this.

Xia Bowen is not joking.

He will definitely call.

Once this call is made, everything is lost.

Only then did the three people realize that the problem was serious.


Xia Bowen walked out of his study tiredly and saw several people sitting on the sofa.

One is his eldest son Xia Ming, the other is Shangguan Wan, and the third son is Xia Zhi, Xia Bowen's third son. They are not doing their jobs and just talking.

But he was very attracted to Shangguan Wan because he was going to Xiangjiang.

There is also Xia Bowen's youngest daughter Xia Liying sitting nearby. She is 22 years old and has just broken up with her boyfriend.

When your eyes are red and swollen from crying, you need comfort. Unexpectedly, when I returned home, I felt that my home was also in a mess.

Even the nanny Xiaoqin's eyes were evasive.

Xia Liying became even more angry.

Shangguan Yunqi suddenly stood up from the sofa, and just as he was about to say something, Xia Bowen said: "Shangguan Yunqi, come to my study."

Xia Ming and his younger siblings looked at each other, and the living room became much quieter.

Xia Zhi said nonchalantly: "Sister Xiaowan, my mother is in a bad mood for a while. Don't you know how much she dotes on you?

For your sake, she went to Nanshan County to help you see her.

There may have been something unsatisfactory just now, but when it passes, you will definitely be able to get things done. "

Xia Liying snorted coldly, stomped her feet a few times, and then stomped upstairs.

Xia Ming frowned, why did the house feel so messy these days?

It was like everything was turned upside down.

Before he could say anything, he heard a crackling sound coming from the study, and then Shangguan Yunqi's crazy roar.

Because the sound insulation effect of the study is very good.

The sounds inside could be heard in the living room. One can imagine how much effort Shangguan Yunqi used.

So Xia Ming rushed over and knocked on the door.

But no one opened the door for him.

Then Xia Zhi and Shangguan Wan, who were sitting on the sofa, also stood up in surprise.

After a while, the study door was opened.

Shangguan Yunqi, with disheveled hair, burst into tears when she saw Xia Ming standing at the door.

She grabbed Xia Ming and said choked: "Xiao Ming, your dad wants to force me to death."

Xia Ming didn't understand very much.

In other families, when the parents were young, they were so noisy that it turned the world upside down. Then, when the parents were old and the children were older, they finally calmed down.

Why did their family suddenly become the opposite?

My parents just celebrated their sixtieth birthday.

Their birthdays were only three days apart, so they organized it together.

This was still a beautiful story, and the whole family was so happy at that time.

Xia Ming also feels very lucky.

Because he lives in a loving and happy family with his parents.

But why has it suddenly changed now?

Yes, things have changed since my mother suddenly went to Nanshan County.

But when he went to Nanshan County, he never saw Zhu Feng appear, and he could tell that Xia Guilan and Xia Xinshan had no intention of recognizing their biological father.

So what is this doing?

So he said patiently: "Mom, what's wrong? My dad is so good to you, how could he be willing to force you to death?

Don't accuse him unjustly. There are some things you shouldn't say nonsense, as they will hurt people's hearts. "

"No, your dad has changed now. For the sake of his own future and status, he just wants to force me to death!"

Xia Bowen was no longer as gentle as before, and he said in a deep voice: "Let's have a family meeting."

Shangguan Yunqi suddenly shouted: "What do you mean by having a family meeting? Xia Bowen, do you really want to force me to death?"

Xia Bowen held back his anger and said, "Shangguan Yunqi, don't you see that this is a dead end?"

Shangguan Yunqi suddenly turned around and pounced on him again. This time she didn't scratch Xia Bowen, but grabbed both of his arms, and suddenly begged softly: "Bowen, I know you are the most powerful and the smartest.

You can definitely figure out a way to break this situation and let me get out safely.

I don't have any thoughts of revenge against anyone, I just hope that we can get through this safely. "

Before Xia Bowen could speak, Xia Ming couldn't help but said: "Mom, you didn't tell me the truth that day when I asked you, what happened to you when you went to Nanshan County?

By the way, you and Song Yunuan seem to be playing riddles. What are you talking about?

Are you really just looking at each other?

Dad, let's have a family meeting. We all have the right to know the truth.

If someone wants to harm us, should we also be on guard?

Otherwise, we won't know how we died. "

Xia Bowen nodded and asked Xia Ming to call his brother Xia Sheng back.

The other two were also at home.

Shangguan Yunqi wanted to stop him, but Xia Bowen had to say: "This is a dead end. I didn't force you. You put yourself in this situation. What I said just now is the best way. "

Inexplicably, Xia Ming's heart sank.

In his opinion, his father was omnipotent, so how could he suddenly say that this was a dead end?

The Xia family sat together, including Shangguan Wan. Although Shangguan Yunqi wanted to pretend to be dead, everyone was waiting for her, so they had to sit down.

So Xia Bowen, who was holding back his anger, told the story of what happened in 1950 word by word, including the threat of Shangguan Yunqi by Song Yunan, who suddenly knew about it..

After listening, everyone else was a little confused, but Xia Liying was the most arrogant, almost exactly the same as her mother.

She slapped the table and shouted sharply: "Song Yunan, a country bitch, what is she, shameless, she dared to threaten my mother. Look, I'm going to Nanshan County now. If I can't kill her, I'll tear her mouth and pull out her hair.

I've seen many country girls like her, who just want to get benefits. Then you want to use this opportunity to go back to the Xia family, Dad, I tell you, no way!"

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